Wednesday, April 15, 2015


It’s amazing how long it takes to build a reputation. In most cases, it takes years and years of hard work and perseverance to establish a reputation that is befitting a man or woman of character; and yet, it only takes a moment to undo all that hard work, sacrifice and achievement by a careless word or deed.

Take the apostle Thomas….a hard working, sincere follower of Christ, one of the chosen twelve; a native of Galilee and probably a fisherman by trade. The first three gospels barely make mention of this man, only taking a moment to list him as one of the original apostles; but the gospel of John makes quite a fuss about Thomas. You first get an idea of the strength of this emotionally passionate man when the disciples are debating with Jesus regarding his return to Bethany. They know the Jews are just waiting to take Jesus and do Him harm and they all agree that it would be best to just stay put….all except Thomas, who implores them to go with the Master, even unto death. If only his story ended here, Thomas might have been one of the most revered disciples for his allegiance and commitment to follow the Lord, no matter the cost.

But, in John 20: 24-29, we see that it only takes a moment to have the walls come crashing down. The risen Christ had appeared to the disciples, holed up in a locked room for fear of the Jews; yet, Thomas was not with the brethren. His statement when he heard the other disciples excited report that they had seen the Lord…."Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I WILL NEVER BELIEVE.” (ESV translation)

In only a moment, all that had been a part of the wonderful reputation that he had been building as an ardent follower, a committed disciple and a tried and trusted friend of Christ seemed to evaporate in his unbelief…..and if Christ had not returned to that room eight days later, that is probably where our story of Thomas would have ended. The damage to his reputation had been done and he would have been forever labeled as “Doubting Thomas”; but Christ came back so Thomas could see for himself the glory of His Risen Savior and thus proclaim, “MY LORD and MY GOD”.

Make sure that today you are not anything like Thomas…for in just a moment of time, you can undo all that God has done in your life by letting doubt or fear or worry take a stronghold as it begins to unravel your beliefs and erode your faith….BE STRONG IN THE LORD and commit your ways to Him…..after all,


Living in the moment…building my reputation as a child of the King,


Thought for the day…

Living in this world make bring you great acclaim
But what really matters most is what's done in Jesus name.
So plant your tiny seed of faith in the Father's Holy sod
And your name will be revered for your service to your God.

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