Friday, February 20, 2009

Teach Us to Pray

Jesus was asked by his disciples, “Lord, teach us to pray”….and in those first verses of Luke, chapter 11, Christ gives them the who, what, where and when to pray.

First, we are to pray to our Heavenly Father; to honor His name and to greet Him as holy and righteous. We are to pray for His will to be done….here on earth as it is done in heaven….to pray for the coming of His kingdom….and we are to pray DAILY for our every need.

“Give us this day our DAILY bread’….tells us that God’s focus is not on a weekly get-together at church; rather, He is looking to meet us, and our needs, each day. The trials of life don’t just happen on the weekend, but each and every day. If we are to navigate through life with less worry and equal to the challenges that we face, then we need to be communicating with our Heavenly Father on a daily basis.

In fact, it is this basic unit of measurement that God has been using since the Creation. “God called the light Day and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.” Genesis 1:5

We only have to open God’s word to see how the scriptures resonant in passage after passage regarding our daily interaction with our Heavenly Father. He ordained our walk to be a daily exercise in faith.

Now, don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying that it’s wrong to think or plan for tomorrow; to make provisions for what might lie ahead. It’s only wrong to worry about tomorrow….so, if our focus is too far in the future; we set ourselves up to miss the blessings that God has prepared for us…today.

The only way to make it through any crises….trouble with your kids, financial stress, marital upheaval, extended sickness or any other of life’s many problems is….ONE DAY AT A TIME….it only stands to reason.

Why? ….because that’s the way God has set this world in motion and that’s why His Son taught us to pray…. “Give us this day our daily bread”.

How are you doing in meeting God each day ….praying for His provision….and trusting in His Word? Remember, waiting on God takes faith….trusting in God takes patience…persevering in God takes life….one day at a time!!!

Walking in His way….step by step, day by day,

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