Friday, September 28, 2018

Singing in the Midst of Trials...

We all know that life is fraught with trials, tribulations and "bad days"....days that make you want to pull your hair out or at least shed a tear or two.

Paul, that great apostle and follower of Jesus Christ, had more than his fair share of those kind of days. In fact in Scripture, he recounts all his "bad days" and the many misfortunes, beatings and near-death experiences that have beset him in the course of his relationship with His Lord and Savior. But the one that always brings a smile to my face is found in Acts 16: 24-28.

As life for Paul goes, he and his ministry partner, Silas, have been thrown into prison and the jailer has made sure that they are not going anywhere by placing them in the inner prison with their feet and hands securely fastened in the stocks. As the midnight hour approaches, Paul and Silas do what any intelligent men in a situation like this would do...they pray and they heard me correctly; THEY SING SO THAT ALL THE PRISONERS CAN HEAR THEM!

And then God shows up....there is a "great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed."  The jailer is awakened by all the clamor and realizing that all the doors of the prison are open and that the prisoners have probably escaped, prepares to take his own life. Paul calls out and tells him not to harm himself  for everyone is still the same miserable condition as before except for one thing...GOD STEPPED IN WHEN THEY SANG PRAISES TO HIM.

And that makes for a great lesson for you and me...whenever we find ourselves imprisoned by the trials and tribulations of life, know this... that is not the time to wallow in self-pity and self-reliance...that is the time to PRAISE the Lord and sing of His power and might. It is in those times that our OUTLOOK on our situation needs to change and become an UPLOOK to God's sustaining mercy and grace.

Maybe God has placed you in a terrible situation so that you might learn a new lesson regarding His ability to make "all things new" ...or to be a witness to others of His great love and power as He releases you from the "chains" of your fears and inadequacies (remember the other prisoners heard the singing of Paul and Silas)...or just maybe, God is preparing you for a greater ministry that will require you to be more dependent on Him than ever before.

Whatever the reason, one thing should be crystal clear regarding our "bad days"....God is SOVEREIGN, still on His throne and He alone knows the is you and I that need the earthquake to be reminded that He is at work.

So next time you find yourself beset with a particular trial that is getting the best of you...DON'T SWEAT IT ....SING ABOUT IT! Lift your voice in praise to the ONE true God who loves you and gave His Son for you....and as we say down South..."If that don't make you sing, your heart's been broke!"

Tested in the Trials of Life....Singing to the Savior,


Poem for the day....

In this life we will struggle
When bad times come our way;
And in each of them we have a choice...
To lament or sing and pray.

We can lift our hearts in worship;
Sing praises to our King
And wait for the blessing
That our trust in Him will bring.

So don't give in to hard times
No matter their appearance...
For we serve a mighty God
And are blessed by His assurance.

Knowing that He loves us
For He gave His only Son.....
And He's coming back to rapture us
When His work is finally done!!!!

WPQ © September 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

This is a reprint of a former post...

Dual Citizenship....Where do you stand?

In almost every country around our globe, you can choose to proclaim your allegiance to that country and, after meeting their citizenship requirements, declare that you are a citizen. However, for it to be a bona fide and recognized act of declaration, you must first denounce your citizenship from your previous homeland.

The same is true for us as Christians. We were born into this world as sinners and in our sins and citizenship of this world we would die…if not for the love of our Heavenly Father and the shed blood of His Son, Jesus.

In fact in John 17, when Christ prayed for his disciples, He prayed…"I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of this world any more than I am of this world. My prayer is not that you would take them out of this world but that you would protect them from the evil one. They are not of this world, even as I am not of this world."

Christ knew that our salvation made us a new creation in Him…that we would be adopted into His heavenly family and would indeed be the sons and daughters of the Most High God. We have new citizenship in a new homeland that He has gone to prepare….but the sad truth is that too many of us have failed to renounce and denounce our former ties to this worldly sphere. We are in truth practicing dual citizenship.

We have to take ourselves out of this world. Thomas Watson, a Puritan of the first magnitude, used this analogy to help us understand what happens when we fail to do this. He said, “A Christian in this world is like a ship in the ocean. It’s one thing for the ship to be in the water, but when the water gets in the ship, it begins to sink.”

Paul gave us the formula for removing ourselves from this world…for denouncing our citizenship and claiming our new birthright in God’s heavenly kingdom. “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is…His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

So what’s the practical application of Paul’s advice to each of us in regards to claiming and proclaiming our new citizenship….what does he mean when he tells us to renew our minds….how can we know that we are no longer of this world; only passing through to our glorious homeland where our Savior awaits …..

Come back tomorrow and we’ll discover what’s written in the fine print of our citizenship papers.

Living in this world …longing for the next,

Thought for the day:

You may attempt to persuade another 
To change their point of view....

But nothing speaks more plainly than 
What Christ has done in you!

So if another’s lifestyle 
You are hoping to rearrange,

Just testify how the Father’s love 
Can make an everlasting change.

WPQ  2003

Thursday, September 20, 2018

He's Coming Back...Don't Be Left Behind!

The following is a reprint of a blog written in 2011, but the message is as true as EVER!

With all the economic turmoil that exists in our world today, it is easy to see why there is increased interest in all things of an “End Times” nature. From movies of the last several years such as Terminator Salvation, The Book of Eli or Legion, our American movie-makers have racked in over $10 billion at the box office with movies regarding the end of the world….. And let’s not forget the all-time best selling Christian fiction series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, LEFT BEHIND, which sold over 63 million volumes in a period of fifteen years.

Why all this interest in the apocalyptic outcome of mankind….because everyone knows, deep within their heart, mind and soul, that we were created for so much more than this temporal existence……

We were built for GLORY….not ours but to display God’s Glory!!!!!

Now, many of the people I know are trying to live a good and moral life….reasonable, BUT WRONG. Our “good life” will not get us into heaven and the realm of God’s glory…rather our dependence on good works will accomplish only one thing…it will insure that we will be LEFT BEHIND.

It seems to be a forgone conclusion for most of us living in this world today that tomorrow is a “sure thing”; however, Scriptures paints a different picture according to Luke 17:26-35. “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Remember Lot’s wife! Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.”

There is only one reason that you will be left behind…..YOU DO NOT KNOW JESUS AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR…..Today you can change that with this simple prayer:

Jesus, I am a sinner and today I ask you to forgive me of my sins, come into heart and become my Lord and Savior. I believe that you died for me on Calvary and from this day forward, I want to be a new creation and live for you. Amen.

If you have prayed this prayer, tell someone else what Jesus has done for you, then find yourself a Bible-believing church where you can grow and become all that God wants you to be…..they will help you live each day for Jesus as you anticipate His glorious return…..He promised that He was coming back to gather all those who are called by His name and take them to their heavenly home to reign forever with Him…

So don’t get LEFT BEHIND!

Watching the Eastern sky….Anticipating His Glorious Return,

POEM FOR THE DAY…He’s Coming Back!!!!!

Holy Father,
How great must be your love
That you would send your only Son
From His Heavenly throne above.

You watched Him wear the crown of thorns
As the crowds shouted, “Crucify!”
You watched the holy Prince of Peace
Nailed to a cross to die.

The sky grew black; the earth it shook;
The vale was split in two.
The precious child of Mary’s womb
Had seen His journey through.

Then taken from that deadly place,
Laid in a borrowed grave;
The Son of God, His blood now shed
For all mankind to save.

But soon would come the dawning
And on that blessed morn
Once again the King of Kings
To the world was born.

So doubt not the Father’s love
Rejoice; Trust and obey.
For Christ our Lord is coming back
To take us home someday!

WPQ 2002

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

R U a Fair Weather Follower ???

We have all heard the term regarding a "fair-weather friend" and if I dare say so, many of us have, at one time or another in our lives, been just that ...A FAIR WEATHER FRIEND!

Which got me to thinking that all too often we treat Jesus in much the same way when it comes to our faith. Consider the many times He turned to His disciples and ask of them, "O ye of little faith?"  How many times could He have asked the same question of you and me as we falter in our daily walk with Him?

From the onset of His earthly ministry, Jesus was always questioning His followers regarding their faith. In Matthew 6 during His Sermon on the Mount, He tells his disciples not to worry regarding their daily needs since their Heavenly Father takes care of even the smallest sparrow and not one of the smallest of His creation can fall from the sky without His knowledge; however, we fret and worry about our next meal and wonder if God really cares and will feed and clothe Christ asks, "Will He not much more clothe you, o you of little faith?"

And let us not forget that evening in the boat as the disciples began to make their way across the Sea of Galilee and the storm blew up, and the waves rocked and tossed the boat and all seemed lost...but at just the right moment, Christ arose from a peaceful slumber, rebuked the winds and the sea and all was calm...then He said to his followers, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no FAITH?" (my emphasis) Mark 4:40 NKJV

Unfortunately, many of us are just like those first disciples who had left their families, their homes, their livelihood to follow this miracle worker named Jesus.. all was well for a season!  But as opposition to the teachings of this man from Galilee arose and the hardships and threats against their lives increased, the disciples began to pull back into the shadows of their society so as not to upset the ruling sects of the Pharisees and Sadducees...they fell into the trap of being FAIR WEATHER FOLLOWERS!!!!

The same mentality can invade our thinking in our society today. We might hear that some folks don't like to spend time with those "religious nuts" and so we distance ourselves from our church friends or any reference to how we spend our Sundays in worship. We have a bad argument with our spouse and think that maybe this thing called marriage is just a farce and we would be better off on our own...or a job that we expected to retire from has been pulled out from under us and we are too old to learn anything our faith falters and we begin to look for someone or something to blame. Yes, when life is going good and all the pieces seem to fit just right, we can proclaim that we do indeed love Jesus; but when life hands us a big bowl of lemons, we decide that we are no longer thirsty for life or for the work that requires us to make lemonade.

We are perfectly content to be a FAIR WEATHER FOLLOWER ...but a FWF is just a lukewarm follower and Christ said in no uncertain terms in Revelation 3:16, "So then, since you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spit (vomit) you out of my mouth."

THE BAD NEWS...There is a day of reckoning coming for us all...and for those who are just a Fair Weather Follower, it is NOT going to be a good day! THE GOOD NEWS...if you are still breathing, there is time to make a change and become a FAITHFUL FOLLOWER as you commit to lean on Jesus in all the challenges and triumphs of  life. 

Don't be apathetic about your relationship with Jesus. After all, He gave His all so that you could be reunited with your Creator and all He ask in return....




Poem for the day...

When troubles in your life
Are knocking you down;
It's then you need a faith
That's built on solid ground.

A faith that will sustain you
Though the stormy winds may blow.
A faith that keeps you in His grasp
And will never let you go!

Your faith must be your anchor
That keeps you tied and tethered.
So you will have a faith that last
Through more than just fair weather...

So no matter what you come against
Whether in calm or stormy seas;
A life that's lived in faithfulness
Is a life that's sure to please!

WPQ © JUNE 2018

Friday, September 7, 2018

Living in the GOLDEN Years?

When I forced myself out of my bed this morning, I was expecting to be a little sore, especially since I did something yesterday that I had not done in quite some time...LIFT WEIGHTS! But boy, was I ever wrong! I wasn't sore...I could hardly move! I guess it's true what they say, "Getting old is not for the faint of heart."

Which leads me to my question for a great many of those of my generation...How are you planning to live out your golden years? I know that for most of us "Baby Boomers" we always seemed to live our younger days with our eyes fixated on the magical age of 65 when we would retire and "coast" into our retirement years. But here's the thing; if you are a believer...GOD DID NOT CREATE US SO WE COULD COAST!

In fact, many of those chosen by God to do His will did not receive their call until they had past the age of retirement. Abraham was 75 when he pulled up stakes and followed the leading of God into a land he did not know, And the great deliverer of Israel, Moses, was 80 when he stood before Pharaoh and demanded that the Israelites be set free.

Scripture reads in Psalm 92:13-15,"Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him."

So the question for each of us is simply this, "How do you plan to spend your remaining days in service to your God?" For many of us, we will continue to press on in service to the King...going to church, teaching a Bible study class, hosting a home fellowship of believers, singing in the choir ...the list goes on. But for many of us as we get older, we tend to shrink from added duties or look for ways to "scale back" our activities of service. God's desire is just the opposite for each of us. He wants us to seek purpose over position and find time to love the unlovable; befriend those living on the fringe; or give hope to the hopeless and forlorn.

Yes, we have probably earned the right to seek comfort over compassion...for true compassion will not allow us to sit on the sidelines and leave the work to those who might be a few years younger. We can say we have "done our fair share"; however, what if God had looked down upon us in our miserable state and said, "I've done all that I can...let someone else take it from here!"  But as our scripture today confirms God's truth,  "there is no unrighteousness in Him."

Why not take the wisdom of your years and put them to work for the Kingdom of God? Now is the time to set your sights on the most important target of your life...LIVING OUT YOUR DAYS AS A BEACON OF LIGHT POINTING OTHERS TO THE LOVE OF THE SAVIOR!

If you wake up sore, in pain or in a "bad" mood, do this...THANK GOD YOU WOKE UP AT ALL; ROLL OUT OF BED and GET TO WORK...for the Kingdom is at hand and we've all got a lot of living to do in our Golden years. God will let you know when you've finished what He has for you to do and He will call you home to be forever with Him. Until that day...

Press on with a Purpose...Live Like Everyone is Watching,


Poem for the day....
Old age is not for the faint of heart
That's what the sages say...
So do your best to live your life
Like this could be the day?

For this could finally be the day
With the angels gathered at His throne...
When the Father sends His Heavenly host
To call His chosen home.

For each of us who have lived our lives
In service to our eternal King....
 Are waiting for the trumpet call
And the sound of angel's wings;

So don't give in to lingering doubts
Or spend your days in fear.
Spend each moment that remains
Living in those Golden Years...

A life that truly seeks to serve
And brings glory to the Son...
So when you arrive at the Pearly gates,
You'll hear Him say, "WELL DONE!!!

WPQ © September 2018

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Breaking the Chains of "I HAVE TO!"

If you are still breathing on this orb we call "Earth", then I am sure you have faced your share of trials, struggles and the ever-so bothersome, tribulations...times of hardship that seem to last an eternity. In fact, our first struggle began at birth as every baby born into this world had to "struggle" to release themselves from the womb to begin their new life.

For most of us, we understand the ebb and flow of good times and bad; however, the writer of Proverbs tells us in Proverbs 11:27 that "The one who searches for what is good seeks favor, but if someone looks for trouble, it will come to him." If we take a closer look at this verse, we will see that our vision and our hearing depends a lot on where we are standing.  Allow me to expand on this premise.

Most of us spend our lives living in the realm of "I have to"....I have to get up and go to work. I have to stay married for the kids' sake....I have to go to church on Sunday and sing in the choir...I have to provide for my family and keep working in this job I hate....and the list goes on and often seems endless.

But what if we changed our thinking about what we see and hear to, "I GET TO"....I get to Get Up and Go to Work...I Get to Go to Church and Sing Praises to my Lord....I Get to Love My Wife and Kids and take pride in providing for them....and most importantly, I GET TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT JESUS AND HIS GREAT LOVE FOR ME AND OF HIS LOVE AND SACRIFICE FOR THEM!!!!

Yes, every day we have a choice as we rise for the new day dawning...we can chose to have to endure the day or we can get to enjoy the blessings of this new day and all the challenges that it may be filled with as we learn to walk with our Lord and trust His directions. As you go through your day, why not look;  no even better, why not diligently seek and search for the good that God will provide as He showers you with His favor and blessings? Why not spend your time praying for His wisdom to see the twists and turns that come before you as opportunities where you get to bring God glory and demonstrate His love and goodness in this world?

If you truly search for what is good, you will see God at work....and He is inviting you to join Him whenever and however you can. Remember this, if you are going to mine for gold, you've got to be willing to get down on your knees along the creek bed and pan through a multitude of pebbles in search of even one gold nugget....oh, but the search can be so worth the effort!!!!

I am SO glad I GET TO....Serve a Risen Lord,


Poem for the day...

When you wake up each morning
To start your brand new day...
Here's a better way to look ahead;
To find the good along the way.

Don't tell yourself you have to
Do the things that lie ahead;
But look for the good that's coming,
Don't fill the unknown with dread.

Just plan to seek the Lord today as you
Keep your ears and eyes open wide;
And then, my friend, you will get to
Walk with God in every stride!

WPQ © April 2018

Monday, September 3, 2018

Christian Signposts …from the Lighter Side!

Don’t let your worries get the best of you…remember Moses started out as a basket case.

Many people want to serve God….but only as advisors.

If God is your co-pilot …switch seats and give Him the controls.

When you come to the end of your rope, you’ll find God waiting with a life line.

People are funny… they want the front of the bus; middle of the road and the back pew of the church.

Quit griping about your church…if it was perfect, you and I couldn’t get in!

Some people are kind, sweet and gentle-spirited…until you try and seat in their pew.

If you want your church to have a better pastor….pray diligently for the one you’ve have.

A lot of church members continue to sing “Standing on the Promises” even though they’re just Sitting on the Premises.

Jesus instructed us to be fishers of men…You catch ‘em….He’ll clean ‘em!

I am always puzzled why some people change churches so often…what difference does it make which one you stay home from?

Coincidence is when God chooses to remain Anonymous.

I am a firm believer that you should never wait for 6 strong men to carry you to church.

We have all heard it said that forbidden fruits create terrific jams.

God doesn’t always call the qualified…but He ALWAYS qualifies the called.

God loves all His children….but He probably prefers the “fruits of the spirit” over the “religious nuts.”

Some people treat prayer as a time to give God instructions…no wonder their prayers keep bouncing off the ceiling!

Remember, we don’t change the message ….THE MESSAGE CHANGES US!!!!!

I hope this time of reflection into the lighter side of our faith will cause us to stop and think of who we are as believers in Christ and of the call that has been placed upon each of our lives….we were made to worship and praise the Father and to hold up His Son so that ALL men may come to know Him.

Remember, Satan is out to get you…if not today or tomorrow, then soon…as soon as your life and the way you live begin to affect those around you, the roaring lion will move in for the kill….so be prepared!

Arm yourself with the word of God ….and think of these little sayings to solidify your position as a warrior, serving proudly in the armies of God. In each instance of attack, be reminded of Christ words to His disciples, “Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me, you may have peace. In this world, you will have tribulation…But take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!”  John 16:32b-33

Don’t wait for the storms of life to pass…rather learn to dance in the rain…and Praise Him from whom all blessings flow…

Preparing for battle …confident in my King,


Sunday, September 2, 2018

R U Walking on the Right Road?

In yesterday’s blog, I examined a life without perils, problems and persecutions as a life that might be void of a true, loving and growing relationship with our Savior. In our daily walk with our Heavenly Father, we should encounter our adversary, the devil, whose main function is to draw us away from our walk with the Lord and to make our witness null and void, or at the very least, ineffective ….like salt that has lost its flavor.

It is at those times of peril and persecution that we should seek comfort, strength and reinforcements through God’s Holy Word and the example and encouragement of others; however, I know that in my life, sometimes when I encounter the devil and am easily flustered, my mind will not always bring with clarity the verse of scripture that I need at that particular moment. So, over the years, I have written and acquired a library of special thoughts…one liners of Christian faith and encouragement, if you will….each of them targeted to help me resist and to cause the devil to flee….I have called them my “signposts” to a better and closer walk with my Lord…and I will be seeking to share them with you over the next several days.

Should you have any that have been helpful to you, please contact me with your “signposts” or with any thoughts or sayings that have encouraged you to have a closer and more meaningful relationship with Jesus. After all, until He returns, we are ALL in this together …..

Walking together in the Master’s footsteps,



Our strength rest in our ability to cast all our burdens on Him….for He cares for us.

The mountaintop of God is reserved for those who have been led through the wilderness of suffering and DID NOT GIVE UP!!!!!

Burdens too heavy; suffering too intense…welcome to the Christian life….Following in the Master’s footsteps.

God grants His peace in the midst of pain and suffering ….just follow the Master’s footsteps, walk where He leads…for His love is eternal and He cares for you.

Waiting on God takes faith…Trusting in God takes patience….Persevering in God takes Life…one step at a time!!!

A diamond is the end result of perseverance.

Keeping an open mind can be hazardous to one’s faith!!!

Even the smallest trickle of adversity will bring down a house built on a shoddy foundation.

What rules the heart…rules the tongue!

You are known by the company you keep, so keep God’s company and work with the integrity of the boss.

Love you enemies…. It makes them wonder what you’re up to.

If loving your enemies were easy, everybody would do it!

GOD grades on the CROSS….NOT ON THE CURVE!

When dark clouds approach, God should be my first thought…not my last resort.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Running Life's Race...Ready to Win!

In this past week’s topics, my thought process seemed to be focused on dealing with the obstacles and obsessions that seem to beset us all. We looked at the opportunities or the obstacles that God often sets in our path and we considered the life that God rewards as we continually look for ways to be faithful in our worship, service and love for our Heavenly Father….but before I leave this area of concern, I want us to consider how we deal with the trials, tribulations and tests of faith that are the markings of those who are called by the name of Christ…as we take up our cross and seek to follow Him.

When a trial …trouble…test…or “tough break” come our way, how should we as God’s chosen deal with this “speed bump” along heaven’s highway? I believe we will respond in one of three ways.

We will seek to ENDURE the trial….often dragging many of our closest friends and family members down the road of suffering we now travel. We will lower our head, stick out our lower lip and cast our gaze downward… then, we will moan and groan about the “cross” that we must bear. We endure because we must…. and in that mindset we run the risk of becoming…BITTER.

Sometimes we will choose to ESCAPE the trial….we look around, find the closest EXIT and then, we make our move ….WE RUN TOWARD THE HILLS, never looking back at those we have left behind…never caring to help those that may be hurting and dealing with a seemingly insurmountable problem. We are free from the pain of the trial and in that mindset we try to convince ourselves that we feel….BETTER.

And then, there is the third choice of dealing with a trial…we can choose to ENLIGHTEN ourselves by seeking to know God’s will in the midst of the calamity. We can choose to let troubles or impending crises move us to a place of growth …we can use our trouble as a “stepping stone” to a higher place of commitment and trust in our relationship with our Savior and in so doing, we allow our strengthening faith to make us BRAZEN and BOLDER in our walk with our Lord.

As we seek to know God’s will in the midst of tumultuous times, we must realize that life is not a sprint; rather it is indeed a marathon…we must endure in order that we might enlist our problems and our troubles to enable us to run that “good and perfect” race that God has set before each of us.

The writer of Hebrews said it best, “You have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised.” Hebrews 10:36

We must run life’s race to endure all that God has set before us… so that we may become all He has ordained us to be…so that we may accomplish all that He has set before us…but most of all, so that we may receive ALL that He has promised….

So lace up those shoes and prepare to run where God leads….a marathon that will carry you to the very gates of Heaven into a life everlasting…

Running into the fray…Growing stronger in My Savior,


Poem for the day...

Trials in life are sure to come
If we are walking with the Lord...
And we are best equipped to win
When we are grounded in His Word.

Good times will often come and go
As we seek to run life's race;
And we should keep our eyes upon
The wondrous joy found in His face.

For the Father cast His gaze upon
Those who run for Heaven's prize;
And He is there to see us through
With His wisdom for the wise.

So don't give in, don't quit the race...
Your Father waits at the finish line;
With open arms to welcome you
To your eternal life sublime.

WPQ © Sept 2018