Friday, May 8, 2015

Mighty Oaks

Life is full of difficulties and for some of us; we just accept that this is the way it is. Others fight and squirm and fuss and complain that life just isn’t fair. Some others make the most of difficult situations and never let others know what they are going through nor do they ask for help. But whatever you operating style, when it comes to problems….


So today, be encouraged and if you can, be encouraging….I hope this little poem helps.

Mighty Oaks

Like a giant oak that stands tall against the sky;
Roots like thirsty straws gathering nourishment when it's dry;
There is no storm or peril that can fell so grand a tree
And in this work of nature, there's a lesson for you and me.

From just a tiny acorn planted in the deepest, richest sands
Grows this towering testimony to the majesty of God's hands.
A single, little bud that comes bursting forth in spring
Filled with all God's creatures, their melodies they sing.

And with each passing season as the years may come and go,
This once small, tender sapling into a mighty oak does grow.
Its powerful, gnarling limbs arch gracefully toward the sun
Offering shade and sweet repose for those whose work is done.

As centuries come with each new age, the oak is stalwart still.
Its majesty and grandeur, the elements cannot kill.
This warrior survives all pestilence as it reaches above,
And each of us will thrive and grow when grounded in God's love.

So when life's burdens weigh you down or you're feeling all alone,
Remember little acorns into mighty oaks have grown.
Just plant your tiny seed of faith in the Master's Holy sod
And you will grow, like mighty oaks, to touch the face of God.

W. Patrick Queen
Excerpt from "Bent…but not Broken"

For more info regarding our book, go to

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