There is a
story we've all been told
childhood days so long ago;
About a
little girl named Mary
And the Lamb
who loved her so.
This little
lamb, with fleece so white
blemish or darkened stain;
Would follow
her to school each day
As she
skipped merrily down the lane.
This little
Lamb was God's only Son
And each day
at Mary's school;
The little
lamb would teach each child
How to
follow the Golden Rule.
For at the
beginning of each class,
At the start
of each new day;
The little
children would bow their heads
And in
silence they would pray.
But one day
Mary arrived at school
And much to
her dismay...
She and all
her friends were told,
They could
not understand this;
Why the Lamb
who was so kind;
Was taken
from their daily lives
To be
blotted from their minds.
So no longer
with the Lamb to lead,
Their hearts,
now broken with despair;
It wasn't
long before their school
Was broken
beyond repair.
Fights broke
out, drugs were sold;
A depressing
gloom fell over all.
As children
lay shot and dying
While armed
gunmen roamed the halls.
This has
been a terrible fiasco
about by those now "woke;"
A desperate
attempt to change the things
That were
never, ever broke.
But how do
we take back our schools
So little
children just like Mary?
Can once
again follow the Lamb....
Will more
die while we tarry?
W. Patrick
Queen © Sept 2024
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