Friday, May 29, 2015

Running All Alone

There’s the story of the small business owner that took a walk through his factory and was well pleased… until he happened upon a younger chap standing idly on the loading dock. He huffed up to the young man and opening his wallet, handed him a hundred dollar bill and said, “Here, go spend your time some where else.” Somewhat puzzled,
the young man stared at the owner, then took the money and left. Turning to the shop foreman, the owner asked, “How long has that guy been working for us?” Came the reply, “He doesn’t work for us; he was Joe’s ride home.”

Things are not always as they seem. Even the mirror on the passenger side of our car warns us that objects may be closer than they appear. Perception is not always reality. In fact, it is often far from it.....

Take Noah…..his neighbors perceived that he was a nut….building an ark when there was no visible sign of water; however, their perception changed when the raindrops got big. Likewise, the children of Israel believed that all was lost as they stood on the banks of the Red Sea with the entire Egyptian army bearing down on them; however, their perception of doom changed to joy as the Lord parted the sea and they made their way across on dry land.

But my favorite change in perception was in the mighty prophet, Elijah, who had just defeated the prophets of Baal and was now in hot retreat from Jezebel and her oath to see him killed. In 1 Kings 9:14, we read, “I have been very jealous for the Lord, the God of hosts. For the people of Israel have forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with the sword, and I, EVEN I ONLY, am left and they seek my life, to take it away.” Elijah, this great man of God, was the ONLY ONE LEFT to stand up for God in all of least that was his perception. But, in verse 18 we hear God say, “Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed down to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”

What seemed to be was not….God was already at work to protect Elijah from death, but moreover, He was raising up a multitude of others ready, willing and able to worship the Lord of Israel. He was not alone. His perception was NOT reality.

Next time it seems that everything and everyone seems to be against you, remember this story of Elijah…your God is already at work, often behind the scenes, changing the circumstances, altering the status quo.... working to change the outcome for your good and His Glory.

Remember, you are never alone, for God is your Rock and your Salvation. Why not live that way today, so that there might be NO misconception of those that see you serving a Risen Savior….after all, the perception of the Father will be seen through the eyes of the world by what they see in YOU!

Be strong and serve well…others are watching,


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