Thursday, May 31, 2018

Remembering Those Who Gave Their All.....

As we close out the month of May, I would be remiss if I did not take one last moment to thank each servicemen or women that gave their life that I might sit at this keyboard and write about the Land of the free and the Home of the each of them I dedicate this poem and to their families that have carried on in their absence...

Tribute to Our Fallen ….Memorial Day 2009
Bombs exploding, bullets flying… upon this dying field;
Each man to give his all…his spirit he must yield.
To march to that beating drum…to follow, to be led
As comrades fall around him…living…dying… dead.

What great honor compels a man to pledge to give his life?
To focus all his energies to bring peace where now is strife.
What great passion ignites a man to stand for freedom’s cause?
What leads him into battle without question, without pause?

It is the hope of every man; it is freedom’s Holy Grail
To stand and be victorious …against all evil to prevail.
It is the spirit of hearts united that welcomes freedom’s call
And answer as one in unison …to pledge to give our all.

So on this special day, we’ve set aside to praise;
To lift our voices in one accord; our glasses we now raise…
And offer heart-felt gratitude for those who gave their best
To grant to us Sweet Liberty and though now, they lay at rest….

Let not their voices be silenced for as freedom’s anthem ring;
As angels in great chorus, the songs of freedom sing….
May their sacrifice be worth it all….May truth and valor lead the way…
May we honor those who died for us on this MEMORIAL DAY!




W. Patrick Queen
Copyright May 2009

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Obeying the OTHER Commandment...

A few years ago, I was flying back from a business trip to southern Florida. It was a wonderful day; overcast with those big fluffy clouds that always look like something to those with vivid imaginations. Looking out my window as were passing along the coast, suddenly I see the Space Shuttle come bursting through the clouds as it rockets toward the heavens. It nearly took my breath away in its magnificence as it hurled itself toward the confines of an immeasurable blackness known as space. I followed its path as I watched the flames of the rockets pushing it higher and higher and I thought to myself that those rockets were built for one purpose….to quote Captain James Kirk,
“To boldly go where no man has gone before.”

And that brings me to the second commandment of which I spoke yesterday.

Christ has been crucified and now raised from the dead; He stands before His disciples and issues his last command in Matthew 28:18-20…his final parting words before He ascends to His Father; Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

And there it is ….in one imperative commandment….GO!

Go and make disciples; go and baptize; go and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you to do…..Go and show my love to the lost and hurting in a lost and hopeless world. But for all too many of us that call ourselves disciples of Christ, we fail to heed this simple commandment…GO!

We would rather stay put and be part of the establishment…the church, the choir, the Sunday school or the ones that give little yet expect much from others. We can’t be called from our comfort zone or expected to sacrifice….that’s just not who we are! Somehow we have gotten it into our minds that we are not built like a rocket with one specific function….to GO where no man has gone before.

Now I’m not trying to say that we all must sign up for the foreign mission field…but somebody must! We don’t all have to knock on doors and invite total strangers to church….but somebody must! We don’t all have to work at the homeless shelter on the weekend…but somebody must! For if we are to be faithful to our Savior, then we need to be obedient to His commands to LOVE and to GO…..and the order in which we do this probably matters least.

It would be nice if we all were so filled with His love that we could not contain ourselves in seeking to show and to demonstrate that love…to love so much that we can’t help but GO and look for ways to love. But if you struggle with being filled with the love of Christ, then I challenge you to GO and let love find you in the act of doing, caring and loving in the name of Christ. Just the act of might be all that is needed to stir your heart and let love propel you into service for the Savior.

Christ told his disciples to love as He had loved them and demonstrated throughout his solitary life...He commanded them to be willing to go and to serve. If you want to be obedient to Christ then your life’s mission is simple…follow his two commandments to LOVE and to GO….all else will fall right into place.

Seeking to GO where the Savior leads,


Poem for the day:

We should follow Christ’s example
With everyone we meet…
We should seek to show the Savior’s love
For we are His hands and feet.

For Christ would have us working
To care for those distraught;
To go and serve in loving ways
Is what our Savior taught.

WPQ@ February 2011

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Two Commandments of Christ....

Joy...Do You Have It?

Whether you believe in God or not…or unless you have lived totally secluded from human contact, you have probably heard of the Ten Commandments. Many people know, understand and try to implement the following of the Ten Commandments into their daily life…they live trying to keep the letter of the laws to make themselves “good enough’ to earn their way in to God’s perfect heaven.

But, as Christians, we know this is an impossible task …no one makes it to heaven on their own merit. We are not and can never be good enough to qualify for admission. So our gracious God provided a way through the shed blood of His Son and our admission of guilt; thus, by placing our faith in Jesus and His redemptive power, we are declared righteous and invited to spend eternity with God and His Host of heavenly beings.

But while we are still sojourners here, Christ gave us two commandments that I believe now supersede or at least encompass the former ten and place on each of us a higher calling of service and obedience.

The first is found in some of the last words shared with His disciples on that fateful night of the Passover Supper in John 13:34-35. “A new command(ment) I give you: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples because you love one another.”

I consider this the eleventh commandment and surely one that Christ himself lived out in giving himself for our redemption. It is the greatest commandment that we love God with all our heart, mind, body and strength…and as Christ taught; our neighbor as ourselves. So in love we are to love on three accounts….Love God, love others and love ourselves.

I fear that all too often, we in the Kingdom community get these out of balance and our lives begin to flounder in ineffectiveness and chaos…we fail to find JOY in living because we have our love quotient unbalanced…..Jesus-1st ….Others-2nd ….Yourself-3rd.

J O Y… you have it? Are you living as God intended and Christ commanded? Are you known by the love shown in your life…or are you loving yourself first, God on Sunday and others whenever it will prove to be beneficial to you and your personal agenda?

If so, then that might explain the lack of JOY in your life and the absence of peace that passes all understanding. Living outside the will of God and breaking His commandment to love so that you might be known as a disciple of Christ has many ramifications ….but one in particular….and that’s the other commandment that Christ gave his disciples before He returned to His Father.

Come back tomorrow and get the rest of this story….

Loving as He loved…Obeying the Master,


Thought for the Day:

If I’m living for the Lord
The proof is easy to see;
I’ll be loving others
And not just loving me.

I’ll seek to obey His command,
To make it all about His love;
Then Jesus will smile down on me
From His heavenly home above.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Praying in Joy…

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I encounter some people that really try my patience. In fact, in all honesty, they make me lose it completely. Now, I’m not one to name names…you know who you are, but in my studies the other night, Paul admonished me in Philippians 1 verse 3 to pray with joy. He said, "I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”  Do I always pray with joy? Not on your life…but there it is, from one of the pillars of the early church….PRAY WITH JOY!!!!

Paul is telling us to begin our experience with others by remembering them and then, in our remembrance, to pray with joy. Unfortunately, it seems that I don’t always remember the good things of others …only the things that seem to make me lose my patience. Then I am faced, too often, with my shortcomings which are able to disrupt my walk with my Lord. What if I started using “spiritual eyes’ to view those that God brings into my life; then, as we unite in the partnership of the gospel, I won’t have to overlook their faults…rather, I will be focus on the good work that God has begun in them and in our relationship.

Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that He that began a good work in you will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ.” That should be my focus…if I must be myopic, let my focus be on the good work that God is accomplishing in each of us. I can revel in the misery of the injustice of the moment, past or present…..or I can look at those around me and see them as God does….A WORK IN PROGRESS!!!!

And then, I can pray for them and with them in a spirit of joy and thanksgiving, knowing that God is at work, bringing to completion this person of faith …my brother or sister in Christ. And that’s the eternal partnership that is available to each of us….we belong to Christ and we belong to each other. So, let the praise and prayer begin and let the JOY of Heaven rain down.



Poem of the Day…

We are called to work with others;
To serve our Lord both day and night…
And when we share in that great task
We are filled with heaven’s delight.

We join with others joyfully
To share what He has done.
To tell the world of His great love
For He sacrificed His Son.

So that all may come to worship Him
To bow before His throne;
To proclaim to all that He is Lord
So in us His joy is shown.


Being Kind in an Unkind World...

This is a reprint of a former post...may you be blessed!

In today's fast pace world, the practice and pause for kindness seems to be a lost and dying art. In fact, it is a trait that was once almost ingrained in us as share toys with friends; help someone who was having a bad day or even go the "extra mile" for a driver of an automobile seeking to enter a busy road lined with traffic...BE KIND, sit still and let them enter the roadway.

I am easily reminded of that because yesterday, traveling the roads that I normally frequent, I came upon a busy T-bone intersection and was waiting to make a left turn. As the traffic passed, rather than let a couple of cars pull out onto the highway before I made my left turn, I whipped my car into the side street and hurried on my busy way; however, the stare that I got from the lady in the second car in line at the intersection was like a dagger...and it pierced my conscience with this thought..."What's the big hurry that you could not take a moment and do a kind deed?"

The answer is quite simple...I had made my life more important than those I encountered. Paul did his best to remind us in his letter to the Ephesians, where in chapter 4, verse 32, he writes, "And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ  forgave you."  It is a simple message, but one that seems to have fallen on deaf ears these days.

My mother was a woman that made doing kind acts a vital part of her fact, one might say that it was in her DNA to do selfless acts of kindness on a daily basis. I can still remember the thousands of cookies she would bake during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays all for one reason....TO GIVE THEM AWAY TO ANY AND EVERYONE THAT CROSSED HER PATH. She was constantly on the lookout for anyone that needed help and she always sought to meet their need, even if it took her out of her comfort zone.

But of course, the greatest example we have of someone doing simple acts of kindness was Jesus himself. He lived his life from beginning until the very end, giving of himself without thought of what he might gain...or even what he might lose. His kindness showed his true character and I believe that is true for each of us.

It is hard to be kind in today's culture. The very essence of the mindset of our culture tells you to look out for #1; take care of yourself and don't let anyone get the best of you; however, that should not be the mindset of one who declares that Jesus is their Savior.

Whether it's your spouse, your children, your friends at work or at church or a total stranger that has crossed your life's path, KINDNESS IS OF THE LORD and all those who practice acts of kindness will receive a reward....not just in the next life, but here on this earth as well. Jesus promised that even when we reach out to the "least" of those in our culture, we will make a difference in them and we will see a difference in ourselves as well.

Now, I know that I messed up yesterday; but today is a brand new day....and if I am blessed with the opportunity to show, do or demonstrate an act of kindness, my prayer will be simple....HERE AM I, LORD....USE ME!!!!

Praying for God's Grace...Living a Life in Kindness,


Poem for the day:

It only takes a moment
To do a selfless deed;
To reach out in loving kindness
To someone who is in need.

To follow our Blessed Savior;
To  seek to lend a hand...
To be used by the Father
In Heaven's glorious plan.

So let His Spirit walk before you,
Just follow where He will lead...
And blessings will surround you
When you meet another's needs.

WPQ © October 2017

Friday, May 25, 2018


I am so thankful and blessed to live in this great country that allows each of us to freely speak our minds and share our thoughts ...even if they are not politically correct. It is my prayer in celebrating Memorial Day that we may all feel that it is good to be an American and in so doing, we will bless the name of the Lord for our good fortune. Remember, some have given some for all, but on this Memorial Day, let us honor those that have given their last full measure of devotion for us all....and let us proclaim, 

I am proud to be an American
In this land of sweet Liberty;
For those who have gone before
And died to keep us free.

I am one with those whose blood cries out
From lands across the sea...
Who gave their all in sacrifice
To protect our sweet liberties.

I stand with those whose struggles
Keep them downtrodden and forlorn;
And I mourn with every mother
For the child that was never born.

I lift up the broken-hearted
With their Spirit,  I too weep;
And lament with those who have no place
To lay their head in peaceful sleep.

I champion those, our desperate ones
And pray for them sweet rest;
For the sure and ever present beat
Of freedom in each breast.

I unite with those whom I oppose
So together strong we stand...
In defense of this great nation
And the God who rules this land.

Oh, I am PROUD to be an American
So on this bright and glorious day;
May my actions and deeds speak louder
Than the words you hear me say.

Thus my prayer will always be;
That God will shower His blessings upon
 This land of the BRAVE and FREE!!!!

W. Patrick Queen©  January 20, 2017

Thursday, May 24, 2018

This is a reprint of a former Series...In my reprinting of this series,  
I left out day 3!

As we pick up on our theme of our 5-part narrative of “HOW TO LIVE CONFIDENTLY IN A CHAOTIC WORLD,” I am reminded of the story of the disciples and their trip across the lake.

It seems that Jesus and his disciples had been very busy in the performance of traveling throughout the countryside teaching, preaching and conducting healing in the towns and synagogues of the region. One calm day, Jesus approached his disciples and said, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” Now, this seemed to be a reasonable request, well within the expertise of this band of former fisherman…so they all hopped in the boat and set sail for the far side of the lake. Jesus, who was certainly tired and needed some rest, found a comfortable spot in the boat and went to sleep.

Well, as is the custom of the lake, the winds began to blow and in no short time, these rugged, experienced fishermen found themselves in the midst of a terrific storm…so fierce that they feared for their lives….all the while, Jesus continued to sleep. As the danger seemed to mount and the disciples feared that the boat would be swamped and capsize, they hurried to the Master... Luke 8:24-25 continues the story; “The disciples went and woke him saying, “Master, Master, we are going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided and ALL WAS CALM.”

In today’s world, if we are to live confidently in these chaotic times, we must learn the lesson that Jesus taught his disciples on the tempest tossed waters; in the midst of the raging wind and storm….we can be calm for HE IS CALM.

Yes, the third “C” in our list of the five “C’s” of confident living is we can live confidently for GOD IS CALM!!!!!

In the book of Psalms 107:28-30, we find confidence when we read, “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm and he guided them to their desired haven.” Yes, our God is never anxious or unsettled; in fact, there are five words that do not exist in God’s vocabulary ….

“I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING!!!!”  Our Heavenly Father has never been surprised or caught “off guard”. He has never been mystified or uttered the words “oops” or “uh-oohhh”…He has seldom been early and he has never been late…but he has ALWAYS been right on time to provide us with our every need and to surround us with his unfailing love in times of distress and discomfort.

Yes, if you want to live confidently in this day and age, you need to do one thing….MIMIC GOD AND REMAIN CALM. He alone is ALL we need to make it through every situation that the devil and his minions’ may put in our path. If we will only take our eyes off of our circumstances and re- focus them on Jesus and his calming nature, then we will bring comfort and a blessed assurance to all those that we encounter in the midst of turbulent times.

As a disciple of Christ, we can watch as he rebukes the circumstances that bring about fear and trepidation in our lives ….or if we should succumb to that fear, we will be faced with the same question that Jesus posed to his disciples that night, on that stormy lake, when he asked, “WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?’

If you, as a child of the King, can remain calm when all others about you are in panic mode, then that speaks volumes about you; but more importantly, it speaks volumes about you and your relationship with Jesus.

So start living today as though nothing in this world matters…  except your relationship with Jesus and you will be surprised by the calmness that will envelope your life.
Riding out Life’s storms….Confidently Calm in His presence,

Poem for the day...

When life’s storm clouds gather
And you see the threat of the coming rain;
Just place you hope in Jesus
And He’ll take away your pain.

Just put your trust in Jesus
For He holds you in His palm.
Then your heart will be at peace
And your life will know His calm.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

This is a reprint of from the series...Living Confidently in a Chaotic World!

This is the culmination of this series and is the continuation of Day 5

The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin.

Is that important? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes! In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to-do with the Master and Servant…and every Jewish boy knew this tradition.

When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly with everything in exactly the right place so the Master would be pleased; then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating. The servant would dare not touch the table until he was sure that the master was finished. Then, if the master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, clean his beard and then, he would wad up the napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded-up or unfolded napkin meant, “I’M DONE!”

But, if the master got up from the table, folded his napkin and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because..........

The folded napkin meant....I’M COMING BACK!!!!!

Praise God in Heaven…..He’s Coming Back to redeem His Own.

I trust that today this little story holds great significance for you because you know Jesus as your personal Savior. He promised ….he has made a holy commitment to come back and take us to be with him.

Even in His resurrection moment, He confirmed by the folded napkin His promise that HE IS COMING BACK...and I, for one, can’t wait!

Clinging to the Hope …Living Confidently in a Chaotic World,


Poem for the day...

Jesus left this earthly orb
Into the skies He did rise;
Right before the ones He loved
Into the morning skies.

And as they stood there looking
Unsure of what to do?
Two men in white said to them,
"One day He's coming back for you!"

So if you call on Jesus’ name
Then believe this simple fact.
He has gone to prepare a place,

WPQ © MAY 2018

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Living Confidently in a Chaotic World...Day 5

This is a reprint of this series....

For the past few days, we have focused on answering the question, “How can we live confidently in a chaotic world?” The scripture has taught us that we can live confidently if we follow the 5 “C’s”…we must remember that God is in CONTROL and in CHARGE as we surrender to his will….believe that God is COMPASSIONATE and his love sustains us through all of life’s calamities….find solace as we experience that God is CALM and has never been caught unaware….take heart in the knowledge that God is CONSISTENT and is the same for each of us; past, present and future.

But most of all, I believe we can, as the children of God, live confidently because of our Savior’s COMMITMENT…His unfailing promise to love us unconditionally and eternally. As always, Jesus’ own words say it best; “Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, you may be also.” John 14:1-3 ESV

Jesus could not bear the thought of living without you and me…so even though He would have to return to Heaven after his glorious resurrection, He shared with his disciples (and us) on that fateful night that HE WAS COMING BACK!!!!!

Yes, Jesus committed his life to the Father’s will and to his own personal destruction….and in his last act of commitment found in Acts 1:9-11, we read…

And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold two men stood by them in white robes and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”

Jesus has promised …has made the commitment …to come back and get those of us who are called by his name…and Jesus never lies!!!

There is, however, even more proof that Jesus is coming back …just as He promised …in the story that follows…the story of THE FOLDED NAPKIN….

At the tomb of Jesus, we see John out race Peter and arrive at the grave site first. He peers in, but does not enter. Then, Simon Peter arrives, enters and sees the grave clothes lying there; but the napkin that covered our Savior’s face was not with the grave clothes; rather, it was neatly folded and resting in a place by itself. The natural question was,

Why did Jesus fold the napkin?

Come Back Tomorrow and hear the good news that is told in the Folded Napkin.....

Peering into the Tomb...Blessed by what we see,


Monday, May 21, 2018

Living Confidently – Day 4

This is a reprint of a former series....

If you have been watching much TV in the last few weeks, your optical and sensory receptors have been constantly bombarded with political ads …ads from would-be, wannabe politicians that will and have promised anything in hopes of securing your vote.

Many have promised lower taxes, reduced spending, end of “pork” projects, etc., etc, and etc. They have collectively promised anything and everything that they believed the majority wanted to hear …but now it is the time where “the rubber meets the road’. How many of our newly elected officials will actually carry out and consistently vote the voice of their constituents … a strong voice so loudly heard in these mid-term elections?

I dare say there will only be a handful that will be consistent in following the will of the people…for unfortunately; men and women alike fail miserably when it comes to being consistent in our words and deeds.

But, praise be to God that He is CONSISTENT…and because He is, we can live with great confidence in these chaotic times….FOR OUR GOD KEEPS HIS WORD IN ALL THINGS.

In Hebrews, the 13th chapter, we read: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me!” For Jesus is the same YESTERDAY and TODAY and FOREVER.”  (Verses 5-6, 8)

Our Savior is faithful and he is consistently all that we need to endure the slings and arrows of our adversaries. In fact, in the entire ministry of Jesus, he preached but one thing and one thing only …”I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. No man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14: 6

You can’t be much more consistent than that!!!!!!!! One message, one cross, one sinless man’s blood shed for the sins of all mankind….and one and only one way to the Father.

Yes, in all of the days that Jesus walked upon and among His creations, He was the perfect model of consistency. In miracle after miracle, we see that Jesus always arrived seldom early …never late …but always RIGHT ON TIME… so that God would receive the glory and the son of Man would be lifted up and held in high esteem.

Our God is CONSISTENT….the same for you and me and all those that call upon his name…and He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever. You can ALWAYS count on God to be there for you, even if all others have deserted you and have run for the hills. God will be at your side to lean upon …in front of you as your guide…and behind you as your rear guard…and if the journey is too great, then He will carry you to a place of rest and completion greater than you can think or imagine.

I could recount story upon story upon story of how God has worked consistently in my life and the life of my family for these many years…and I’m sure, if you took just a moment, many examples of his faithfulness and consistent love would flood your memory too….so why not do that today? Take that moment and think on those times that your Lord and Savior has been consistent in your life.

Then, you will be able to faithfully answer the question that seems to plague us all….

Why should I fear what can man do to me?

Living confidently in my Consistent Savior,

Poem for the day:

The Father seeks to give to us
The strength to face each day;
And we can live in confidence
As we seek to walk His way.

For when we surrender to His will
His Spirit will fill our life;
Helping us on every side
To defeat our times of strife.

Yes, to live our lives consistently
That should be our prayer;
For Jesus’ love will never change
As with others we seek to share.

WPQ© Oct 2016

Friday, May 18, 2018

Living Confidently in a Chaotic World ..Day2

The following is a reprint of the Series....
Living in the Throes of Fear...or Trusting in the God of the Universe!

To live confidently in a chaotic world would be impossible if not for the gracious nature of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It would prove too great a task for each of us to endure the slings and arrows of our adversary, the Devil, if not for the compassion of God. Yes, we can live confidently in this chaotic world because our GOD is a GOD OF COMPASSION!

In Psalms 116:5 we read, “The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.” Or we would find the following in Romans 5:8 that reads, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Even in the book of Lamentations (which signifies “to cry out with a loud voice”) in the 3rd chapter we read these words: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fails. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

But what does all that really mean and how does that help us live confidently in this day and age? Simply put, we can find great comfort and courage for whatever lies ahead of us because of God’s promises to us….

He has promised that he will not allow us to be burdened with more than we can bear as long as we look to Him as our source of strength. Paul said it best, " For when I am weak, then I am made strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10

He has promised that he is with us and that NOTHING can EVER separated us from him and the power of his everlasting love. We find that promise in Romans 8:35-39

He has promised that nothing can ever come against us that we cannot cast off through his power and his love. Not sure that is true...just read Romans 8:31

He has promised that he has gone to prepare a place for us and that one day soon he is coming back for us. You will find that assurance in John 14:3

He has promised that he that is in us is FAR GREATER than he that is in the world. Yes, you never stand alone because of the compassion of our God...He confirms that in His Word in 1 John 4:4

He has promised that he is a compassionate heavenly Father who will never leave us nor forsake us….Jesus' parting words to his disciples (and us who love and follow Him)...
"And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age." International Standard Version

But most of all, He has promised us Himself….through His Son, Jesus Christ. His Holy Word tells us of His great love and the sacrifice He made so that we might truly become sons and daughters of the Living God.

Yes, our God is a God of Compassion and he will never let the things of this chaotic world overwhelm us if we only trust and obey. But, in order for us to live confidently, we must learn to see the tapestry of our lives as a completed and magnificent picture and not as a mere collection of random brushstrokes. God is the master artist and He alone sees the mural of your life…complete and resplendent with both the good and happy times as well as those times of turmoil and tribulation….Trust the God of compassion to complete the good and perfect work that He has begun in you, just one day at a time and this world will seem to be a lot less chaotic.

Don't believe me, then put God to the test and see Him prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is A GOD OF COMPASSION and His love is never ending...And that's a promise I cling to every day!!!

Trusting the Artist of Eternity…….I'm a Masterpiece in the Making,


Poem for the Day:

When life’s storm clouds gather
And you see the threat of coming rain;
Just place you hope in Jesus
And He’ll take away your pain.

He's there to guard your heart
If you will but trust and obey;
Just know He walks beside you
As  you let Him have His way...

 For He never will forsake you;
Yes,  His promises are true…
His love is never ending and
His compassions forever new !!!!

WPQ © MAY 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018

What Scares You

The following is a reprint of the Series....
Living in the Throes of Fear...or Trusting in the God of the Universe!

In just a few short days, my seasonal job as the lead assistant golf professional at the Cullasaja Club in Highlands, NC will come to an end and I will be returning home ….and to unemployment.

Now, part of me wants to rejoice since I will get to see my beautiful wife each day and sleep in my own bed each night; however, part of me is remorseful as I leave new friends and a caring membership behind…and did I mention, UNEMPLOYMENT!!!!!

During the entire year of 2009, I was unemployed and I got to spend time taking care of my family, writing my blog and other special pieces and preparing to teach my Sunday School class each week. It was indeed a blessing that I did not take for granted. But, now that I have been gainfully employed for the past seven months and receiving a steady, albeit, small paycheck, I will admit to being a little “frightened” with the possibilities that lie ahead.

Maybe, you find yourself in a similar predicament and might admit to the same feelings that have been aroused in me. So, in the spirit of honesty, I am drawn to ask this simple question…..WHAT SCARES YOU?

Now, I don’t mean ghosts and goblins and ghouls…rather, what is happening in this world and in your world that has you feeling inadequate and possibly frightened with what lies ahead in the days to come?

Is it unemployment….stock market crash…terrorists….war….famine….nuclear weapons that fall into the hands of Islamic extremists……divorce….broken family ties…..death and the life after…..I could go on and on; but, you get my point.

There is much that can upset us and frighten us …..Much that can make us want to lock ourselves behind strong doors and wait for the Lord’s return; but Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

Next week, upon my return to the ranks of the unemployed, I will be writing a series of devotions based on the best-selling book of Dr. David Jeremiah entitled, “How to Live Confidently in a Chaotic World.” In this 5 part series, we will look at the things in life that might cause us consternation and then see what God’s word has to say regarding our ability to move out and into this world as confident Christians….I hope you will join me as we begin to refute those things that would scare us and replace that fear with power that comes from knowing the God of the Universe….

Looking confidently forward …forgetting the forgiven past,


Poem for the day...

What is it in this life
That makes your stomach queasy;
Leaves you feeling timid and afraid,
Rattled and uneasy?

Maybe it's the sounds of war
And the strife between all men,
That has us all questioning
Is this world coming to an end?

But I am here to tell you
If your faith's on solid ground
And you're holding tight to Jesus...
Then nothing can take you down.

Just keep your focus on our Lord
In these dark and troubling days...
And know that we can confidently live
If we just follow in His Way!!!!

WPQ © May 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Take My Yoke…

Working in today’s fast paced business environments leaves many of us feeling stressed, over worked and often at the “end of our rope.” We scurry from project to project, meeting to meeting with hardly a moment to catch our breath…and if something should happen to go wrong …Well, look out for the fireworks!

Christ knows that we weren’t built for this type of prolonged stress and the accompanying anxiety. He tells us in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Ancient Biblical history tells us that farmers in Israel used to train an inexperienced ox by yoking it to an older, more experienced ox by use of a wooden harness. They would draw the straps tightly around the neck of the older animal while the harness rested lightly upon the neck of the younger ox. The burden or “load” was borne primarily by the older beast …the younger animal merely walked along side the mature ox, carrying little of the burden as they traveled the dusty, rocky road…..

And that is the picture that Christ paints for us in this scripture from Matthew….He is walking beside us, bearing the burdens that are too heavy for us to carry. We are yoked together, but it is Christ that is doing the work …and that is why our yoke is light!

Are you yoked with the Savior? What great burden is He bearing for you….the loss of a job; the grief over losing a loved one; the financial turmoil that has you buried in debt… or could it be the shame of the eternal debt that you have not given to him….you have not taken His yoke because you do not know Him as your Lord and Savior?

He begs us to take His yoke and learn from Him…just as that young oxen has to learn how to work in tandem with his mature counterpart, we must learn of our Savior and when we do, we will be seen in His likeness….gentle, meek, lowly in heart and ready to be in service with and for our Lord.

Then and only then, we will be able to make it from day to day in our busy, hectic world….”For His yoke is EASY and His burden is LIGHT!”


Christ is sharing my load….guiding my steps,


Poem for the day...

Working in today's world
Can leave us feeling stressed;
As we gripe and complain to others,
Not giving our all or best.

But the Master has called each of us
To walk beside Him every day;
To take His yoke and join Him
As we plod along Life's way.

Yes, living each day for Jesus
Is certainly not a joke;
For when we follow and walk with Him
Then light and easy will be our yoke!

WPQ © MAY 2018

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Thursday, May 3, 2018


I know that in today's tumultuous times, there has been many a parent that has struggled in the parenting of their children. Some children are just rebellious and unruly; others have children that are sullen and morose; some deal with children that suffer from maladies that involve their mental capabilities...but for most of us, at one point or another, we all have to deal with a wayward child. In fact, if truth be told, we once were that wayward child.

Why touch on such a topic? Well, yesterday, my wife and our daughter spent the day with my mother-in-law, Betty, celebrating her 90th birthday...and from all accounts, it was a wonderful celebration. But if we were to retrace the steps of my wife's life, she would be the first to admit that for a elongated period of her life, she was a wayward child.

Now, I am not going into any of the details, that's not my place to divulge my wife's misdeeds in her younger years; however, I will tell you what she has told me and that was she put her parents through ______  and some very rough times in her early adult years. In fact, I am sure that her parents lay awake many nights asking themselves where they went wrong in raising this child.

Maybe, you have been there or are there with a child of yours? You just can't understand what is driving them to make such terrible life choices and no matter what you say or do, they seem bent on their own self-destruction. Jesus spoke of such a child in his parable (although it may have been a true life story of someone He knew) of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 when one young son demanded that his father give his share of the fortune so that he could live life on his own terms...and we all know how that usually turns out.

After months of riotous living and exhausting all of his monies, he was down to working in the mud pits with the swine, not a great place for a Jewish boy to spend his time. Scripture says, But when he came to himself (which is to say he came to his senses, my explanation), he said, ‘How many of my father's hired servants have more than enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants.”’ And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him." Luke 15:17-20

Maybe that's where you are today with one of your children...just waiting for them to come to their senses and revert back to the wonderful upbringing that you gave them. You are longing for them to get their "act together" and start living for the Lord and not wasting their time, talents and abilities on the foolishness of this world. So let me share this, look at what the father in our story did...he did not send out the servants to find his son and have them drag him back home nor did he write off his wayward offspring as a no-good, dirty scoundrel that would never amount to anything...he did what he could; he waited (and prayed) for his son and keep a diligent eye on the road home, so that one day, when his son came down that road, he would be there waiting with open arms and a love that had never wavered.

My wife made that journey so many years ago and found two loving parents waiting with open arms, ready to let the past go and move forward into a better and brighter future. I have no doubt that what my wife experienced in her life with her parents helped her to be the BEST MOM EVER to our daughter.

Don't let anger and disappointment cloud your vision as you look down that ready, waiting for the return of your wayward child....They are only a prayer away from home!

Loved by the Father...Ready to held in His loving arms,

Poem for the Day....
If you have a wayward child,
Often unruly or sometimes wild;
The best that you can do each day
Lift them up as you pray....

'Father watch over this child of mine
And with your Spirit indwell divine.
Bring them home, safe and sound
And in your will, may they be found.

WPQ © May2018