Thursday, April 30, 2015


I am reminded of the story of the mother skunk and her little skunk Letts that had gone for their morning stroll just downstream from the paper plant. The air was crisp and filled with the pungent odor that only a paper mill can produce. One little skunk raised his head; nostrils flared and exclaimed, “Mommy, do you smell THAT?” The mother, likewise, took in a long, deep breath and said,’ Yes, I do honey child. I don’t know what it is……but we’ve got to get us some of that!!!!!”

The scriptures tell us that we are the aroma of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, we read:

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life.”

What do you smell like today? Is what you are and who you are becoming in Christ a sweet smell to our Savior or do you reek of this world? Others that come in contact with you, hear your words, examine your actions and test your motives …..they are really just getting a scent of who you are. Does that scent point them to your Heavenly Father or keep them trapped in this world of eternal death. The smell of Christ is life everlasting, but the stench of this world is eternal damnation. I hate the thought that what I am or what I do may condemn someone that I may hardly even know to a life apart from God. I want the aroma of Christ to encircle my every thought, action and reaction as I encounter those set before my path. I pray that the sweet smell that is my life points them to a live-saving, life giving relationship with the one whose fragrance permeates my life…..Jesus Christ.

How about you…..are you willing to trust God to make you smell good for His glory or are you just going to use a little more of the world’s deodorant to mask who you really are? The world is watching and smelling…..fill the air with the aroma of Christ by telling those you meet what a wonderful Savior is ours. AHHHHH…….I JUST LOVE THE SMELL OF JESUS IN THE MORNING…..THE EVENING …..AND ALL DAY LONG!

When others take a deep breath of who you are …will they say, “I don’t know what that is, but I’ve got to get me some of that!”

Seeking to be a sweet fragrance for our Lord….each day, in every way.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015


David, the great King of Israel and a man after God’s own heart, knew the secret to a lasting and fulfilling relationship with our Creator. His life was filled with action and adventure, wars and conquest, money and fame; in fact, this list could go on for days on end and I could not describe all the turmoil and tumultuous activity that characterized the life of this great Biblical hero. In his book of Psalms, we find that so many of David’s songs of praise center on the theme of coming to a quiet place to spend time with the great and mighty Jehovah God.

In Psalm 46:10, in eight simple life-changing, life giving words, David gives each of us the secret to a life fulfilled in relationship with our Heavenly Father…." BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD.” I have read and quoted this verse literally thousands of times in my Christian walk, but it wasn't until recently that I noticed the comma (,)...

Be still , !

But, there it is ….we are to be still, to pause, to think, to contemplate, to meditate… come to the stark realization that GOD is GOD. He is sovereign, in charge, in complete control and nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAS EVER CAUGHT HIM BY SURPRISE!!!!!

And yet, if we are to know Him, we MUST be still. We must cast out all the cares and concerns of this world, the things that drag us now and keep our focus from thinking about Him. Until we learn to do that; to be still and to think about Him, what He wants and what pleases Him, we can not get to the best part of the scripture….what comes after the comma.

God wants to impart the knowledge of Him to each of us …to have that personal, first-name basis that we each desire. And He’s waiting for us to do just one thing, BE STILL!!!!! If we will take the time to do as David did and “lie down in green pastures, beside the still waters” and in those quiet moments, be still…we will know the one true God who has manifested himself in His Son, Jesus Christ... We will know Him and we will be known by Him.

I trust that today you know him as confidant, Savior and friend…if not, just be still! He’s waiting for you to know Him…intimately and eternally.

If you don’t know Him, I’ll be happy to make the introduction.

Loving Jesus…a Friend for all Seasons,


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Out of the Cross---- Part I

The following is a reprint of  a former post....and on the celebration that follows at the end of this week, it is important to understand the great cost of our jubilation that comes at Easter.

I just finished reading Lee Strobel’s book, The Case for Christ…a legal journalist’s personal investigation of the evidence for Jesus. I read it all with a great hunger to see how he would treat the historical and empirical evidence regarding Christ. It is a compelling read, a must for every believer….not to bring you to faith, but to give greater clarity to what you already believe.

One chapter really tore me up….it dealt with the medical evidence regarding the torture and crucifixion of my Lord. I was NOT prepared for the insight of this chapter and the vivid picture that was indelibly imprinted in my heart and soul. The expert, Dr. Alexander Metherell, shared the weight of his medical and scientific credentials to set aside any thought that somehow the crucifixion of Christ was a staged event…that He swooned upon the cross, was pronounced dead and then was revived after he was taken down from the cross and put in a cool tomb.

As I read the following, I came to the stark realization of what Christ endured upon the cross so that I might be saved…

The torture before the cross is enough to kill most men, thirty-nine lashes or more depending on the mood of the soldier. The beating began at the shoulders, down the back, the buttocks and the legs; each lash with this braided leather thong embedded with metal balls and chards of bone literally ripping the flesh away, exposing bones, muscles, veins and often vital organs. The prisoner enters hypovolemic shock often fainting and dying from massive blood loss. Christ, already at the point of exhaustion and collapse, was in serious to critical condition, but he did not succumb to death (we have the written text regarding the Crucifixion). The soldiers would have laid Christ on a horizontal beam and nailed a 5-7 inch spike into each wrist just below the palm…to have nailed it into his palm would have been futile… his weight would have torn the skin and he would fallen from the cross. The Romans knew the nature of this business all too well.

The pain from this action would have been UNBEARABLE. Imagine, if you can, that feeling of pain that you get when you hit the ulna nerve (your funny bone). It’s extremely painful when you bang your elbow, even if only a glancing blow. What if someone could grab that nerve with a pair of pliers and squeeze and twist without letting go…the effect would be similar to what Jesus endured. In fact, the pain was so unbearable that there was literally no word to describe it; they had to invent a new word…. EXCRUCIATING, meaning, “Out of the Cross”.

Think on that for just a moment if you can…the pain that Christ endured on the cross for you and for me was so unbearable, so life-devastating, so beyond words….that they had to create a word that would somehow capture the intense anguish and pain caused during the crucifixion….

THEN….Jesus was hoisted on the crossbar to be attached to the vertical stake having his feet nailed in the same manner, crushing and impaling the nerves in his feet. The weight of his body would have immediately pulled and stretched his arms, probably six inches in length and would have dislocated his shoulders…now death by asphyxiation had begun….

Tomorrow, we’ll examine the rest of the story… and how it impacts you and me.

Blessed by the Savior,


Saturday, April 25, 2015

R U a Counterfeit Christian?

A few days ago, I was standing in line with my wife at the Dollar General store as we watched the cashier examine the $20 bill my wife had given her. She held it up to the light and looked through the paper searching diligently for the watermark and the embedded thread that is reported to be there.

Then she placed the bill on the checkout counter and ran her marking pen across the bill…nothing happened ….which is a good thing! She went on to explain how one of the stores in the vicinity had taken over two hundred dollars in counterfeit twenties on Friday…and she was bound and determined not to let that happen in her store.

I admired her resolve which got me to thinking….how do you spot a counterfeit Christian? On the outside, they say the right things, profess the right theology and attend the required functions and formalities of their religious affiliation; but are those traits enough for one to be considered the “genuine article”…..a True Christian.


In fact, in the first epistle written by the apostle John, he writes: “We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” I John 2:4-6 New International

So there you have it……if you a true and bona fide Christian the “proof will be in the pudding”….your inner life (where the Holy Spirit dwells) will manifest itself in your life. Your thoughts, deeds, actions and more importantly, re-actions will let others see you living as Jesus lived….not in lip service but in a wholly committed relationship to walk as Jesus did; to serve others without complaint, concession or compromise; to speak boldly in actions and words that you belong to the King of Kings and that your are striving, in the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit, to love unselfishly all those that God places in your sphere of influence.

These are the days for real men (and women) that love Jesus to boast about what Jesus has done in their lives …to show genuine love and compassion for those around us who are lost and without the hope of Jesus… live as REAL Christians and put away any thing that would tarnish our witness or have others suspect us of being a counterfeit.

When Jesus uses the marking pen of life on you, what will he uncover? Will he find the REAL DEAL or just another COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIAN….you are what you profess to be WHEN YOU WALK THE WALK AS WELL AS TALK THE TALK….

So start walking each day with Jesus as your guide…..He’s the only way to go!!!!

Blessed to be His….Walking His Way,

Poem of the day:

The entire world is watching
Each day, hoping to find;
A person who loves Jesus
Who is true and genuine.

Whose actions will speak volumes;
Whose empty works are few;
Because their love for Jesus
Is evident in all they do…

So be the one they’re searching for
In Christ, you’re the perfect fit.
Let His love show through…in all you do;

WPQ 2011

Thursday, April 23, 2015


As I began to think about a thought to share today, I was reminded of the little boy that was skipping merrily across the open meadow when he came face to face with a great, big black bull. He took one look at the size of that bull and he turned to run as fast as his tiny legs would carry him….and of course, the bull began to give chase. The faster he tried to run, the closer the bull seemed to get, gaining ground with every step. He saw that the fence was still a considerable way off….and then he remembered something his dear sweet grandma told him to do if he was ever in a tight spot…..PRAY AND PRAY HARD! So with that bull just inches from solid contact on the seat of his britches, he prayed the only prayer he knew…."Dear Heavenly Father, please make me thankful for the blessing I’m about to receive.”

In just a few short weeks, we set aside a special day in our great land to celebrate the first Thursday in May as the NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER….a day to remember to pray and pray earnestly for this great nation and the tight spot we are in today. So I want each of us to heed the words of this wonderful grandma and PRAY! Pray for your family, your country, your president. Pray for the homeless and the immigrants that wish to make this great land their new home. Pray for our churches and pastors, our children and teenagers, their schools and their teachers. Pray for our universities, professors and the men and women in military uniform that protect our right to pray……and NEVER, NEVER, take this privilege for granted; too many have and their country has paid the ultimate price.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God appeared to Solomon in the night and told him, “ if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.”

We need God’s healing on this troubled land and we, those called by His name, need to lead by example. No more lip service, no more playing church, no more hypocrisy; just honest humility before our Lord God ….seekers of the divine and infallible truth that is in Christ Jesus …repentant hearts that seek to do God’s will….and never-ceasing PRAYER.


We are blessed beyond measure, even with all that is wrong in our country; yet, how much longer will God withhold his judgment and spare us the fruits of our labor. As a nation that prints his name on our money, we have little regard for the holy name of Jehovah. It is time that we take back America and give God the honor due him. Let’s not wait …let’s start today…let’s lead the way.

Please take a moment, after you finish this, to lift a prayer on behalf of our great nation. When Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men unto himself. Praise, glory and adoration to Him and Him alone!!!!

Blessed and Praying Earnestly For God's Intervention,

Thought for the Day:

So when life’s storm clouds gather and your heart is full of pain,
Just pray to the Father and like a gentle rain.
He’ll wash away your anguish, He’ll vanish every care;
He’ll grant your every heart’s desire ….through the power of your prayer.

Excerpt from "Bent…but not Broken!"

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Working on the Inward Man

Now, I don’t know about you, but I seldom watch any of those celebrity award shows like the Oscars or Golden Globes or such. To me, it’s just a bunch of pretty people getting together to see who has the best plastic surgeon. I mean, just look at Joan Rivers…she’s had more work done than it takes to restore a 1940 Ford to prime condition. Besides, when I read scripture, I am constantly reminded that God’s looks on the heart, not on the outward appearance.

In fact, Paul probably said it best in 2 Corinthians 4:16, “Even though our outward man  is perishing, our inward man is being renewed day by day.”

We all get it….we are fighting a battle we just can’t win …fighting to look youthful while day by day we lose ground in this battle against aging. It is so sad to see so many in our society spending thousands of dollars so their obituary picture will resemble their graduation photos.

God has a much different perspective…and He has tried for all time to help us adopt His philosophy regarding this matter….the outward man is here today and then gone tomorrow; the inward man will live FOREVER.

So then, how should we proceed if we seek to honor our Heavenly Father when it comes to his matter?

How can we show God that we value the inward man; how can we invest in renewing him daily? To do so, we must enter the spiritual gymnasium and workout with the inward man… just as we would workout with our outward, physical man if we wanted to build muscle or lose those pesky twenty pounds. Here’s a suggested inward man exercise program….

We must lift our hearts in praise ….daily!
We must push back selfish and sinful desires…daily!
We must run the race toward the prize of God’s high calling…daily!
We must leap for joy when God comes to our rescue…daily!
We must shoulder the weight of the needs and burdens of others…daily!
We must nourish our soul with the meat of God’s word….daily!
We must stand firm in our defense of God’s work in our lives…daily
We must flee the Evil One…daily …and most of all,

We must mirror our Lord Jesus Christ…for our inward man should be the reflection of our Savior and His Holy Spirit that lives within.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve got some work to do…

See you in the gym of life,


Thought for the Day:

Father, it is through your Spirit
We are filled with your love and power.
Please make us more like Jesus
Each day and every hour.

Keep us focused on the things that count,
Help us follow your path and plan.
Let us live our lives in surrender,
Working on the inward man.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Sleeping Savior?

Have you been in a situation that seem so terrible that when you looked around at all the surrounding circumstances, you truly believed that all was lost? I know I have …and if I am completely honest, it has probably happened more than once. Even though I know that my God is big enough to handle anything that comes my way,  I don't always act like I truly believe that promise.

The same could be said for the disciples of Jesus when we read Mark 4:35-40 which says, " That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.”  Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

I am sure that afternoon, as the disciples stood along the shores, weary and frazzled from a day of dealing with the multitudes that had engulfed Jesus, they were ready to "kick-back" and take it easy…but Jesus asked them to take him to the other side, a trip they had made countless times before…so off they went into what eventually became a raging storm with crashing waves that threatened to capsize their small fishing vessel. Their first thought…where is the Master in the midst of this turmoil, for surely they were about to perish…but Jesus was doing what he needed to do…he was resting in a deep sleep in the stern of the boat. How could anyone sleep in such peril? How could Jesus not be consumed with worry and fear?

Simply put…He was trusting in the Father! He was going to a placed that offered rest and refreshment from his busy life; a place where He could commune with His Heavenly Father and once again be rejuvenated to deal with those who so desperately needed a Savior…and so the Savior slept! Not because he was oblivious to all that was around him, but because he knew who was in control…and He knew that His Father would not let anything happen to him that was not in the will of the Father…he knew the simple truth…"GOD WILL NOT GUIDE WHERE HE DOES NOT PROVIDE!'

And so he rose, rebuked the seas and the howling wind and then issued this simple question to that band of men that He had called to follow him…"Where is YOUR faith?"

He still raises that question to each of us as the waves of circumstance and bad news wash over our lives…as the howling winds of misfortune and disappointment blow us off course and threaten to capsize our lives…"WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?"

If you have placed your faith in Jesus, he will once again, each and every time, speak those words of strength and compassion and say, "Quiet, Be still!"…therefore,  you can trust in Him that He will see you to the other side,  just as he did for the disciples…after all, He has made that trip before and He commands all that may overwhelm us to subside as God leads us to a place of rest and rejuvenation in service to our sleeping Savior.

Stepping into the boat…ready for the journey to the other side,


Monday, April 20, 2015

Above the Fray

Remember that old saying that everyone always uses…”Sometimes, you can’t see the forest for the trees.” I feel sure that this saying was almost a life’s motto for one of my favorite bible stories involving a tax collector by the name of Zacchaeus.
Now, poor old Zack was always the shortest guy in the place and I can just picture him when he heard that Jesus was coming through the city of Jericho. He certainly wanted to see this man who was doing such great and might works throughout the region, but he knew it would be like any other time that a crowd was involved….he would have to push and shove and crawl and climb…..Wait a minute, that was it. He needed to climb…..he needed to climb above the fray and frustration of the maddening throng if he wanted to see Jesus. If he couldn’t shove his way to the front of the crowd, he would just climb above them. So he ran ahead on the road that would surely bring Jesus his way, found just the right sycamore tree and climbed up its branches to a spot that assured him the best view of the Master.
And then, something great and wonderful and totally unexpected happened…Jesus looked up, saw him and told him to hurry and come down since they were going to be spending the day together…..and before that day ended, Zacchaeus was a CHANGED MAN!!!!
You and I, often, find ourselves in the same predicament as old Zack…we want to see Jesus, but the toils and cares, the frustrations and frantic pace of today’s world, the “to do” list that never seems to shrink but only grows longer…..all these “things” and so much more keep us from seeing the one that means more than anything to us. We want to spend time with the Master and just like Zacchaeus, the Lord of Hosts wants to spend time with us.
So the solution is really quite simple…..find your sycamore tree and just climb. Climb above the fray, climb to a new height so you can see Jesus. Leave behind all those “giants” that are blocking your view, find the branch that gives you the best vantage point and just spend time with the Master. He will look up and see you waiting for him and He will invite you to come down and meet Him ….to share a quiet meal as you feast on the Bread of Life and devour His word. When you do this, you will have left behind the maddening crowd, your worldly problems and all that hinders you from seeing the Master ….and there in your sycamore tree, you will meet Jesus.

Have a great climb…..the Master’s waiting!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Testing the Father's Will....

Have you ever wrestled with a problem or had trouble dealing with making a decision that might change the course of your life? Well, if you’re still breathing, the answer is an emphatic YES!!!! And don’t look now, but, as you get older and, as some would deem, wiser….it still does not get any easier; especially if you are trying to walk in a Godly and forthright manner.

That’s why I love the story of Gideon.

Now, Gideon was the son of Joash the Abiezrite, one of the least of the clans in Manasseh and the weakest in his clan, when God’s angel appeared to him and proclaimed him to be a “mighty man of valor.” The angel shared how God had heard the cries of His people and was sending Gideon to “save Israel from the hand of the Midian.” After Gideon confirmed the revelation of God’s angel by having a meal he prepared for him totally consumed by fire, the plot began to thicken ….and poor Gideon was faced with some very difficult decisions.

God instructions led to the destruction of the altar to Baal and to the establishment of an altar to the God of Israel…which really riled up the locals and set the stage for battle. Gideon sent out the cry for warriors throughout Manasseh to come prepared to follow him into battle; yet, Gideon was still having second thoughts as to his role in God’s redemptive plan for Israel. So, he did the only thing he could think of …he put God to the test.

Then Gideon said to God, “If you will save Israel by my hand, as you have said, behold I am laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece alone and it is dry on all the ground, then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said.” And it was so. When he arose early the next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but that would have been all the confirmation I needed to move out to accomplish the goals that God had set before me….at least, I hope that would get me moving. But, I am probably more like Gideon than I would care to admit.

“Then Gideon said to God, “Let not your anger burn against me; let me speak just once more. Please let me test just once more with the fleece. Please let it be dry on the fleece only and on all the ground let there be dew. And God did so that night; and it was dry on the fleece only, and on all the ground there was dew.” Judges6:36-40

Gideon had his answer because he was not afraid to ask. Too often, we come to some cross road in our life and we need heavenly guidance to assure that we are making the right choice … we want to confirm that God is going with us or that He has called us to this time of decision….but, we freeze and in fear, we simply don’t put God’s will to the test.

There have been many times in my life that I have used Gideon’s approach to come to a major decision and in each circumstance, God has been FAITHFUL!

You see, God wants us to ask for his guidance, direction, confirmation and especially, His blessings on the activities and choices that make up our life. After all, we are here for His purpose and though we are not robots, we are made to be happy when we do the Father’s will and accomplish the tasks He has ordained.

So, the next time you come to a time of consternation regarding a life choice or there looms on the horizon a battle that God has called you to fight…pull a Gideon and fleece the Lord.

Go ahead ….God’s up for the challenge …He won’t hold your anxiety against you… only the fear of failing to ask will keep you paralyzed from making a godly decision.

It worked for Gideon…it will work for you!!!

Moving forward in faith…thankful for His answers,


Times of questions, seasons of doubt;
We bow in prayer to figure out.
Where He leads and how to follow;
Lingering doubts, leave us hollow.

But God requires if we want to receive
We trust in Him and truly believe;
He shall supply for every task
If we are willing to seek and to ask.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mighty Oaks

Life is full of difficulties and for some of us; we just accept that this is the way it is. Others fight and squirm and fuss and complain that life just isn’t fair. Some others make the most of difficult situations and never let others know what they are going through nor do they ask for help. But what ever you operating style, when it comes to problems….

So today, be encouraged and if you can, be encouraging….I hope this little poem helps.

Mighty Oaks

Like a giant oak that stands tall against the sky;
Roots like thirsty straws gathering nourishment when it's dry;
There is no storm or peril that can fell so grand a tree
And in this work of nature, there's a lesson for you and me.

From just a tiny acorn planted in the deepest, richest sands
Grows this towering testimony to the majesty of God's hands.
A single, little bud that comes bursting forth in spring
Filled with all God's creatures, their melodies they sing.

And with each passing season as the years may come and go,
This once small, tender sapling into a mighty oak does grow.
Its powerful, gnarling limbs arch gracefully toward the sun
Offering shade and sweet repose for those whose work is done.

As centuries come with each new age, the oak is stalwart still.
Its majesty and grandeur, the elements cannot kill.
This warrior survives all pestilence as it reaches above,
And each of us will thrive and grow when grounded in God's love.

So when life's burdens weigh you down or you're feeling all alone,
Remember little acorns into mighty oaks have grown.
Just plant your tiny seed of faith in the Master's Holy sod
And you will grow, like mighty oaks, to touch the face of God.

W. Patrick Queen

Excerpt from "Bent…but not Broken"

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


It’s amazing how long it takes to build a reputation. In most cases, it takes years and years of hard work and perseverance to establish a reputation that is befitting a man or woman of character; and yet, it only takes a moment to undo all that hard work, sacrifice and achievement by a careless word or deed.

Take the apostle Thomas….a hard working, sincere follower of Christ, one of the chosen twelve; a native of Galilee and probably a fisherman by trade. The first three gospels barely make mention of this man, only taking a moment to list him as one of the original apostles; but the gospel of John makes quite a fuss about Thomas. You first get an idea of the strength of this emotionally passionate man when the disciples are debating with Jesus regarding his return to Bethany. They know the Jews are just waiting to take Jesus and do Him harm and they all agree that it would be best to just stay put….all except Thomas, who implores them to go with the Master, even unto death. If only his story ended here, Thomas might have been one of the most revered disciples for his allegiance and commitment to follow the Lord, no matter the cost.

But, in John 20: 24-29, we see that it only takes a moment to have the walls come crashing down. The risen Christ had appeared to the disciples, holed up in a locked room for fear of the Jews; yet, Thomas was not with the brethren. His statement when he heard the other disciples excited report that they had seen the Lord…."Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I WILL NEVER BELIEVE.” (ESV translation)

In only a moment, all that had been a part of the wonderful reputation that he had been building as an ardent follower, a committed disciple and a tried and trusted friend of Christ seemed to evaporate in his unbelief…..and if Christ had not returned to that room eight days later, that is probably where our story of Thomas would have ended. The damage to his reputation had been done and he would have been forever labeled as “Doubting Thomas”; but Christ came back so Thomas could see for himself the glory of His Risen Savior and thus proclaim, “MY LORD and MY GOD”.

Make sure that today you are not anything like Thomas…for in just a moment of time, you can undo all that God has done in your life by letting doubt or fear or worry take a stronghold as it begins to unravel your beliefs and erode your faith….BE STRONG IN THE LORD and commit your ways to Him…..after all,


Living in the moment…building my reputation as a child of the King,


Thought for the day…

Living in this world make bring you great acclaim
But what really matters most is what's done in Jesus name.
So plant your tiny seed of faith in the Father's Holy sod
And your name will be revered for your service to your God.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Someone of importance once said that to be an ardent follower of Christ one’s life must have three necessary things in evidence….prayer, consecration and temptation. Prayer is necessary for constant communication with the Father, consecration is at the root of a submissive will and temptation is there to assure that the Father can be trusted. In other words, you will never know the reality of your faith until you have been in the “trenches of life.” Unless you experience the difficulties of life, you will not know the depth of God’s love and faithfulness nor will you know at what point you will succumb to life’s many temptations….thus, life’s difficulties are there to make you stronger.

Take Peter, for example …in his mind, his faith in Christ was rock solid ( thus the name Petros); yet, in Mark 14 when Christ tells him that he will deny him three times before the cock crows twice, he adamantly retorts, “ Even though they all fall away, I WIIL NOT! Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you.” But before Christ was whisked away into the dark, Peter had given in to his fears and had denied with a curse that he ever knew the man. This great apostle with whom Christ had shared so much broke down and wept. The temptation had been too great and he had failed his Lord.

The same can be said for each of us. We want to serve our Lord …to stand fearless in the throes of adversity and to emerge victorious. But far too often, the circumstances that God allows to entangle us, they trip us up and cause us to fall flat on our faces. Yet, He still loves us and offers us other opportunities to stand firm and be counted on His side. Each trial is sent to show us His faithfulness and our weakness …each outcome, each battle, each new day is ours to become all that He wants us to be.

So, take heart, good friend….although Peter failed, when Christ saw him again, he asked him, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?” Peter’s response, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” So, Christ asked him two more times and with each response, He commanded Peter to feed his sheep….and Peter became a great man of God and a GREAT MAN FOR GOD.

Today, pray to your Father that he will direct your path, consecrate your work and keep temptation far away…or if not, that through His power, VICTORY WILL BE YOURS!

Living the "Good" life…Counting on God's Faithfulness,


Thought for the Day:

More love for Thee, O Lord,
This is my earnest prayer
Draw me closer in my walk with you
And always keep me there!

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Folded Napkin...Could this be true?

During my Sunday school classes’ study of the Great Characters of the Bible, we dove deeply into the beloved disciple John and came across his sprint to the tomb. We saw that He looked in and saw the grave clothes, but did not enter. Then, Simon Peter arrived, entered and saw the grave clothes lying there, but the napkin that covered our Savior’s face was not with the grave clothes; rather, it was neatly folded and resting in a place by itself. The natural question was,

Why did Jesus fold the napkin?

Read on be blessed....

The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin.

Is that important? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes! In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to-do with the Master and Servant.... and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.

When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly with everything in exactly the right place so the Master would be pleased; then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating. The servant would dare not touch the table until he was sure that the master was finished. Then, if the master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, clean his beard and then, he would wad up the napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded-up or unfolded napkin meant, “I’M DONE!”

But, if the master got up from the table, folded his napkin and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because..........

The folded napkin meant....I’M COMING BACK!!!!!

Praise God in Heaven…..He’s Coming Back to redeem His Own.

I trust that today this little story holds great significance for you because you know Jesus as your personal Savior. He promised each of us in John 14:3, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

Even in His resurrection moment, He confirmed by the folded napkin His promise that HE IS COMING BACK...and I, for one, can’t wait!

Clinging to OUR HOPE in Christ Jesus,


For all who call on Jesus’ name
We believe this simple fact.
He has gone to prepare a place,

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Road Home….

It had been three days since that horrible crucifixion. My brother, Cleopas and I had been in Jerusalem for the Passover Days; in fact, we had been part of the crowd that welcomed Jesus as we laid down our cloaks and spread palm branches before him. I still remember the shouts of “Hosanna to the King” as the welcoming throng of worshippers ushered Jesus into the Temple courts…and now, just a week later; he is dead and buried….killed as a common criminal…crucified upon a cruel cross.

We had stood along the twisting road that leads to Golgotha and watched as the soldiers beat him and spat upon him as he struggled to carry his cross. I wanted to help but my brother pulled me back into the crowd and in a moment, Jesus and the Roman guards disappeared into the angry mob that kept shouting “ Crucify him, Crucify him!”

It was now about midday as we began our trip back home. We left the East gate of the city and started the seven mile journey that would take us to Emmaus and the comforts of family and home. We had barely cleared the shadow of the city when our thoughts and speech turned to the events of the past days….Jesus, the beloved teacher, healer and prophet had been killed; his disciples seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth and only a handful of the women who followed him remained behind, brokenhearted and uncontrollable in their anguish.

As we were discussing these events, we were joined by a man who asked us what matters of such great importance could have us so preoccupied. My brother looked at him in amazement and asked him if he was a visitor to Jerusalem….surely he must have heard of the tragic death of the man from Galilee name Jesus. We told him how the chief priests and the Pharisees and other religious rulers had Jesus put to death and how our hopes that this man was the redeemer of Israel had died with him….we shared with him the amazing story, told to us just hours before, of the return of the grieving women who went to the tomb to anoint his body and found it empty. They spoke of angels, arrayed in dazzling white, who told them that Jesus had risen and was alive and was going on to Galilee to meet the disciples. In fact, we ran with some of them to the tomb and although we did not go in, we saw the look of utter amazement on the faces of Peter, James and John.

And then the stranger spoke…. “How foolish you are and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken of the Christ and how he must suffer all these things and then enter his glory.” And then, as we continued our journey, he explained to us all that was written in the scriptures regarding the Christ, starting with Moses and all the Prophets….our hearts seemed to be set afire as we listened to and hung on his every word as the Scriptures seemed to come alive on the road home.

Before we knew it, we had reached Emmaus and it was late in the day…the stranger was set to go on, but my brother and I insisted that he join us for a meal and spend the night. We gathered everyone at the table and as we passed the bread, the stranger took a piece and as he blessed it and gave thanks….a miracle happened….like scales falling from the eyes of a blind man….our eyes were OPENED WIDE AND WE SAW JESUS….and in a twinkling of an eye, He vanished from our sight….the Messiah had truly RISEN and we, two would be followers from Emmaus, had seen the risen Lord…the Savior of Israel.

We got up from the table immediately and although it was almost dark, we quickly returned to Jerusalem …it seemed that we ran all the way. When we got to the home of Simon, we rushed in and shared with the Eleven and all those present how we had seen the Lord and all the many things he had taught us that day…the day that our lives we changed on the road home.

Are you like these two men on the road to Emmaus …headed home and discussing the things that have occurred but not making an eternal connection to the events of the Resurrection? They pondered and were perplexed by the outcome of Jesus …a good man who was a healer and a prophet but somehow they missed his true identity….until on the road home he opened the word of God and introduced them to the Savior…word by word he told them about himself and how all things must be fulfilled as told by the prophets….and then, the veil was lifted from their eyes and they saw Jesus as he was and is and will always be…the Savior of mankind.

Jesus has done the work….paid the debt….given His all… for us all; but you must open your eyes and see him as the brothers from Emmaus did….as the RISEN LORD. Are you blinded by the charlatans of this world and fooled by cheap imitations or are you truly searching for the Savior? If so, OPEN GOD’S WORD….THE HOLY BIBLE….and there you will meet your maker, creator and savior of mankind….JESUS.

You need to know him personally before it is time for you to take your road home …the road that leads to eternity with him or FOREVER separation from the God who loves you and gave his only Son to redeem you…

I trust I’ll see you in heaven because of your relationship with Jesus ….for He is the Way, the Truth and the Light…and HE IS RISEN!

On the road home… to meet my Savior,


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Arturo …The Guard of the Tomb

At last this horrible crucifixion was over, so I gathered my men and began the march back to the guard’s barracks. It had been a harrowing night and day leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus…and now we all deserved some much needed rest…but alas, that was not to be.

We had barely made our way back to the Palace walls when I was summoned by Pilate. He had been petitioned by a man, a follower of Jesus by the name of Joseph, of the village of Arimathea, to have the body of Jesus released to him for a quick and hasty burial before the start of the Jewish Sabbath. So, I gathered a small detachment of my men and headed with him back to the Hill. We arrived and quickly took the body of Jesus down and wrapped him in some linen sheets for his transport to the tomb….at last we were done with this man…whoever he was….son of God or innocent dupe….he was no longer my concern…or at least that’s what I thought.

We marched back to the garrison and I set the guards for the rest of our duty and then, I went to bed. I was dogged tired yet, I could not sleep. I could not get the face nor the words of this man Jesus out of my mind; “Father, forgive them” and “It is finished”….what was finished and how could a mortal man endure such pain and agony and ask that his executors be forgiven?

I finally seemed to drift into an uncomfortable and fitful sleep when I was abruptly awakened by one of my men; seems I was being summoned to Pilate’s court again. I dressed hastily and hurried to the courtyard where I was ushered into the presence of my liege. Pilate was surrounded by the same yammering mob of Pharisees that had clamored for the death of Jesus and now they wanted a Roman guarded posted to keep out his disciples…they were afraid that his disciples would steal his body within the next three days and make claims that Jesus had risen from the dead. They listed several times that they say Jesus had made such claims and somehow,  they had convinced Pilate that such a commotion would be bad for him and the keeping of the peace during the Passover days.

Pilate gave me my orders and instructed me to go with 11 of my men to post a full watch over the tomb…that meant 24 hours of guarding a dead man…and for what… appease a group of malcontents that hated our very existence in their land….but, I had my orders.

I posted the first watch and then went over to the hillside there in the garden. I found a grassy knoll that peered across the valley of Kidron and settled in for the hours that lay ahead. I checked on the guards periodically and made sure that the tomb was secure and that the seal had not been broken. Now, all that could be done was to spend another night and the three days would have passed….and then, maybe, I would be finished with this Jesus once and for all.

I set the mid-watch and fell asleep for what seemed like only minutes when, I was awakened to the violent shaking of the ground …it reminded me of that day…just days before at Calvary when the ground shook and was split open. There was a bright light and I saw standing before me, a man or some angelic being, clothed all in white. I turned away for I feared that he had come to take my life. I threw myself on the ground and felt it tremble underneath my shaking body…it was hard to tell who was shaking more; me or the ground. I dared not look up in fear that I might be blinded by such a fearsome light.

Now, I have been in many great and ferocious battles in my life…and I have been frightened many times before; but never in my life have I been this terrified of what was about to happen. Was I about to die at the hand of this man robed in white or was there some escape from this doom that was set before me?

I lay perfectly still, hoping that this being might think me already dead….I kept my head still and lay motionless, afraid to look around. I could sense that my men had deserted their post and fled in terror at the first sight of this creature. I was all alone…awaiting my eventual doom….but as I lay there, still and lifeless, I heard voices ….women’s voices.

I decided to risk it all; so, I slowly rose to my feet and looked up. The great stone that my men and I had rolled into the mouth of the tomb was now rolled away…and sitting upon it was the same man of white brilliance. He spoke softly to a small band of women…the same women that had been at the foot of the cross of Jesus …I heard him say that Jesus was not there….that He had risen and was alive and was going before them and would see them in Galilee…and then he commanded them to go and tell his disciples that He had risen from the dead….and then, the man, robed in white, was gone.

I stood there motionless, as the women peered into the tomb and then rushed by me as they hurried from the garden. I inched slowly toward the tomb, the huge stone rolled over twenty feet from the mouth of the grave, and then, I walked inside.

I can hardly describe what I saw next….nor my astonished reaction….the tomb was empty…except for the neatly folded linen and face napkin…Jesus was indeed…GONE!

As a soldier, I knew what this meant….I had failed my assigned duties and I would pay dearly for my dereliction of duty (and so would my men); but, as a mortal man who was in complete control of my intelligent faculties, I knew a miracle had taken place.

My men and I had guarded this tomb with our lives and no one had breached our security…BUT THE TOMB WAS EMPTY…and I had seen with my own eyes, the stone rolled away and a being, not of this realm, seated upon it….and he proclaimed, in no uncertain terms that Jesus was alive…I was left with the same conclusion that I remember saying at the time of his death…..

Truly, this man was the son of God!

Today, you are faced with the same unequivocal evidence that the Roman centurion saw as he stood before the cross of Jesus and then later, as he peered into Christ’s empty tomb….Truly, this man…this Jesus so despised by the maddening throng….this man of sorrows… is the son of God.

Now, we may never know, this side of heaven, if that centurion’s declaration of Jesus as the Son of God sealed his place in God’s eternal home, but today,  you can know for yourself….if you will accept his blood shed for your remission of sin and if you will peer into that empty tomb and believe that Christ has been raised from the dead….then, Easter is your time of thanksgiving and eternal celebration….Jesus said many times, “He who has ears, let him hear.”

Are you listening today for the voice of the risen Savior....Pleading, O sinner, come home?

Declaring the Risen Lord….Savior and Friend,


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mary Magdalene… Behold, He is Risen!

My name is Mary Magdalene and I had never been this broken-hearted. Even in the midst of my demon-possessions, when all seemed lost, I somehow managed to go on. But now, since the death of my beloved Jesus, I can’t quit crying …and sleep; well, that’s certainly out of the question.

It’s been two whole days since that horrible crucifixion. I still see him hanging there, the thorn of crowns pressed deeply into his head; his beautiful hair, matted and blood-stained. He is missing parts of his beard that were ripped out by the Roman guards as they mocked him. His back is laid open and the muscles are torn to pieces from the scourging that he endured…Oh, Jesus, why did you not die before you were lead down the Via Dolorosa to Golgotha’s Hill?

And where are your disciples, those cowards? They have all fled and are hiding from the centurion’s guard….only a few of us, the women who loved you and cared for you deeply, remain. Even the darkness that fell across the land could not hide the great sorrow that was etched in every line upon your face….the sorrow; the shame; the humiliation and degradation that you endured before this barbaric crowd. And those religious hypocrites, those Pharisees, calling out for you to come down and prove that you are the Son of God.
Have they no shame….jeering at the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world?

May God deal ever so severely with them and heap coals of fire upon their foolish heads; yet, I know that you died for them, too. How often I listened as you taught your disciples to turn the other cheek and to forgive and to love those that persecute us. Even in your dying breathe I heard you plead with God to forgive them for they had no idea of what they were doing….Oh, how great a love you have shown for us.

It still makes me sick to my stomach as my mind replays the hammer’s blows as the soldiers nail you to the cross. I hear your anguished cry for mercy as it falls on deaf ears and the blows continue…CLANG…CLANG…CLANG…as the hammer drives the nail spikes through your feet and hands….please let it stop; I can’t bear to think of your precious body torn and mutilated for my sins….but you told us all this must happen if we were to belong to you.

And then, your body, now limp upon the cross, the last signs of life vanished. The guards approach to break your bones but instead, thrust their spear deep into your side as water and blood gush forth….I turn and leave with John and your mother and the other women…but we are lost and without hope.

I try and try to put these terrible images out of my mind and get some sleep…we will be going to the tomb in just a few hours to anoint your body….please Jesus, help me rest.

THE SABBATH MORN…..A Few Hours Later

It was not yet daylight when Joanna and Mary, the mother of James arrived. We gathered our herbs, expensive aloes and fresh linens and made our way through the Mount of Olives to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea…the tomb where Jesus had been laid. Along the way, we discussed how we might get the Roman guards to roll back the stone so that we could get into the tomb….otherwise. all would be for naught and we would be unable to provide Jesus with a proper burial.

When we arrived….WE COULD NOT BELIEVE OUR EYES ….THE GUARDS WERE GONE AND THE STONE WAS ROLLED AWAY….we ran full speed into the tomb, but there was no body. We were totally dismayed and wondered who could have taken our Savior’s remains when suddenly, like a bolt of lightning from the sky, the entire tomb was filled with this glorious light and two men, dressed all in dazzling white garments, stood before us.

 I will never forget what they said to us as we hid our faces and bowed before them.

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? HE IS NOT HERE; HE IS RISEN, JUST AS HE SAID. Come and see the place where he lay. Now, go and tell his disciples: HE IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him”……and then, they were gone….and my heart leapt into my throat…MY LORD IS ALIVE!!!!!

What about you today? Is your Lord alive or do you worship a God that is dead and powerless? Do you know the crucified Christ as the Redeemer of the Resurrection or are you still searching for a life of meaning and purpose? Have you gone to the tomb; found the stone rolled away and heard the words of the angels….HE IS NOT HERE FOR HE IS RISEN….JESUS IS ALIVE!

Why not become a Mary Magdalene today and hurry to the tomb and find it empty;rejoice with her that your Jesus is alive …in fact, there’s more to Mary’s story in John20:10-18….take time to read this passage and you will see the personal encounter that Mary had with her Lord….the same kind of personal encounter He wants to have with you.

Then, do as Mary ….go and tell others that your Lord and Savior is alive…FOREVERMORE!!!!

Seeking the Empty Tomb…Praising the Living Lord,

Friday, April 3, 2015

Peter…Disciple of Disappointment

I couldn’t believe that I could treat my Jesus like that …what happened…what went so miserably wrong that I would deny and forsake him; turn my back and run away….I should suffer the same fate as Judas Iscariot, but I’m  too much of a coward to die at my own hand.

It had only been a week ago that Jesus sent John and me into the village to find the young donkey. It was tethered there, just as Jesus said, and when we told the owner that Jesus had need of it, he gladly gave it to us. We placed our cloaks upon it and Jesus rode upon the back of the young foal as the crowd cheered wildly and lay their coats and palm branches across the road saying, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” And now, less than a week later, they cried out, “Away with Him! Crucify Him!”

And then, there was the Passover meal that we shared in that upper room…as we sat down to eat, Christ arose and girded himself with a cloth and began to wash our feet. When he came to me, I arrogantly announced that he would never wash my feet. Then, he lovingly told me that if he didn’t wash me I would have no part with him…so I proudly proclaimed that he should wash all of me. He told us later, after the meal that he was going away and that, for now, we could not follow. But once again, I proclaimed my love and desire to follow him …even unto death; once again, he looked lovingly into my eyes and told me that on that very night I would deny him three times.

I failed him again …in the garden. There in the darkness, Judas Iscariot showed up with the Palace guard and a company of Roman soldiers. They said they were searching for Jesus the Nazarene and when they took hold of him, I drew my sword to smite them…I was not one to run from a fight; and again, Jesus gently rebuked me and told me that he must drink the cup that His Father had given him and there should be no more of this…then, his touched healed the servant’s severed ear.

Oh, but my greatest failure was the one that Jesus had predicted before we left that upper room….that I would deny Him. After they seized him and led him away, I followed in the shadows…not close enough to be noticed, but I could not forsake Him after all he had done for me. We arrived in the courtyard of the high priest’s house and they built a fire. As I sought to warm myself, a young servant woman looked closely at me and declared that I was one of his followers …but I denied that I knew him. The rooster began to crow to announce the coming of day. A few moments later, someone else saw me and said. “He’s one of them too!” I vehemently denied that I was one of his followers and thought that would be the end of it. As I walked round and round the fire, peering into the house, straining to hear what was happening to Jesus, another man, a relative of the servant whose ear I had cut off, exclaimed, “You were with that man. I’m sure I saw you in the garden with him this very night. You are certainly one of them, since you are also a Galilean.” But I started to curse and to swear with an oath that I never knew the man that they were talking about….and then, it happened….the rooster crowed the second time….and it all came crashing in on me. I ran and I ran into the fleeting darkness as dawn began to make its arrival known…tears streamed down my face as my breathing became labored and strained. I sobbed uncontrollably ….how could this have happened to me…for I am Peter, the one that the Messiah said he would built his church upon that even the gates of hell would not prevail against it. Yet, I had betrayed my Jesus by denying that I ever knew him …that He ever had a position of love and authority in my life.

I wanted to die, but instead I ran away and hid in fear and expectation that they would soon come after me. Within hours, Christ had stood before Pilate, been sentenced to death and had been crucified upon the cross….and while all this took place, I was in hiding with the other disciples. Our world had ended and I was the most miserable one of all…I had denied the one that loved me and called me out to make me one of his chosen…and I had failed him when He needed me most. And now, it was over and I would forever carry that guilt and shame with me …I could never ask my Christ to forgive me for He was gone.

Are you a disappointing Peter…too many times called out to stand for the Christ you love and too many times failing miserably in sharing His message of love and forgiveness?   

We have all failed to stand up for our Savior…to be counted as one who knows, believes and lives the life that says He is the Son of God and the one who paid our sin debt with His death upon that cruel cross…WE HAVE FAILED, BUT WE ARE NOT A FAILURE!

Just as Peter denied His Savior, but once again became the "ROCK" upon which Christ would build His Church; we, too, can become all that God intended for us to be by the surrender of our will to His….let our prayer today be the same as our Savior's prayer on that fateful night in the garden….NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE BE DONE!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Pilate…Clean Hands, Cold Heart.

I hate this desolate, barren land. It is worse than a boil on the backside of their wretched camels. Why would I, a captain of Caesars’ very own Elite Guard, end up in a place like this? What could I have possibly done to displease him that would merit such punishment? Governor of this region is certainly not what I was hoping to have as my reward for my last great victory. Surely, my time here will be short and my interactions with these Jews will soon be over.

And yet, here they are again….these weak, insignificant peasants; religious pontificators whining about some homeless prophet that they can’t control. It’s barely daylight and already they would summon me from my slumber to decide the punishment for this Jesus. I should have them all dragged into the palace and made to bow at my feet…it is of no consequence to me that they would be unfit for their Passover feast. But, let’s get this over with so I can get back to more important matters.

I went out to them, into the courtyard and listened as they brought witness after witness to regale how this Jesus had excited the crowds to follow him; had turned out the moneychangers and the livestock from their beloved temple…so I told them to take him and judge him by their puny Jewish laws. They refused since for them it was unlawful to crucify anyone. I found no fault in him; but better to let the local ruler have this on him than me …so I sent him to Herod….and in only a matter of hours, Jesus was standing in front of me again.

So I asked him, “Tell me, are you the King of the Jews?” ...and his answer puzzled me; “Are you asking this of your own accord or have others told you about me?” I told him that I was not a Jew and it didn’t matter to me…. That it was his own nation and High Priest that had brought him to me and that I had the power to have him killed or let him go. He told me that His kingdom was not of this world and when I questioned him about this, he told me that he was here to testify to the truth…whatever that meant, I really wasn’t sure. So, I sought to return him to the Jews for I found no legal grounds on which to condemn him….but they shouted me down and called out to release the rebel, Barabbas, according to the custom of the Passover to release one criminal from bondage.

I sent Jesus away and had the captain of the battalion beat and flog him…they placed a crown of thorns on his head and wrapped a purple cloth around him, all the while mocking him, punching him and asking, “if you are a prophet, tell us who hit you.” I then brought him back before the assembly of the Jewish leaders and the ever-growing crowd and told them once again that I could find no grounds to merit a conviction.

He stood before them, wearing that purple robe and his kingly crown of thorns and I said, “Behold, here is the man!” I was really not prepared for this angry mob as they screamed out … “CRUCIFY HIM, CRUCIFY HIM!” I silenced them and told them to take him away and kill him according to their laws for I found nothing in this man that deserved his death by crucifixion ….but they would not be silenced.

What happened next gave me great pause for concern…they told me that he must die according to their rabbinical law…for he had proclaimed himself to be Son of God. Now, I am a god-fearing man that worships many Gods and I was not willing to take the chance that this man might actually be the son of one of them, so I brought him back into the inner chamber and asked him once again, “Where are you from? Who are you? Are you the Son of God?”…but, he just stood before me and offered nothing in his defense. I reminded him that it was within my powers to release him or to have him crucified, yet he told me that I had no authority over him had it not been given to me from above.

This was not an ordinary man and I did all within my powers to release him…I truly desired to let him go with the beating that he had endured and a strong reprimand not to appear before me again. I took him back to the courtyard with every intention to silence the Jews and to let Jesus go, but they cried out even louder that if I did such a thing, I was no friend of Caesar. I could not let this anarchy go on any longer, for word might return to Rome that I was unable to control these weak-minded Jews…so I presented them with the King, yet they shouted even more, “Away with him. We have no King but Caesar. Crucify Jesus!”

So, I did what expedient. I called for a basin of water, and there before this angry mob and the gods of Rome, I washed my hands of his innocent blood…then, I gave Jesus over to them so that he should be crucified.

It had to be done. I had no choice. I had sworn an oath to Rome and to Caesar to protect this horrible land and to keep the peace. If I failed to give this mob what they wanted, many would probably die trying to restore order and I would be held responsible for their deaths…but my conscience was clear; I had tried to release Jesus …I had done all that I could to let him go, but my duty to Rome came first. After all, I am a soldier and soldiers follow orders no matter how unpleasant they might be. I did all that was possible that day…his death was not my fault!

Today, is that what you have been telling yourself….that Jesus’ death was NOT YOUR FAULT? It was not your decision to send Him to his death… to have Him bludgeoned to within an inch of his life, nailed to a rugged tree and hung between two thieves. Have you tried to wash his innocent blood from your hands and declare that you, too, have a clear conscience?

If so, you have missed the meaning of the cross….Christ may have chosen the nails, but it was your sins that swung the hammer…you and I were the ones that drove those spikes deep into the flesh of Jesus. God requires that we come to Him, holy and acceptable; Jesus accomplished that for us by giving himself as a blood sacrifice on the cross. Now, we must accept our part in His death….it was our sin that put Him there;  it is our pride that keeps us from accepting the fact that WE NEED A SAVIOR!!!!

Don’t let pride keep you from knowing Jesus and accepting what He accomplished for you on Calvary…He is just a heartbeat away ….and so is eternity without Him!

Sorrow-filled for my part  … forgiven and forever His,


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Annas and Caiaphas …The Holy Priesthood

I’m still not sure why they brought Jesus to me in the first place. I am an old, tired man and I am so weary of the Pharisees and their timidness. This Jesus is a crowd-pleaser, a cheap magician with pleasing tricks. If they would just ignore him, pay him no attention; he would soon be forgotten. But each day in the temple complex, they plot as to how they might bring about his demise. In my day, we knew how to deal with such rift-raft…we took them outside the city gates and stoned them to death; then left their rotting corpses for the buzzards and the Roman guard to dispose of. But, Caiaphas, my son-in-law, is still new to this game and I don’t believe he is aware of just how much power he holds as the High Priest. He is the leader of God’s chosen; though oppressed and downtrodden, we are still to claim our position of power in dealing with those that would subvert our culture…and this Jesus, he has surely done just that. Teaching them to turn the other cheek; to walk the second mile; treating women with love, dignity and compassion…over turning my money tables in the temple and driving out my people. Well, now the tables are turned….send him to Caiaphas, let see if he will do the right thing and get rid of this man …once and for all.

I had been awakened from a troubled slumber to hear the voice of the High Priest’s guard announce that they had Jesus; bound and waiting for me in the courtyard. I had already dispatched a number of the guards to call an emergency meeting of the Sanhedrin; for when Caiaphas, the High Priest calls, they drop everything and come. Surely, time was of the essence if we were to meet our objective to judge, convict and turn over Jesus to the Roman governor for his sentence of execution. I had already set aside the Mishnah and its Jewish laws…desperate times call for desperate measures….after all, we had to silence this Jesus before the people followed him in open rebellion and brought down the wrath of the entire Roman Empire. If that were to occur, we would be displaced as the rulers of our people and nothing of our way of life as God’s elect would remain. I had said it before and it was even clearer after the events of the past week, “it is to our advantage that one man should die for the people rather than the whole nation perish.”

We had been conspiring for weeks to bring Jesus to Jewish justice, but he had been elusive and the timing had never been good, especially since his triumphal entry last week; but now, if we hurried, we could have Jesus tried before Pilate, sentenced and crucified at the hands of the Romans and there would be no repercussions against us.
It was the perfect way to be rid of the Nazarene …once and for all!

I questioned him; heard the testimony of the eye-witnesses regarding him destroying our sacred temple and rebuilding it in three days…and then, I asked him, point blank, “tell us, are you the Messiah, the Son of God?’

I still can’t believe what he said; “You have said it. But I tell you in the future, you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Immediately, I cried out and began to rent my robes, to wail and to claw my flesh. I denounced his blasphemous statement and cried out to the Sanhedrin for their decision…their answer was clear and without reservation….HE MUST DIE.

So, I did what needed to be done…I sent him away to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. There he would be tried and found guilty for crimes against Rome. We would have to pressure Pilate for a speedy crucifixion for the Sabbath was approaching and the Passover crowds were large and the people were still celebrating. All this would have to be done quickly… before the throngs of those following Jesus had time to mount any type of movement against the will of the Sanhedrin. It is best that one man dies ….then a nation and its leaders can breathe easier …God Bless the will of His People.

Are you an Annas or Caiaphas in your relationship with Jesus? Do you see his teachings as a conflict or a constriction on your actions? These men were each living for themselves …though their pompous and pious attitude let them think that they were doing what was best for God’s chosen elect. In simple fact, they were sinners…blinded to the truth of God’s infinite grace and they chose to inflict their blindness on the Jewish nation. They had power, prestige and a perverted sense of God’s will….and their decisions cost a nation the opportunity to embrace their Messiah.

Don’t let someone you know, possibly someone you hold in high esteem, keep you from meeting the Savior today. There intentions may be good; but good intentions never got anyone into heaven….and they never will!

Only a personal relationship with the risen Lord Jesus will guarantee you a written invitation to attend the celestial celebration we call heaven….your invitation is from this man Jesus …He died and rose again and now sits at the right hand of the Father…and His invitation is just one word….COME!!!!!

Come to Jesus…and be Blessed,


Join us this week as we meet...


Judas Iscariot…Satan’s Servant or Unwitting Scapegoat?

I have traveled road after dusty road, following this teacher from Galilee …and what has it gotten me….Just dirty feet, blisters and a few coins of little value. And what’s the matter with the rest of the inner circle? We have watched Jesus heal the sick, make the blind to see, cure the leper …even raise Lazarus from the day. He is wasting his great abilities on the common and unlovely….and he is constantly at odds with the rulers of the Sanhedrin and with Caiaphas, the High Priest. I have a plan that will force his hand …a plan that will cause him to use his powers against those that oppress us and force us to obey foreign and pagan laws. Surely that is not what the great God of our forefathers had intended for this man. If he is the chosen one, the true Messiah of Israel, it’s time he began to act like it and do something to free His people. Yes, a little nudge should be all he needs.

As the Feast of the Passover draws near:

Well, that went better than I expected…the Sanhedrin and the entire Jewish nation will have me to thank in just a few days….and I got 30 pieces of silver for my trouble. I would have been willing to take half as much; but this could be dangerous, especially with the excited crowds Jesus has been drawing. I will be patient and I will deliver him to the High Priest, just as I promised….He’ll never be expecting this. But when he comes into power, Jesus will have me to thank for forcing his hand and I’m sure I will be richly rewarded in his new kingdom…maybe a provincial governor or ruler of some foreign land. I will be rich…no more paltry coins in the collection bag….RICH, RICH …FILTHY RICH.

At the Passover Feast:

Look at him…acting like a servant, washing and drying our feet. Only a few more hours and my plan will begin to emerge …and Jesus will be the ruler of the Jewish nation and all nations will bow before his great and awesome powers. What was that?  How could he possibly know that someone is going to betray him…does he know that it is me? No, he couldn’t possibly know. I have been ever so discreet…must be the rising tensions between him and the Sanhedrin that have him on edge. Time to go…I need a diversion…he has given me the dipped bread and told me to go and do quickly what I must. No one will miss me …I’ll just slip out the door into the darkness.

In the Garden:

I know just where he is going after the Passover meal…where he always takes us …across the Kidron valley to the Mount of Olives. I had told this to the Captain of the guard and explained to him that there was no need for so many men. The disciples were unarmed and Jesus surely offered no physical threat. But, I was surrounded by the Palace guard from the High Priest and a full company of Roman soldiers…at no choice but to proceed as planned. We entered the garden at the south entrance …a small winding trail leads to the top of the Mount. It would be hard for anyone to hear or see us coming under cover of darkness, but it seemed like every one of the soldiers was carrying a lighted torch….it was as bright as noon day. So much for the element of surprise! The Roman centurion led the way and when we arrived, he told the small band of men that we were looking for Jesus the Nazarene.

What happened next caught me fully off-guard. Christ stepped forward and said, “I am He!” and when he did, all of the Roman soldiers and the Palace guard stepped back and fell to the ground. It was as if his words knocked them over and rendered them helpless. But, I stepped forward and gave the agreed upon sign that would signify that they should arrest that man…I kissed Jesus on the cheek….and he looked into my eyes and said, “Judas, my friend, why have you come? Do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?”

And in that moment, it was all set in motion. They bound Jesus’ hands and feet and literally dragged him down the mountainside. They took him to Caiaphas and they began to pummel his face, to pull out his hair and to spit upon him….and all the while, Christ Jesus did nothing…he did not even speak in his defense. In just a few hours, he stood before Pilate who ordered that he be flogged with 39 lashes, The Roman soldiers hit him, kicked him and spit upon him…they placed a crown of thorns upon his bloody brow….and still; Jesus did nothing. Where were his powers …why did he not strike out at his tormenters and call down fire and brimstone from Heaven? He claimed to be the Son of God, but all he did was to take their abuse and to stand silent before his accusers.

I couldn’t take it any longer. This was not going according to my plan…Jesus was silent as a lamb… being led to slaughter….and it was all my fault. I had sold him out for thirty pieces of silver and the desire to be great in his kingdom. Instead, all I could do was to stand hopelessly by and watch as they led him away to be crucified. I ran as fast as I could back to the Election hall and threw the money at the feet of the chief priest and the elders. I begged them to forgive me for my sin of betraying innocent blood…they laughed at me and told me it was not their concern. I had lost it all…Jesus would die because of my greed, arrogance and selfish desires. A man who had loved me and called me one of his chosen, I had sold to be crucified for 30 pieces of silver…I was not fit to live, so I did the only thing I knew…I took my own life …for it was a life not worth saving.