Monday, May 4, 2015

R U One of the Few?

Our world is filled with special people of all sizes, shapes and talents; however, there are only a few that breathe that rarefied air of being the very best at what they do. Whether professional athlete, star performer or other person of notable acclaim…only a few can  follow the path that leads to stardom and all the trappings that go with it.

The same can be said for those of us that seek to follow Christ; firstly, in our conversion and secondly in our daily walk. Scripture tells us in Matthew 7: 13-14, "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."

Now let me assure you that I am not saying that you or I can place any claim on being one of the "few" by anything that we do…no amount of good works, amazing talents or concentrated effort on our part can make us a star in the kingdom of God. It is only by the grace of God and His gift of His beloved Son that we can be saved. In fact, it is God himself that leads us to that narrow gate and the Holy Spirit that can usher us through and into the realm of everlasting life.

In fact, when left to our own design, we end up following Proverbs 16:25; "There is a way (path, my translation) that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death (destruction, my translation)."

God, our Creator, knew that we would seek Him…that's why we were created…to seek holy fellowship with Him; but sin changed all that… and ever since the fall of man, we having been trying to rebuild that relationship on our own…and that my friend, ONLY LEADS TO DESTRUCTION AND ETERNAL DEATH.

Yes, you can spend your life trying to be "good enough" to get into God's perfect heaven so that you may spend eternity with Him…but that path only leads to an eternal HELL; and unfortunately, you will have plenty of company. However, the path that leads to heaven has already been walked by our Savior, Jesus Christ, who carried His cross to Calvary and there bore my sin, your sin and the sin of all mankind so that we might enter the narrow gate and be one of the "few" that will be forever with the Father.

Are you one of the few? Can you claim Jesus as your Redeemer and Friend? Are you heaven bound when your time on this earth is over? If you can't answer that question with a resounding "YES", then let's talk! I would love to introduce you to my Savior and Friend and share with you how you can become one of the few….a Child of the King!

Choosing the gate that leads home to the Father,


Thought for the day:
I want to walk with Jesus
Every step along life's way;
But narrow is the path
That I must walk today.

So walk with me, dear Savior;
Hold me close to you each day;
So other's will know I belong to you
And join me on the way!

WPQ  May'15

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