Tuesday, July 31, 2018


The following was sent to me by a neighbor via Messenger on Facebook. After reading this (and wiping away a tear or two), I decided I wanted to share this and the poem I wrote to go with it...I also added a little introspection on my part. I pray that it touches you in your most tender spot and leads you to pass it on!


While at my local corner grocery store buying some early potatoes, I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily apprising a basket of freshly picked green peas. I paid for my potatoes,  but was also drawn to the display of fresh green peas since I am a pushover for creamed peas and new potatoes. While pondering the peas, I couldn't help overhearing the conversation between Mr. Miller (the store owner) and the ragged boy next to me. 
'Hello Barry, how are you today?'
'H'lo, Mr. Miller. Fine, thank ya. Jus' admirin' them peas. They sure look good'
'They are good, Barry. How's your Ma?'
'Fine. Gittin' stronger alla' time.'
'Good. Anything I can help you with?'
'No, Sir. Jus' admirin' them peas.'
'Would you like to take some home?' asked Mr. Miller.
'No, Sir. Got nuthin' to pay for 'em with.'
'Well, what have you to trade me for some of those peas?'
'All I got's my prize marble here.'
'Is that right? Let me see it', said Miller.
'Here 'tis. She's a dandy.'
'I can see that. Hmmm; only thing is this one is blue and I sort of go for red. Do you have a red one like this at home?' the store owner asked.
'Not zackley but almost.'
'Tell you what. Take this sack of peas home with you and next trip this way let me look at that red marble', Mr. Miller told the boy.
'Sure will. Thanks Mr. Miller.'

Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me. With a smile she said, 'There are two other boys like him in our community, all three are in very poor circumstances. Jim just loves to bargain with them for peas, apples, tomatoes, or whatever. When they come back with their red marbles, and they always do, he decides he doesn't like red after all and he sends them home with a bag of produce for a green marble or an orange one, when they come on their next trip to the store.' 
I left the store smiling to myself, impressed with this man. A short time later I moved to Colorado, but I never forgot the story of this man, the boys, and their bartering for marbles. 
Several years went by, each more rapid than the previous one. Just recently I had occasion to visit some old friends in that Idaho community and while I was there, I learned that Mr. Miller had died. They were having his visitation that evening and knowing my friends wanted to go, I agreed to accompany them. Upon arrival at the mortuary we fell into line to meet the relatives of the deceased and to offer whatever words of comfort we could. 
Ahead of us in line were three young men. One was in an army uniform and the other two wore nice haircuts, dark suits and white shirts...all very professional looking. They approached Mrs. Miller, standing composed and smiling by her husband's casket.  Each of the young men hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke briefly with her and moved on to the casket. Her misty light blue eyes followed them as, one by one; each young man stopped briefly and placed his own warm hand over the cold pale hand in the casket. Each left the mortuary awkwardly, wiping his eyes. 
At last our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller. I told her who I was and reminded her of the story from those many years ago and what she had told me about her husband's bartering for marbles. With her eyes glistening, she took my hand and led me to the casket.
'Those three young men who just left were the boys I told you about. They just told me how they appreciated the things Jim 'traded' them. Now, at last, when Jim could not change his mind about color or size....they came to pay their debt.' 'We've never had a great deal of the wealth of this world,' she confided, 'but right now, Jim would consider himself the richest man in Idaho ...' With loving gentleness she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband. Resting underneath were three exquisitely shined red marbles.

What can we make of such a story as this...Well, if life teaches us anything, it is we will not be remembered by our words, but by our kind deeds. Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Life can be full of unexpected miracles if you only open your eyes and your heart to see...So, today I wish you a day of ordinary miracles ~ 

A fresh pot of coffee you didn't make yourself... 
An unexpected phone call from an old friend....
Green stoplights on your way to work.... 
The fastest line at the grocery store.... 
A good sing-along song on the radio... 
Your keys found right where you left them.

Take a moment and share this with someone you love...someone who holds a special place in your life and heart. If you don't have someone like that, my heart aches for you and prays that God will send you someone who needs to know they matter...remember in life,


 Poem for the day....
To live a life that counts each day
A life that's truly free;
We must tune our hearts and eyes
To the miracles we can't see...

To live a life in expectancy 
To give and share our treasures
To overcome every obstacle
Is a life that will bring pleasure.

But this one thing that must remain
What truly makes life matter...
It's not the things that one may hoard
It's the things that one will scatter!!!!

WPQ © July 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018

Toil & Trouble...Time Marches On!

Here it is two weeks from my 69th birthday and boy, am I thankful! You see, last week, I got to play golf twice in one week …a real treat for a former golf professional; however, I do remember how sore I was the day after my second round. I mean, even the few hairs on my head where sore and I seemed to ache in places I had forgotten I had.

Now, I am not complaining as I am sometimes prone to do; rather stating fact that as we get older, the things that once we did so easily may cause us some discomfort if we over indulge. Someone once said that “Age is a state of mind” and “You are only as old as you feel”…well, last week, I felt pretty old and my mind seemed to focus on that ….which left me in a pretty sad state.

Until I read a scripture in Psalms 90: verses 10 & 12, “ The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone and we fly away….So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”

That’s what we each need as we grow older and our bodies begin to let us down….A HEART OF WISDOM. We need to number our days and make each one count for our Lord. He has set before us a task or a good work that only we can accomplish and we can’t let a failing body or a slowing mind keep us from doing what God has purposed us to accomplish for His Kingdom. So be wise in the way you treat your body….give it good nutrition, plenty of sleep, appropriate exercise and above all, ENJOY THE JOURNEY.

The poem that follows is for all of you that need to keep pushing ahead …..IN SPITE OF what lies ahead or has happened in the past, keep

Living LARGE,


All my life, how I loved to play
I'd be out the door at the break of day;
Goin' fishin' or swimmin' or joggin’ ‘round the track;
I always aimed to get ahead by not lookin' back.

I was smart and eager and always willin' to try
To prove to others I was a really "great guy."
I could leap tall buildings in a single bound;
No nothing in this world was gonna keep me down.

But lately I've noticed I get really short of breath
Walkin' cross the room to turn on the TV set;
And my arms aren't as long as they might need to be
If I want to read the sports page while I watch TV.

Yeah, I used to primp after every morning shower
Combin' and blow dryin’ for nearly half an hour;
But those days are gone; they were really quite a drag;
I accomplish the same thing...but now I use a wash rag.

I used to love to shoot hoops or beat a punchin' bag;
But where I once had muscles; well, it's all turned to flab.
So, I've tried these diets that they say are the rage;
But to keep me from food, you have to lock me in a cage.

My spirit's sturdy and I've still got my nerve,
But where I once had lines, they've all turned to curves;
My hearing's fadin' and my handshake's not as hearty;
I'm just a young man trapped in an old man's body.

So, let me say to you guys who face the ravages of time...
Sit back, relax and with this thought sublime;
Prop up your feet, while you sip your favorite toddy...
BE A YOUNG MAN ALWAYS...in spite of an old man's body.

William Patrick Queen
Copyright 1990

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Leaving a Legacy...How's that Going?

I have a birthday that is quickly approaching in which I will be attaining the ripe older age of 69...not necessarily a milestone, but one I am proud of nevertheless. You see my father passed away at the age of 63 and I come from his gene pool, so for me, I count each higher number in my age progression to be a real blessing. Which got me to thinking about my departure from this world and the legacy that I will leave behind?

Now, my big ten pound dictionary defines the word LEGACY as follows: Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. Notice that it does not make any reference whether that which is past is good, bad or indifferent. But, the Bible teaches us considerably more when it comes to leaving a legacy.

Take Abraham, for instance, and think of the great legacy of faith and obedience that he left for his son, Isaac. Abraham had taken Isaac to the summit on one of the mountains in the land of Moriah and there, in an act of faith and obedience, was prepared to sacrifice his only son. Genesis 25, verse 5 says, “Abraham gave all he had to Isaac.” Everything material, but more important, all that he believed, the faith that he lived, the obedience that defined his life, he passed all that on to his beloved son, Isaac.

Or what about David, the great warrior king …the man after God’s on heart. What a great kingdom he left for Solomon; no wars to fight, rather a reign of peace and prosperity …and a burning desire to lead his people with great wisdom as they labored together to build the temple of God.
And the examples are countless throughout the Bible ….legacy after legacy; some great, some good, some not so good. Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for GOOD WORKS, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Our good works will become our legacy….for what we do is who we become in Christ Jesus. He has redeemed us to do good works and to leave behind a legacy …GOOD OR BAD, YOUR LEGACY IS YOUR FINAL STATEMENT OF YOUR LIFE ON THIS EARTH.

Does your legacy point others to the Father? Do they see your good works and glorify the Lord? Do they emulate the life you lived or do they fall away and take the path that leads to destruction? A man’s legacy begins in his heart…..therefore; a man must guard his heart and mind in this perverse and evil world. For what he thinks soon becomes his words and his spoken words become his habits. Before he can realize the path he has chosen, his habits reveal his true and visible character and in the blink of an eye, his character has become his legacy…..and HIS LEGACY IS ETERNAL. Galatians 6:7 says it best, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that he will also reap.”

How’s your legacy shaping up? Better guard your heart, chose your words carefully and practice what you preach…after all, God’s watching and so is everyone else!

Leaving a legacy of love,


Poem for the day....

Living in this treacherous world 
Requires of every man....
To scrutinize the way he lives
And to do the best he can.

For in each and every step he takes
A  watching eye will see;
If he is living as he says he must
As he lives out his legacy...

So don't give into worldly lust
Or pride...or hate...or greed.
For one who lives for Jesus Christ 
Has all that he will need...

To give his all in a live well lived 
Where our Father receives the glory...
Will tell the world that we left behind
Our Legacy is His Story!!!

WPQ @ July 2018

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Living Faithfully in the Dress Rehearsal of Life...

 Living in the now is hard for a lot of God’s people …what with our world’s infatuation with gathering and storing and saving for our old age. It seems that hoarding has become part of the standard thinking of the rich and the “wanna be” rich. Now, I for one can empathize with this thought process, being one of the “baby boomers” who has been suckled with the idea that if I am going to live a long and satisfying life, I better stockpile lots of “goodies’ to see me through my senior years.

But, let’s look at this from a Biblical perspective. This life is really just a dress rehearsal for the eternity that I will spend with my Heavenly Father …at home in the New Jerusalem. Now, I can perform admirably for my worldly audience and take my bows for living as my peers...or I can live faithfully in this "dress rehearsal" and await the moment that I hear my Savior say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." The choice on how I live and for whom I perform is truly mine.

But in truth, as a follower of Christ, my entire purpose for living is to prepare me for eternity …to have me practice on earth what I will perfect in heaven. Now eternity, that’s a LOOOONNGGGG TIME according to 2 Peter 3:8 which says, “But do not overlook this one fact, Beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. God’s calendar is different than yours and mine…I may live to be a hundred here on earth, but I’m going to spend a trillion years in eternity and that requires that I get my eye on the prize while I’m here.

Each one of us was made by God…. for God. God did not put us here to make us happy, but to make us HOLY…and that’s the struggle of life. Until we get that thought at the center of our consciousness, we’re probably going to spend our time and efforts in pursuing the wrong things of this world….and those “things” lead to our destruction. Sure, we all want to be successful, fulfilled and comfortable both now and in our “retirement” years; but God is more interested in your CHARACTER than in your comfort.

So, where does that leave us? Do we listen attentively to the noise from the crowd that tells us to “grab all we can” since we only “go around once in life”…or do we heed the Savior’s call to “take up our cross and follow him.”

If your life is not facing some sort of difficulty, then maybe it’s time to check your Christian pulse and see if your really have a heartbeat for the Savior? Truly, it’s okay to want to be reasonably happy here on earth; to face a minimal amount of desperation or despair….but, remember, God is more interested in your growth in Christ than the size of your home or the value of your IRA. If you’re working for the Kingdom, then trust me; Opposition is near-at-hand….but that’s okay! 1 John 4:4 says, “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for He that is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

So start living for the eternity that God has promised you and leave behind the cares and troubles that so easily beset us….Today is the first day of the rest of your eternity ….at home with Jesus and our Father of Love.

Letting go of today…Reaching for eternity,


Poem for the day...
The eyes of the Lord travel to and fro
Seeking to find someone;
Upon whom He might bestow,
Blessings for a life well done.

So begin each day with this mindset
I am here to serve the Lord...
For I long to know Him better
By spending time in His Holy Word!

So give Him your love and obedience
And each morning when you arise;
Plan to live this day for Him
And you will find favor in His eyes.

WPQ © July 2018

Check out today's blog at

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Signs are everywhere these days and you can’t always believe what you read. Check out the following examples:




Notice in a health food shop window: CLOSED DUE TO ILLNESS!

Spotted in a Safari park: ELEPHANTS PLEASE STAY IN YOUR CAR!


On a repair shop window: WE CAN REPAIR ANYTHING!!! (Please knock hard on the door- the bell doesn’t work).

Signs, signs and more signs ….they are everywhere; cluttering up the roadsides with their messages to eat here, buy this or that and go here or there for a better deal. We are bombarded with signs that too often are set before us just to lead us down the wrong path; a path that leads to destruction. Yes, our adversary, the Devil, wants us to heed the signs and to do what they request, even if they don’t seem to make perfect sense. He tells us that just a little of this will be okay or we can compromise our values in this particular situation since it's not really going to harm anyone....IT'S JUST ONE LIE AFTER ANOTHER....And before we know it, we have lost our way because we paid attention to the wrong signs.

God’s word has something to say about signs. In Deuteronomy 6:5-9, God instructs us to love Him with all our heart, body, mind and soul and to take this command to heart. Then He says, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets before your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” So in our world today, our lives should be a sign for all to see so that they will know that we belong to HIM....and that sign should point them toward the loving arms of Jesus.

Do you have his word written on your heart? What sign hangs on your doorpost or your gate that reminds you and tells others that you serve a risen Lord? What signs are you heeding in your daily walk with Jesus…and maybe even more importantly, is your life a sign of what God can and will do when someone surrenders completely to Him? I just thought we should think about this today and determine to be a sign of the times..a sign that tells everyone that  Jesus died to set men free and one day…very, very soon, He’s coming back to take us home before the Great Tribulation. Now, that’s one sign I can’t wait to see!

Signing off ….Blessed Beyond Measure,


Poem for the day....
Traveling down life's highway
Heading who knows where...
Unsure of the road we've taken
With hearts in deep despair.

Seeking to go where the Savior leads
But when the devil wins the day;
We end up broken; lost; forlorn
Because we let him have his way.

So remember on this road called life
There's one sign you must obey...
To trust the Father with every step
And let Jesus lead the way!

WPQ © July 2018

Monday, July 23, 2018

Keeping the Main Thing....THE MAIN THING!!!

If you are like most of the people you know and work with these days, you probably got up this  morning and were already behind for the day regarding all the things you need to get done. Yes, it seems like no matter how hard or fast we work, we always seem to be rushing, running and wrestling with getting things done in a quick and orderly fashion….and that’s not good for our blood pressure…or our walk with Christ.

In fact, that story line dates all the way back to the time of Jesus when he stopped for a short visit with some friends of his….Mary, Martha and their brother, Lazarus.

Luke 10:38-42 from The Message reads, “As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. ‘Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand.” The Master said, ‘Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main thing and won’t be taken from her.” 

Martha was upset and displeased that she had been left to do it all, while her sister, Mary, had found her place at the Savior’s feet and was taking in His every word. Martha was anxious that all would not be prepared in time, while Mary was astounded by the words of the Savior that melted her heart and captivated her soul.

Martha demanded help ….Mary sought love and acceptance….Martha was concerned for the temporal things of this life ...Mary's heart was set on things eternal...and in the kind words of Jesus’ reproof, Mary found that she had indeed chosen wisely! Mary had chosen the one essential thing…The Main Thing…Time with Jesus.

Have you made the choice today to make the Main Thing, the main thing in your life? To forsake schedules, time constraints, excuses and even service for the sake of doing in pursuit of the main thing…Time with Jesus. The time you spend in reading and studying the Word of God will instill in you one thing that is inescapable....Your  need for a Savior. Your alone time with Him will give you instruction in how you can make Jesus the Lord of your life and how you can effectively have a closer walk with him. …it will convince you time and time again of your need to keep the Main Thing…the Main Thing.

There is no substitute for getting to know Jesus better than by spending time with Him by reading, ingesting and meditating on His Holy Word. Martha thought it was service to Him…Mary showed her it was in spending time with Him…......

That was, and still is.....THE MAIN THING!

Keeping my seat at His feet...hanging on every word,


Poem for the day....

In this life we're living
As we hustle to and fro;
Seeking to accomplish goodness
While living for the "show."

Up late at night, we set our goals,
Then we work to see them through...
Hoping to make a difference
In the many things we do.

But I'm afraid we miss the "thing"
That should be at the top of our list;
The one sure thing that we must do
If we're to live a life of bliss?

We must start each day at the Savior's feet
Spend time in His Holy Word....
Reach out in prayer to the Father's Throne
He is listening ....you will be heard!

Yes time that is spent with Jesus
Will refresh your heart to sing...
When you begin each day with Jesus
That's keeping life with Him...THE MAIN THING!!!


Friday, July 20, 2018


This is a reprint of my very first blog on Salt & Light ....

Recently, while teaching my Sunday school class regarding the resurrection of Lazarus, I came across that verse from John; you know the shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” (John 11:35). We talked fervently about how this demonstrated the humanity of Jesus, how He had lost one of his closest friends, suddenly and tragically. We read how He put off going to see Lazarus and healing him prior to death, just so God the Heavenly Father might receive greater glory through the obedience of His Son. We felt the pain and loss that Jesus felt as he talked with the sisters, Martha and Mary. We understood the feelings of remorse and loss for words that often are prevalent in this type of situation….could He have done more; what could He say to ease their suffering; how could He make this better? All these emotions, struggling to break free and express the deep sorrow and anguish that welled up in this carpenter from Galilee ….. It’s no wonder that Jesus wept.

But upon closer examination, maybe there’s more to this little verse that reveals the divinity of our Lord. Scripture says. “When Jesus saw her weeping, and those with her, he was deeply moved in His spirit and greatly troubled. And he said, Where have you laid him? They said to him, Lord, come and see. JESUS WEPT!” (John 11:33-35)
Jesus was in route to the tomb when He began to weep, his spirit was deeply troubled because He knew what was about to happen. He was going to pray to the Father to return Lazarus to earth ….his friend, who at that very moment had been in the very bosom of the Father for four days, was about to be called back from glory.
Jesus knew exactly what that meant.
Lazarus had come to know His Savior as his closest, most personal friend and in his death, he had gone home to glory…..and Jesus knew GLORY!!!!! He was the Creator and He, himself, had taken on the garment of mankind and had come to earth from His Heavenly Father. Now, His prayer would petition the Father to return Lazarus to this sinful, wretched world …to give up what we each long so desperately to acquire…our home in heaven.
To me, it is no small wonder that Jesus wept….He alone knew what Lazarus was about to forfeit when God answered His prayer. Those tears that fell from the face of God wanted to leave Lazarus at peace; fulfilled and save in the arms of God; but, Jesus knew that this miracle would lead many to faith in Him. And so He did what was required ….He called Lazarus back from GLORY…..and He wept!
Shedding tears for the lost…longing for glory,
Poem for the day....

The day is approaching quickly
As Heaven doors swing open wide;
For all who've called on Jesus
They will gather and once inside....

We'll sing together in one chorus
Shout our praises to our King,
As loud Hallelujahs echo
And the angels join to sing...

As we gather in the Throne Room
To sit at the Master's feet...
Nothing will be more precious 
No, nothing could be so sweet....

But to look in the eyes of my Savior
Finally home in eternal rest;
Forever we will reign with Jesus
Forever His ....Forever Blessed!!!!

WPQ @ JULY 2018

Thursday, July 19, 2018

You Gotta Rock the Boat Before You Walk on Water…

Now, I’m something of an expert when it comes to the title of today’s topic…not that I have ever walked on water; but, I sure have rocked the boat on more than one occasion.

It all goes back to my days in the Navy when I served as a helmsman for the motor whaleboat….a small, motorized craft about 20 feet or so that was used to carry the crew and more importantly, our commanding officer, from ship to shore. I worked along side a good friend of mine by the name of Tiny, a rather robust young man at 6’ 6” and 285 pounds.  Tiny was a Boatswain Mate Third Class and in charge of the motor whaleboat and the crew that ferried our shipmates to our port-of-call. I had the good fortune of being assigned to his detail and I learned a great deal from him, especially when it came to getting in and out of the boat.

The first time I was assigned duty on the launch, I proceeded to climb in the boat with little knowledge of where I should place my feet or how to move forward from the aft to the bow of this small vessel. Unfortunately, that lack of knowledge deposited me into the harbor and ruined my freshly-starched uniform…Tiny had a big laugh and I had to go back aboard the ship and change into another uniform. I never forgot what Tiny taught me regarding the boarding and unboarding of our craft…..and although, I often rocked the boat coming and going, I never fell in again.

I share this story because of the kinship it provides me with my favorite disciple, Peter and his story in Matthew 14:26-32 ….it is here, where Peter sees the Lord, walking on the water in the midst of a terrible storm.

We all know this story and too often, each of us may have chided Peter because of his failure to successfully navigate the stormy waters. It seems that after climbing out of the boat, as he begins to walk toward the Master, he is overcome by the wind and the swirling seas and he begins to sink. Jesus, in His loving spirit, takes hold of his hand and lifts him out of the raging seas and says, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

It seems that Peter has failed…but, let’s examine this from a different vantage point. All the disciples where present…they all thought they had seen a ghost…they all feared for their collective lives …and they all had the same opportunity to rock the boat….that is, anyone of them could have called out to Jesus and said as Peter, “Lord, if it is you, command me to leave the boat (my addition) and to come to you on the water.”

But Peter was the only one that was willing to risk the savage sea and the wild winds and heed the Master's command…only Peter was willing to rock the boat and step out in faith to meet his Lord in the storm. He was willing to leave what little security this tiny vessel offered and walk forward, climb over the bow and lower himself into the cold, dark sea.  No one offered a helping hand or even an encouraging word but our Lord….and He simply said, “COME!”

It is true that Peter’s step of faith left him soaked to the bone and maybe, somehow, his lack of faith diminished him in the eyes of the other disciples; but in the eyes of the Lord, though disappointed in the overall outcome, I’m sure Jesus was once again encouraged that Peter was on his way to becoming the man that He knew he could be….a man for all seasons.

And the same can be said for you and me, if we are willing to rock the boat and heed the Master’s call to come….to step out of our comfort zone….to dare to be all that He has called us to be. We may falter and fall short of God’s desire for our lives….we may disappoint Him as doubts and fears creep into the fabric of our faith….but He will lovingly extend His nail-scarred hand and lift us out of the tempest-tossed seas of our lives and put us back into the boat ….and then the storms will cease….for He alone is the Son of God.

I encourage you today with this….Don’t fear the storms of life as you sail through them….rather trust the Son of God, Jesus Christ and know that you will arrive safely home to spend eternity with Him. Until then keep,

Rocking the Boat…Expecting to walk on water,


Poem for the day:

Life's stormy seas may gather
And the winds may howl and blow;
But if we seek to sail with Jesus
There's one thing we should know.

He is the Master of the seas
And all the heavenly realm...
For we shall reach our harbor safe
When He is at the helm.

WPQ @ 2017

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cleaning Up Your Act...

There are a lot of things going on in our world today that many of us find reprehensible; however, for most of us, we would rather remain silent than make a fuss and call out the guilty parties.

I guess a lot of that mentality stems from the scripture where Christ tells his disciples to “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”…..however; a closer examination of the scripture in Luke 6:41-42 reads as follows: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, “Brother let me take the speck out of your eye” when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite; first take the plank out of your own eye and then, maybe, you will see clearly to remove the speck form your brother’s eye.”

In other words….CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!!!!!

We need to hold other brothers and sisters in Christ accountable for their actions; but we must first make sure that we are living as God intended and in accordance with his will for our lives.

We can easily judge the sins of the world for the Bible spells them out in no uncertain terms….and we are called as salt and light to shine God’s holy light on the sins that would befall and hinder someone who does not know Christ….but our lives MUST be HOLY and WITHOUT REPROACH…..WE MUST LIVE AS CHRIST LIVED…..and let our actions point others to Jesus. Once they compare His life to their own, they will see their need for Him as their Lord and Savior.

Jesus told us not to judge unless we were willing to have the same “measuring stick” used to judge us ….and He told us NEVER to condemn lest we be condemned….

So where does that leave us in the greater scheme of calling “sin”…..SIN?

Simply put; make sure your life is in order and pleasing to your Heavenly Father before you set out to help someone else “clean up their act!”

The following poem was sent to me today from my beautiful bride and that’s what got me thinking about this …..Read on and enjoy…..and remember; if you know Jesus personally, then God has already judged you and found you blameless by the shed blood of His Son, JESUS CHRIST.


I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.

John, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.

'And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said,
'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you!

God Bless and Stay Strong...The Battle Rages On,


Friday, July 13, 2018

Persevering in the Face of Adversity...

This is a reprint of a former post...

The Big Black Bug Mentality!

For the last few summers, here across the South, it has been brutal when it comes to the drought conditions that have beset us. In fact, it’s made me do something I have never done before in my adult life…..water the grass and surrounding plants in my yard. Why just the other morning, I was out at the crack of dawn to perform my new ritual, when this great BIG BLACK BUG (or wasp or mutant bumblebee) altered its flight plan and made a straight beeline (no pun intended) for me. Well, I did the only manly thing I could do…I switched the nozzle on the water hose to JET and shot that sucker right out of the air before it collided with my forehead ( I’m sure it would have left a mark). It plummeted to the grass, but I could tell it was only deterred, stunned or dazed, but definitely not ready to give up the fight; so, I sprayed even more water on it to make sure it would stay down. After about 40 seconds of watering the grass in that “special” spot, I once again turned my attention to the rest of the yard. After several minutes, I made my way back to that area of conflict and found that bug struggling to climb out of that wet grass and get airborne. Well, you just got to admire that kind of perseverance!

And I do….in fact, one of my favorite scriptures in James 1:2-4 says, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith develops PERSEVERANCE. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete….not lacking anything.”

Yep, that big black bug reminded me that I never know from day to day or moment to moment what trial or problem or persecution is headed my way. I may be off to do my thing, minding my own business, when trouble rears its ugly head; but God’s word tells me to count it all joy when those trials come my way so that I can persevere and be COMPLETE….LACKING NOTHING!!!!

I trust that today you are ready to be tested and to be found complete in the grace and love that our Heavenly Father bestows on each of us. Be like that BIG BLACK BUG and don’t let a little water (or heartbreak or disappointment or catastrophe) keep you from getting airborne and becoming all that God has ordained for you to be.

If your not sure how to get that done, read the rest of James 1…..there’s a lot of God’s instruction just waiting for you….Have a Blessed Day as you persevere for the Father.

Persevering for the Father...Living to Soar,


Poem for the day...

In this world of heartbreak
When all have abandoned you... 
You're looking to move forward,
But you haven't got a clue.

Just turn your eyes to Jesus
To see what He has in store;
And He will give you peace of mind,
Refreshing your heart once more.

He'll lift you up to mountain peaks
Through the valley He will be your guide.
If you will but seek to persevere 
For He's walking by your side.

So don't give in, don't ever quit
Like a lion, let them hear you roar....
Then all who watch you reach for the stars
Will applaud  as they see you soar!!!!

WPQ @ July 2018 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Living in the Sweet Spot!

As a former PGA golf professional, I understand and have a deep appreciation (some might say passion) for the “SWEET SPOT” of the golf club. The sweet spot is that center-most position of the club’s face that when properly applied to the rear and lowest spot on the golf ball will produce the desired, even exquisite, results.

It is also common knowledge that when the sweet spot of the golf club is expertly applied time and time again, the face will soon exhibit a lasting impression of well-worn application ….much to the joy and gratitude of the golfer that has welded the instrument…in other words, one happy and complete golfer who takes great pride in playing the game of golf at its highest and best level.

The same can be applied to each of us and our own individual “sweet spot.” Take for instance, the master builder Bezalel and what the Holy Scripture has to say regarding his “sweet spot.”

“See I have chosen Bezalel, son of Uri of the tribe of Judah. I have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God. I have given him great skill, ability and knowledge to do all kinds of work. He is highly capable as an artistic designer of pieces made from gold, silver and bronze. He is able to cut precious jewels and mount them in metal. And, he is a master carver of all kinds of wood.” Exodus 31:2-5 (TLB)

God created this man and gifted him with all the talents and abilities he would need to become a master artisan …a highly skilled craftsman that would use his God-given talents to design and create the meeting tent, the Ark of the Covenant and all the items there within. He gifted him with a “sweet spot” that made him unique…one of a kind in the eyes and favor of the Lord…and God has done the same for each of us. Yes, each of us are unique in the eyes of our Creator; gifted with a “sweet spot” that we alone possess…for the glory and edification of our Lord.

So, what is your “Sweet Spot”….what talent or gift drives you, completes you and extols you to be all that God has created you to be? Are you a gifted musician or talented singer that brings joy and encouragement to those that hear your music? Are you a teacher that thrives on sharing ideas and seeing growth in your students? Do you manage people well or are you the one that sits in the President’s chair and makes all the tough decisions? Does the summer sky inspire you to draw or paint in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and to share that vision with those around you….or do you drive a school bus and safely and patiently deliver your precious cargo to their appointed destination?

Whatever your “sweet spot”…..true fulfillment in life, even life itself, is about finding and doing what God has called you to do. Yes, the true joy in life is finding what you were meant to do…. and then doing it as often and as much as possible!!!!!

So go on…MAKE GOD HAPPY!!!!!!  Find your “sweet spot” and do that which makes you unique and brings God honor and glory over and over and over again….and just like the face of my golf club, you will make a lasting impression by the well-worn application of a life well-lived….

Living in the SWEET SPOT ….Giving God the Praise,


Thought for the Day....

Living gloriously in this world 
May bring you great acclaim;
But what really matters most is 
What's done in Jesus name.

So plant your tiny seed of faith
In the Father's Holy sod...
And your life will be revered
For your service to our God.

Yes, do what only you can do
A life well-lived will tell His story...
For in each task that you complete
God will receive His glory!!!!

WPQ  @ July 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Hardships of Happenstance?

A lot of people in our world today like to complain about the "bad breaks" that have occurred in their lives. They fret and fume over the "bad luck" that has befallen them as they have tried to live their lives without the cumbersome burden of hardships. They think that the trials that they must face in life just happen rather randomly...through no fault of their own....POPPYCOCK!!!

If we are truly honest with ourselves, a lot of life's misfortunes are of our own doing and of our own choosing! Now, I am not saying that many people choose to have pain and misfortune dogging them at every step they take in life; however, most of the time it is our own fault that we find ourselves in dire straits due to poor choices. But, if we are truly children of the Most High, many times life deals us a "band hand" because God has ordained a better and brighter future for us, just the other side of our misery.

For example, take the life story of Joseph...sold into slavery by his brothers (not his choosing);  assigned to work in Potiphar's house and forced to work as a slave (not his choosing); seductively pursued by Potiphar's wife and when he refused her advances, she lies and he is cast into the dungeon (not his choosing); hopefully, you catch my drift.

Why such pain, hardship and degradation when all this young man was trying to do was to serve the great God, Jehovah? Was it a run of bad luck or just a hardship brought on by happenstance? I think that it was just our mighty, all-knowing God preparing Joseph for his next assignment as the second-in-command to the Pharaoh...and in this story, I hope we can all find some solace.

You see, God does indeed work in mysterious and unimaginable ways to accomplish His will in the lives of His beloved. I can honestly say that I believe that there is NO hardship, NO trial,
NO tribulation that may come upon us as believers that does not first pass through the hands of our loving and omnipotent Father...for what Father would subject his children to pain or suffering that did not in some way prepare them for a bigger and brighter future of service....and in our case as believers, when those hardships come (and believe me, they will), God has promised to never leave us or forsake us!

So we can take heart from the life of Joseph as we are reminded that the hardships that we may endure in this life help us to see that God's purpose is greater than our preference to avoid pain and conflict...rather we should rejoice, not in the pain, but in the fact that we have been found worthy to suffer in order to receive and move forward into a greater realm of service for our King!

Remember, our God is ALWAYS working for our good and His GLORY and that just maybe, our greatest misery might just become our greatest ministry.

Enduring the pain...rejoicing in service to Him,


Poem for the day....

Life can have its ups and downs
Some bad things may come your way;
But when you trust the Father
He will guide you through each day.

He'll lead you through the darkest night
The deepest valley, He will see you through.
For when life may seem unbearable,
His love and favor rest on YOU!

Don't try and run from hardships
Though daunting they may be....
Our Father has a plan in this
Though the outcome you can't see.

Just put you hope and faith in Him
His hardships are meant to bring....
Glory and Honor and unending Praise
To Jesus, our Lord and King!!!!

WPQ © July 2018