Tuesday, May 12, 2015


I wrote yesterday regarding humility and the lack of it in our world today….yet, it is still at the heart of service to our Lord and the very essence of who Christ was. In Philippians 2: 6-8 we read, “who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

Being a servant is not an easy profession; and one that very few would aspire to. But, our Lord came to earth with that express mission…to humble himself and serve. From the earliest days of his ministry on earth, he served the lowly and down-trodden. He healed their infirmities, restored their sight, cured their diseases and raised their children from the dead. He even went so far as to wash the feet of His disciples when no one else would stoop so low. He, the Maker of Heaven and earth, with a towel girded about His waist, washed the dusty, dirty feet of those He loved…just to demonstrate how we are to serve. Humbly, quietly, without flash or fanfare, giving unselfishly, he lowered himself to us so that in our faith and trust, we could be raised to Him.

He, Gloriously…Magnificently…Seated on high...and we in a servant’s rightful place, next to our Master. Do we consider ourselves better than our Savior or are we just making excuses when we fail to serve? Is the example that our Savior gave us to hard to follow or are we just too proud and haughty? If we are to call ourselves Christians, then we must be Christ-like and that means…. we must be a servant!

Humble yourself to the position of “faithful servant” and see how God is exalted in your life…you’ll enjoy the view from on high, seated next to your Savior in glory.

Salt & Light Quote:

Never is a man so exalted as when he has humbled himself before the Lord…. nor can he bend so low that God will not raise him on high.

Serving my Savior…Humbled by His Grace,


Thought for the day:

If you want to be like Jesus,
The very best place to start
Is to do for other's unselfishly
With a servant's humble heart.

Just serve the Lord with a humble heart
And in all you say and do;
When you bless others in service for Him
They will see our Lord in You! 

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