As we turn our thoughts on getting back to that GOOD OLD TIME RELIGION, let us continue to evaluate this new spirit of progressive Christianity that tells us to believe the mindset that says, we know better than God; that since these words were written by mere mortal men, thousands of years ago; then truly the plain sense of the words of the Bible cannot be trusted, and that the old, proven paths are not proven at all. In fact, the very God of the Bible must be recreated if He is to live up to our enlightened standards. This would be bad if it was some uprising of intellectuals, spouting this rubbish from afar; however, it is worse, unfortunately, because it is being espoused from the pulpit of so many of our "modern day churches." The teachings of Jesus to love our enemies is still true; but we have allowed these "enemies" to stand in our pulpits and tell us that sin is okay. We are told to accept homosexuals, love 'em and praise them for their willingness to bring, what was once called "sin against God and sin against humanity", out into the open forum so that ALL mankind will no longer call this type of lifestyle, "SIN"; but rather celebrate their "forward thinking" that they know better than God how to live their lives and be fulfilled, while living a lifestyle, corrupted by sin.
we should know better! For when we begin to think in such a manner, what we are then left with is simply our religion—a faith without a
backbone; a bible with which we have chosen only the parts that fit our
distorted mindset and a god that we have created in our image, based on our
Augustine summed it up nicely: “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself." Christ warns, on many occasions in His words to us, "And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore do not go after them." Luke 21:8....and that is EXACTLY what we see happening in so many of our long, established houses of worship here in the United States.
We should also
take to heart the message from the Apostle Paul when he writes in 1 Corinthians
9 &10, "Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the
kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters,
nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."
WE ARE DOING...WE ARE MOCKING GOD with our outlandish ways on how to live and
our smug attitudes that thumbs our collective noses in God's face, calling Him
out and daring Him to correct us and our demonic mindset....A MINDSET that
tells us to believe that we are GOD and HE IS NOT!!!
The following excerpt is from Michael Brown ©2022 and the reason I wrote this series... But, again, this is not merely an intellectual battle. At root, this is a spiritual battle, one that can only be won through prayer, fasting, through clear Gospel proclamation, through resisting the enemy, refusing to compromise and walking in genuine, heartfelt love. The spirit of the age will be against us (“You are so old-fashioned and outdated!”). The spirit of the flesh will be against us (“You are such boring legalists!”). The spirit of that ancient serpent will be against us (“If you want to be on the right side of history, you need to abandon your inflexible, fundamentalist mindset!”).
But the Holy Spirit is with us, and by His power we pull down these deceptive strongholds and demolish these destructive ideologies. We do it by wrestling in prayer in the secret place before we raise our voices in the public square. We do it by pointing to the inevitable trajectory of progressive beliefs, as little by little, they depart further and further from the faith until even the most fundamental doctrines are denied. We do it by exposing the moral bankruptcy of a faith that questions God’s integrity and His Word, producing bondage rather than freedom. And we do it by setting the captives free, offering them radically new life through the Gospel and a true encounter with the living God through His Son, Jesus.
the days ahead, this battle will intensify. The foundations of our faith will
be questioned as never before, and the “old ways” will be rapidly abandoned.
But be encouraged. Progressive religion is no better than a beautiful
sandcastle, soon to be washed out when the tide comes in.
is that holy tide, in the life and power of the Spirit, grounded in the Word of
truth, that will carry us to victory and deliver many from its deception and
the adjoining lies. (End of Michael
Brown insert)
Don't be one of those fools of which the Bible speaks of in the days that lie ahead...where in 2 Timothy 4:3, it reads," For there will come a time when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, because they have itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in line with their own desires." Evangelical Heritage Version
Those times are upon us and you must choose whom you will serve...the GOD of AGES PAST, who sent His Only Son to die on a Roman cross for your sins and mine; then rose on that third day to now stand at the right hand of the Father, waiting for that trumpet blast to GO GET GOD'S CHILDREN AND BRING THEM HOME TO ETERNAL REST.... OR....You may choose the God of YOUR OWN MAKING AND THOUGH NOT A PROPHET, I DO NOT FORSEE A HAPPY ENDING FOR ANYONE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO MAKE SUCH A CHOICE!
from Old Time Religion....
Give me that old time
Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
It is good enough for me
It was good for my old
It was good for my old mother
It was good for my old mother
And it's good enough for me
It was good for the Hebrew
It was good for the Hebrew children
It was good for the Hebrew children
And it's good enough for me
Well, give me that old
time religion
Well, that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
It is good enough for me
I want that old time
Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
It is good enough for me
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