Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Secret to a Happy New Year…

This is a reprint of a previous post....but it still rings true for this New Year!

Just about everyone starts off the New Year by making a few, well-thought out New Year’s resolutions. In fact, I would venture to guess that most of us reason that if we will remain true to our vision of a better “you” and will commit ourselves to the fulfillment of our resolutions…we will enjoy a truly HAPPY New Year…..The sad fact of the matter is that RARELY EVER HAPPENS.

So, in order to insure that you and my other faithful reader enjoy a blissful and extremely HAPPY New Year, I have decided to share my secret with you; although in truth, it really belongs to the apostle Paul. He wrote in Philippians 4:11-12 the following, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low and I know how to abound. In any and EVERY circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.”

And there it is, my friend….in a few simple sentences, the great apostle Paul tells us the secret to happiness….for life, health, wealth and everything else. We need to learn contentment….whether in good times or bad, whether happy or sad, in plenty or want or abundance or need…..LEARN TO BE CONTENT AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY!

Now, I know that sounds almost too simplistic and as you stand there scratching your head, think on this….We learn contentment when we abandon comparison….It is the constant use of comparison that leads to discontentment. If we buy a new car that meets our needs, we have reason to be happy…. until we compare our ride to that of our boss or neighbor or anyone else who has a newer, sleeker model. The bloom of comparison leads to the seeds of discontent and there goes the joy and happiness that was once ours.

Time after time after time, when we compare what others have with what we don’t have, we tear down our foundation to happiness. We need to see what we have as sufficient for our needs…as God’s measured blessing to insure our happiness and to keep us focused on doing His will.

Whenever you trade your contentment for discontentment, you become myopic in your vision for the Lord’s work and in His will for your life. You become so self-centered in looking at what you don’t have that you are rarely thankful for what God has given….this is more than just seeing the glass as half-empty or half-full….it is a greater truth that speaks to the heart of who you are and who you want to be in Jesus Christ.

Contentment is a learned response to the actions of a loving God….you can choose to be happy with little or with much…with great wealth or abject poverty….with exceptional wellness or poor health….the list is inexhaustible ….but the choice is always yours ….and the correct choice will lead to contentment and happiness that is often inexplicable to those who view your life from outside the faith.

So, learn this invaluable lesson that Paul sought to teach each of us….in EVERY SITUATION, in EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE….don’t look around to see if others have more or less than you…learn to be content in your situation….then you will be able to live in the fullness of verse 13 in Philippians 4 that says, “I can do all things through Him that gives me strength.”

Choose today to be a person that lives with a flexible cup that is always ready to expand or contract  based on the Lord’s provisions…it is a mindset that will lead to contentment and one step closer to living a life that will honor your Heavenly Father….get started today; and oh, by the way, this is a secret that is okay to share with those you love….I know that’s what I intend to do.

Go On…..Make it a Happy New Year,


Poem for the day:

Every year about this time,
The calendar begins to shrink...
And we are left to wonder,
To ponder and to think.

I am happy with what I have
Or am I a discontent...
That squanders all my blessings
Wondering where my money went?

For when I trust in the things I have
I'm left feeling empty and wanting more.
My joy and happiness come and go
Like living life in a revolving door.

But when I give my all to my Master;
My Savior...My Lord...My King!!!!
My heart is overflowing and
My soul will shout and sing...

Hosannas to HIM in the highest
I'm thankful for whatever comes my way.
I'm always blessed beyond measure
And thankful for each new day!

Make this new year your BEST ever...and give your Heavenly
Father the praise and adoration that He is due!

WPQ © Dec 2017

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


The following is a reprint from a former post in 2017...but it definitley bears repeating; so,

If you are like a lot of folks this time of year, you begin to look at what you have and what you can give to those you love. After all, it is the Christmas season and that is the reason for the season ...to give to those we love and show them how much we love and appreciate them. But I would beg to differ and ask that we approach this season of gift giving from a different perspective ...to see Christmas from the one who gave and held nothing back.

I know that when man sinned and we fell from grace, God put into motion His plan of redemption ....and that plan called for justice and for the shedding of blood so that sins might not just be covered over, but might be forever removed.

Yes at Christmas, it is easy to get caught up in all the tinsel, lights, decorations and presents...and for those of us that believe in the birth of the Christ-child, we so love the compassion of a mighty God that sent His Son to be born as a babe and dwell among us...Emmanuel, God with us.

But the Christmas story is not about the child born to us....it is about the cross borne for us by a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. When God's plan went into effect that day in the Garden of Eden, God prepared all of Heaven for the sacrifice that was to come and though it began with the lowly birth of the King of the Universe, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a lowly cattle stall...the true gift of Christmas was the sacrifice that Jesus made for us at the cross.

Jesus could have held His position in Heaven and told His Heavenly Father to come up with a new plan to save mankind; but He did not! He forsook all and stepped out of Heaven's glory to become the substitute for you and me. The cross and all its pain and suffering belonged to you and me...it was for our sins that we should have been nailed there; however, God would not let that happen because of His great love for His creation ...so He gave up His most precious Son and send Him to stand in your place and mine.

Yes, the story of Christmas centers around the CHILD; but, it is really about the CROSS and the love of the Father for His lost children, the joy of His creation. So, this Christmas, see the gift of Christmas in a new and heavenly perspective as you see what Jesus sacrificed for you in Heaven so that He could become the sacrifice for you on the cross. I promise if you do, Christmas will mean so much more than presents you give or receive.

Besides, if we know Christ as our Savior, we are already blessed beyond measure...what else could we possible need?

Wishing you a Merry Christmas through Heaven's Eyes,


Poem of the day:

If you just celebrate Christmas
With lights and gifts and such...
You may miss God's greatest gift
And the joy of Heaven's touch.

For on that night so long ago,
When angels came from glory;
And heralded the baby's birth
To begin the Christmas story.

The night was filled with joyous song
As Heaven's light show filled the skies
And we now come to celebrate....
To see Christmas through Heavenly eyes.


Monday, December 23, 2019

The Oil of Forgiveness

This is a reprint of a former post...

The Christmas season brings for many, the joy and celebration of spending time with those you love and adore, reveling in the traditions of Christmas past. Unfortunately, looking back to those past Christmases can also bring heartache, pain and the pangs wrought by unforgiveness. Who of us hasn't had a Christmas spat with a family member that leaves us feeling wounded and bruised; however, for most of us, we check our egos and extend the hand of love and forgiveness to each injured party and move on with our celebration of this holy season.

Maybe, you find yourself this Christmas season getting ready to avoid someone with whom you have been wronged.  The pain and hurt are still fresh on your mind and embedded in your heart...you have not been able to forgive, much less forget.

The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:32 that we cannot afford to live this way and be in right communion with our Heavenly Father...Paul says, "And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ."

After all, the true meaning of Christmas is the starting point of God's plan of salvation by providing Heaven's perfect lamb in the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ...the once and for all sacrifice that would show mankind the Father's immense love and make a way for us to be FORGIVEN and reborn as new creatures in Christ.

So if our great and holy God the Father can forgive us for our sins, shortcomings and mess ups that wound and destroy our relationship with Him; how much more can He expect us to forgive those we encounter that do likewise to us? If we were perfect, then we might expect to sit on our throne and demand better from those that we love...but let's face it...

NO ONE IS PERFECT EXCEPT THE RIGHTEOUS SON OF GOD...BORN IN A MANGER SO THAT HE MIGHT BECOME AS US, ONLY PERFECT! It is that perfection that allows him to wear the mantle of Savior, die for OUR SINS, be raised from the dead, and assume His rightful position, seated FOREVER AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER.

Now, I don't know about you, but as a guy, I HATE rattles, creaks and noisy squeaks. In fact, on more than one occasion, I have pulled my car over and got out or under the car to find out where a rattle or squeak might be originating...and when found, I grab my little squirt can of WD 40 and apply liberally to the squeak...for me, it is the oil of liberation.

The same should be true for our injured relationships with our loved ones and the "squeak" of unforgiveness that keeps us uncomfortable and sometimes down-right mean and vindictive...that's when it is time to pull out the oil can of forgiveness and let it have its way in salving and solving the problem that keeps us at odds with a loved one. Use the oil generously as you ask for forgiveness or offer forgiveness to someone who may have wronged you. The one that apologizes first is saying "I love you and being with you" more than I love being right or pompous in my attitude. The one who forgives first says "I find my strength in holding tightly to the ones I love" more than I want to punish those who have hurt me. The one who forgets first says "My joy is complete when our relationship is as it should be....WHOLE AND WITHOUT BLAME AND OUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER IS MY GREATEST TREASURE."

Maybe this Christmas season there is someone you need to forgive so you can begin to forget and move past the hurt...maybe, you're the one that needs to be forgiven...but in any case, someone has to squeeze the oil of forgiveness on the situation. If not, then another Christmas will come and go and loving one another as Paul commanded will be lost; yet another Christmas memory will be made...

So make memories that count and show the Father's love this Christmas...that will honor the Babe in the straw and give those you love a very Merry Christmas.

Loving the Babe...Making Memories with those I Love,


Poem for the day:

Christmas is a wondrous time
Filled with unending joy...
As we each celebrate
Heaven's baby boy.

But our joy can go amiss
When others cause us pain
As we forget what God has done
With eternity our gain

So share His love and tenderness
Forgiving those you love
And in so doing you will share
The Father's boundless love....

Merry Christmas!

WPQ©Dec 2017

Sunday, December 22, 2019

God Bless Our Troops & Families This Christmas

The following is a reprint from November 2009....And it still bears repeating this Christmas season.

Come Home for Christmas

For many years, probably dating back to my late twenties, I have tried each year to write a Christmas poem that embraces the reason for the season. The poems have been short, long, epic, comical, serious, whimsical but most of all, celebratory in nature. After all, the Christmas season is about celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have written about this holy season from almost every vantage point…from the donkey that Mary rode upon to the little angel in charge of the Heavenly Host, announcing to the shepherds the birth of Jesus….but this year, in light of all that is taking place in our country and around the world, my vantage point is a little different.

So many of our families have their loved ones spread across the globe, standing in harm’s way as they defend the sacred values and ideals that we as Americans hold so dear. It is to these brave, courageous men (and women) that I would like to dedicate the following poem …it is my prayer that God will watch over, protect and defend and under His great mercy, provide safe passage home to many of our military men and women this Christmas season. I ask that each of us do something measured and on purpose that will signify to our armed forces the value and dignity we bestow upon them….MAY THE GOD OF AMERICA PROTECT EACH OF YOU AND ANSWER THE PRAYER OF YOUR HEART ….TO BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS WITH THE ONES YOU LOVE,


Come Home for Christmas

It seems like many years ago that you went away
I was just a tiny tot that loved to run and play.
But, Mom says that it was only about a year ago
When you were called to go to war…my, but time is slow.

I can’t believe that its time for Christmas once again
And you’re not here to celebrate with our family and friends;
To lift me on your shoulders; to place the star upon the tree;
To bounce me up and down on a bronco-buckin’ knee.

Today, we climbed into the attic with all the spiders, bugs and such
And Mom said I was really brave for helping out so much.
We gathered all the boxes of lights and Christmas stuff …
And that floppy-eared old hound dog that you and I named, “Ruff.”

Grandpop carried down the tree in that dusty old trash bag
And Mom started cleaning with her trusty dusting rag…
But, I was very quiet as I fought back all my tears
‘Cause Mom said you’re not coming home for Christmas this year.

Now, I know that you told me that I must try hard to be brave
‘Cause there were other kids just like me you had to go and save;
You had to go and fight in a war where valiant men would die
You told me to be “a brave soldier” and do my best not to cry.

Daddy, I’ve been trying to do just as you ask;
So I could kneel at my bedside with one simple task.
To pray that Jesus would keep you out of harm’s way
So He could send you home to us before Christmas Day.

Yes, I made this promise that I’m trying to keep;
That’s to pray for you every night until I fall asleep.
So I’ll obey all the grownups and do just what they say,
If Jesus will bring you back to us before Christmas Day.

I promise that I will be brave and not cry at all
If God will help my daddy and his men to stand tall;
To fight for all our freedoms and our American way
And let Daddy come home and celebrate this Christmas day.

I won’t ask Santa for anything even though I’ve been great,
If you’ll bring Daddy home to us not one minute late…
And so, dear God, if it’s okay to make one more request of you
Could you let all the other daddies come home for Christmas, too?

W. Patrick Queen
 November 2009

Please feel free to share this with others you know….especially if they have a loved one in the military this Christmas season…May God Bless each of you as you reach out for Him….


Friday, December 20, 2019

A Baby Changes EVERYTHING....

My wife and I woke up this morning and before rolling out of bed, I looked at the clock (around 7:30 AM) and asked if she remembered what she was doing 28 years ago at that time of the morning...she smiled that precious smile of hers and said, "Oh, yes, I remember every moment of that day and I always will!"

You see today, December 20th, my wife and I will celebrate the 28th birthday of our daughter, Alyson Taylor Queen…and as her mother and I took a moment to walk down memory lane this morning, I was reminded of that age-old truth…A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING!

I remember that during those long months of expectancy, I took a simple note card and in my rudimentary calligraphy wrote the following and placed it in Alyson’s crib….


As a father, expecting his first (and in my case, only child), I was filled with fear, trepidation and anxious moments as I anticipated this new arrival….would I be a good father? Would I know what to do and how to protect this small child? Would I, could I and should I filled my every thought, for as I have mentioned before….A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING!

I’m sure that was true on that first Christmas night, two thousand plus years ago, as Mary and her betrothed husband unloaded the donkey and began to make a birthing bed for Mary. They probably waited in silence, huddled together to stave off  the cold night air as they awaited the miracle of birth. The cattle stirred and the bleating sound of the sheep interrupted their thoughts of what had happened in days past ….and look where they were now…for we all know….


And now, as another Christmas eve draws near (and 2,000 plus years later) the same is true….A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING….for that was God’s intent all along. Through His prophet Isaiah, God foretold, “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

God came to us in a form and in a way that we could understand….He came as a baby and through His birth, His life, His death and His glorious resurrection, HE HAS CHANGED EVERYTHING. No longer does the notion that God is mad at us hold water...that He is hell bent on our destruction because of our sin and disobedience….He has shown His great love for each of us because He sent His son…His only Son to take our place; to pay our debt; to forgive our sins; to cleanse us from all unrighteousness; to make us a new creation; to give us eternal life as a free gift from Him….and it all started with a baby.

It is my hope that you know the Christ-child of Christmas not only as the babe in the manger, but as the Christ on the cross. I pray that the babe of Bethlehem lives in your heart and is the Lord and Savior of your life. I trust that for you this baby, God’s son, is the BABY THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING FOR YOU.

If not, why not?

Don’t let another day go by without the acknowledgement that you need a savior. Accept today that the baby born to Mary and Joseph so very long ago is the baby that changes everything …and if you are willing to confess that He is Lord and that His death on the cross paid your sin debt, you will have eternal life… and your forever life, in the presence of the Heavenly Father, starts the moment you invite this baby into your heart.

Trust your heart to the babe, God’s Son, EMMANUEL….GOD IS WITH US!

Be Blessed and Know that He is God,


Poem for the Day:

Born that night in a cattle stall,
This one babe to die for all...
God's most precious gift was born
In a manger laid on Christmas morn.

Shepherds and Angels announced His birth
Glory to God...Peace on the Earth.
And with the Wisemen let us bring
Our precious gifts to Christ the King.

In each heart may the Savior's reign
Fill the skies and the lowest plains;
With our praise and everlasting joy
And all because of Mary's baby boy.

W. Patrick Queen @ December 2015

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

This is a reprint of a former post....Please share!
Each year at Christmas, I eagerly search across my radio dial trying to find the story of the Man and the Birds, as told my Paul Harvey. I find that in listening to that story, I am so wonderfully reminded of the love of God for each of us. On many occasions, I have been forced to pull off on the side of the road to listen to the conclusion of the story…it’s so hard to drive when your eyes are water-logged and leaking.
I hope and pray that during this Christmas season, you will have the wonderful opportunity to hear Mr. Harvey’s captivating telling of this timeless story…of Emmanuel, God with us. If not, then please read on and be forever blessed to know that the love of God was expressed…in human form…in a manager in Bethlehem…in a baby named JESUS.
The Man and the Birds by Paul Harvey:
The man to whom I'm going to introduce you was not a scrooge; he was a kind decent, mostly good man. He was generous to his family and always upright in his dealings with other men. But he just didn't believe all that incarnation stuff which the churches proclaim at Christmas Time. It just didn't make sense and he was too honest to pretend otherwise. He just couldn't swallow the Jesus Story, about God coming to Earth as a man.

"I'm truly sorry to distress you," he told his wife, "but I'm not going with you to church this Christmas Eve." He said he'd feel like a hypocrite. That he'd much rather just stay at home, but that he would wait up for them. And so he stayed and they went to the midnight service.

Shortly after the family drove away in the car, snow began to fall. He went to the window to watch the flurries getting heavier and heavier and then went back to his fireside chair and began to read his newspaper. Minutes later he was startled by a thudding sound...Then another, and then another.  Sort of a thump or a thud...At first he thought someone must be throwing snowballs against his living room window. But when he went to the front door to investigate, he found a flock of birds huddled miserably in the snow. They'd been caught in the storm and, in a desperate search for shelter, had tried to fly through his large landscape window.

Well, he couldn't let the poor creatures lie there and freeze, so he remembered the barn where his children stabled their pony. That would provide a warm shelter, if he could direct the birds to it. Quickly he put on a coat, galoshes, tramped through the deepening snow to the barn. He opened the doors wide and turned on a light, but the birds did not come in. He figured food would entice them in. So he hurried back to the house, fetched bread crumbs, sprinkled them on the snow, making a trail to the yellow-lighted wide open doorway of the stable. But to his dismay, the birds ignored the bread crumbs, and continued to flap around helplessly in the snow. He tried catching them...He tried shooing them into the barn by walking around them waving his arms...Instead, they scattered in every direction, except into the warm, lighted barn.

And then, he realized that they were afraid of him. To them, he reasoned, I am a strange and terrifying creature. If only I could think of some way to let them know that they can trust me...That I am not trying to hurt them, but to help them… But how?....since any move he made tended to frighten them, confuse them. They just would not follow. They would not be led or shooed because they feared him.

"If only I could be a bird," he thought to himself, "and mingle with them and speak their language. Then I could tell them not to be afraid. Then I could show them the way to the safe, warm barn. But I would have to be one of them so they could see and hear and understand." At that moment the church bells began to ring. The sound reached his ears above the sounds of the wind. As he stood there listening to the bells ….listening to the bells pealing forth the glad tidings of Christmas, he understood …. And he sank to his knees in the snow.
I trust that this Christmas, when you hear those church bells ring or the sounds of carolers lifting their voices in praise to the newborn babe, you too, will understand the message of Christmas….Jesus Christ is born and God is forever with us!
Merry Christmas….Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Poem for the day...

On that starry Christmas night
Many centuries ago....
The King of Heaven left His throne
And came to earth below.

Not as a ruler or mighty king
but as a simple child;
Born of God and woman
This babe so meek and mild.

And in lowly cattle stall
In a manger filled with hay
The God of all creation
In a feeding trough did lay.

For one day he'd lay down His life
So our sin debt would be forgiven.
This precious babe of Christmas
Was the greatest gift that was ever given!

WPQ © Dec 2017

Monday, November 11, 2019

Did You Stop to Say....THANKS?

In just a few short weeks, we will be entering into the "holiday season"...that special time each year when we pause to reflect, give thanks and give praise for the greatest gift EVER...the baby Jesus, born to die for the sins of the world. Unfortunately, many people around the globe do NOT celebrate this season. In fact, out of 195 countries in the world, ONLY 9 set aside a day of celebration of thanksgiving. Which leads me to believe that most people are not really into saying...THANKS!

Case in point is easily found in Scripture, in the book of Luke. In fact, the telling of this story only occurs in the Gospel of Luke; but, I think it bears a closer look as we head toward the last Thursday of this month, commonly known as THANKSGIVING DAY!

Let me set the stage. Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, passing through the middle of Samaria and Galilee. As He nears a certain village, standing on the outskirts of this small town, He is greeted with shouts from a leper colony of 10 men, each one shouting for Jesus to have mercy on them. It is very likely that the healing reputation of Jesus had reached them, even though, due to their leprosy, they had NEVER seen such a miracle...but they would not be dissuaded! Jesus, in an act of mercy and grace called back to them with one simple command...he said,

"Go show yourselves to the priest."

I'm quite confident that they looked at each other in bewilderment; however, they knew that if they were to be allowed back into Jewish society, they would need a certificate of release from the priest, declaring that they were free of the disease...so off they went!

And that's when it happened; Luke 17:14b reads, "And so it was that as they went, THEY WERE CLEANSED!" (my emphasis) Scripture continues, "And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice, glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, GIVING HIM THANKS! And he was a Samaritan." Luke 17:15-16

So what is the real lesson to be learned from this one-of-a-kind story and why was it so important for Dr. Luke to share in his Gospel? Let's examine in the following list:

1) It took an action of obedience in this man of God to start the healing process...had these men just stood around, they would have stayed lepers. It is when we step out in faith that God can and does change us from what we are to what He wants us to be.

2) The power of God moves when we move and follow His instructions...nothing changes without action and faith.

3) It is not enough to follow God's instructions, wait for our miracle and then just return to life as normal. Only ONE MAN returned to acknowledge what Christ had done for Him when he sought to be obedient....and he was not even a Jew as were the other nine.

4) When we encounter the workings of a holy and righteous God, we should do this....shout with a loud voice in praise and adoration ...giving glory to God; then, fall on our face in worship as we  GIVE HIM THANKS!!!!

This Samaritan man received more than his healing from leprosy when he encountered Christ from afar...he received salvation. The last verse of this story says; "And he said to him, Get up and go your own way. Your faith has saved you." (Luke 17:19 Christian Standard Bible)

So where does that leave you and me as we approach this upcoming season of Thanksgiving? Are we ready to acknowledge all that Christ has done for us? Have we been obedient and stepped out in faith to accomplish the will of the Father or are we still mulling around, waiting to be pushed into service? And if we are doing for the Father, have we thanked Him, praised Him and giving Him the glory and not lapped it up for ourselves?

Let's make it a point to vow a simple promise for this coming Thanksgiving Day....let's truly be thankful for our God of provision, promise and punctuality. Yes, our God provides all we ever need to do His will and to walk in His way. He ALWAYS keeps His promises for He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And, He is always ON TIME...never late; seldom early; but always there when we need Him most...and all it takes on our part is to follow the actions of this thankful Samaritan brother (who I look forward to meeting someday in our Heavenly home).

So I promise to anyone who reads this story that God is just waiting for you to show your thankfulness....and when you do, He's ready, willing and able to bless you in ways you cannot begin to fathom....here's to a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Blessed Beyond Measure...Thankful in Him,


Poem for the day...

God wants you to know how much He cares
For you to trust in Him; for He's always there.
He's longing to grant your heart's desires;
To fill your heart and life with His Holy fire.

But there's several things that He wants from you
If you want His love to come shining through;
He wants your love and your thankfulness
As you walk with Him in true obedience.

So if you'll commit that you will start each day
By reading His word and taking time to pray;
Then get ready to truly see life through His eyes
As you seek to serve Him and stretch for the prize.

The prize that is yours when your service is done;
For at last, now at home with the Father and Son.
You'll bow at His throne; to all you'll proclaim...
"How precious is Jesus..and the power of His name!"

WPQ © November 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Today, as I rebooted my computer to check my emails, I had this stark revelation that we are in the midst of a phenomenon that has never been seen in our world before;  a phenomenon that is asking everyone ....WHO DO YOU KNOW? Whether you are on Facebook friending/ unfriending your Facebook followers; Twittering with your host of "homies" or Instagraming the "interested", those with an insatiable appetite for often useless information and unending commentary....you are part of those seeking to "KNOW" someone!

So let me ask you, when you lose your job and have NO prospects for finding employment quickly...WHO DO YOU KNOW? When the doctors tell you the cancer they found is not treatable...WHO DO YOU KNOW? When the love of your life says that after 15 years of marriage, it's not working out and they are leaving...WHO DO YOU KNOW?

Many of us might turn to those in our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts and seek to find someone that actually might care enough about us to reach out and make a difference in our life struggle; but when they don't or the difference they make just doesn't seem to be enough...then once again let me ask....WHO DO YOU KNOW?

Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and KNOW that I AM  GOD; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth."  This is a wonderful verse that points us in the right direction as to who and what we should know: however, I believe Scripture (which is filled with a plethora of commandments/directives/ strong suggestions about getting to know God) tells us best in one simple verse from Psalm 100 that says, " Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture."

So in answer to all the questions I posed above about dealing with your life struggles and who might be helpful in your seasons of distress...the answer is quite simple...GET TO KNOW GOD...WHO HE IS...WHAT HE DESIRES OF YOU...AND WHAT PURPOSE HE IS WAITING TO HELP YOU FULFILL.

If Scripture teaches us anything when we diligently read it and seek to understand, it is this....

GOD MADE YOU TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM...and all you need do is let go of your sinful nature; believe that Jesus has paid your sin debt...and in so believing, you are loved and a NEW relationship has begun.

Yes, it is great to have thousands of electronic friends on Facebook; be followed by Tweeters and Instagramers....but that relationship ends the moment you turn off your electronic device; however, your new relationship with your Creator NEVER ENDS....even if you take your last breath in this realm, your next breath is taken in the realm that awaits you with your Heavenly Father...and that relationship continues for ETERNITY. So don't waste another minute looking to see if someone is friending you or tweeting about what you had for breakfast...if you are going to share anything with others, why not share who you KNOW with others you know so that they too can know that the LORD, HE IS GOD!!!! Help others see Jesus and help them get to know Him in a real and personal way, so that they, too, will have someone who sticks closer that a brother...yes, life really is about who you know...so, get to know JESUS, the Light of this world and the one to come.

Thankful for who I know..and that HE KNOWS ME,


Poem for the day....

In this life of ups and downs
We often wonder where to turn;
When faced with life's struggles,
What lessons can we learn?

We can learn that we are loved
Or that no one seems to care;
We can struggle all alone
When no one else will share...

In the pain of our desperation
Or the unbearable loss we bear;
When life is shattered upon the rocks
And we're left standing there....

Peering into the life's abyss,
Can we face another day?
Of hardships, tears and brokenness
For we've truly lost our way.

But then a light come shining through;
Changing winds begin to blow...
It' not because of what we've done,
But because of WHO we know.

For we know the Heavenly Father
And we trust in His Only Son;
And we can claim the victory
The battle has been won....

So let us live so all can see
And may these seeds we sow;
That victory awaits those who claim
It is Jesus I love and know!!!!

WPQ © November 2019

Friday, August 23, 2019

 A reprint of a former post; the message is more relevant than ever!


This past Sunday, our pastor preached a stirring sermon revolving around John 5:39 …he said, “Search the Scriptures.” Now, those three simple words led me to believe that we might be in for an early dismissal, but I was completely wrong. It was during the next 35 minutes or so (I truly lost track of the time) that he went on to explain that we should not go to the Bible just to find solutions, but rather to find the Savior…and there to daily, moment by moment, grow in our walk with the Lord. He asked for a show of hands of those who might be somewhat overwhelmed with the daunting task of reading, interpreting and understanding the Scriptures. I must admit, I did NOT raise my hand…not that I am any kind of spiritual giant, but rather, I relish the time that I spend searching, discovering, exploring and uncovering some “gem” or “nugget” of truth that God has left sprinkled within the pages of His Holy Word. Left there with one singular intent; one eternal purpose …. For me to find and thus, be changed!

My wife, however, was one of the many that raised their hands and when we got home, she asked me to agree to take at least one evening each week to sit down and study the Bible with her. Now, we have studied our Bibles together in the past; had many stirring conversations regarding scripture and its interpretation and often conferred regarding the Sunday school lesson that I teach each week. This, however, was different…and last night, we began in the book of Philippians, one of my favorite books of the New Testament, chocked full of those ‘nuggets” that God has left in our way. So, let me say that for the unforeseeable future, I know that God will be working in me as I take a closer look at His infallible truth and share those insights with you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

And there is something else that I am sure will occur…my wife and I will be drawn even closer together as we make this journey through God’s Word. Let me encourage you to do likewise. Affirm with your mate that a time of concentrated, consecrated Bible study is necessary in this world’s atmosphere of unrest and disbelief that engulfs us at every turn. God wants His people to stand out and to stand firm….and we can only accomplish this if we are GROUNDED IN HIS WORD!!!

So, join us …commit to take one night a week, turn off the TV and get off the couch, then…. open God’s word, together. The rewards will be immeasurable... you’ll get to know each other better; and more importantly, you’ll be drawn closer to the Creator of the Universe…Your Heavenly Father.
Searching the Scriptures…Serving the Savior,


Poem for the day....
In the morning as you arise
To see the sun beaming in the skies...
Take the time to start your brand new day
By reading His Word and taking time to pray.

Search the Scriptures, seek to find,
A source of light for the soul and mind;
Let His Spirit speak His truth to you,
So you'll be led in all you do!

Be receptive to what you read,
Never knowing where His words might lead;
To lend a hand to one who is down and out
Or rescue one who is filled with doubt....

For each of us are to answer His call;
To be prepared to surrender our all...
But to be like Jesus, we must search to find
Each nugget of truth He has left behind....

For in each nugget, we will come to know
More about our Savior who loves us so;
Then like Him, we can go forth and share
A love everlasting that can reach anywhere!

WPQ © August 2019

Friday, August 9, 2019

Let the Maestro Direct...

Have you ever been to a classical musical presentation and arrived early enough to take your seat and hear the orchestra warm up? If so, you have heard what can only be described as NOISE.... loud, chaotic, undisciplined noise. It seems that each section of this gathering of musical mayhem is trying to outdo the others as to who can make the most noise.

This seems to go on for a quite some time until the first chair stands or taps rather loudly on her music stand and the orchestra members seem to fall into an almost catatonic state. A quiet, calming silence falls across the stage and then, there's  movement on stage left; the curtain is pulled back ever so slightly,  so that a tall, elegantly dressed gentleman may emerge with a small "stick" in his hand. He strides gracefully to a raised podium and takes his place, all the while surveying this clan of seemingly misfit musicians. The audience is silent; there is the tap of his baton, three times; he raises both arms and as his arms began to sway, the music that he elicits....it truly is MAGNIFICENT!

You see, the Maestro, is the director of the orchestra, a musical master in his own right...and when he reads the music set upon his music stand, he, by the simple way of his baton tells each section, yes, even each individual what, when and how to play their instrument in conjunction with the other members. And if each orchestra members does and plays the part to perfection, THE MUSIC WILL BE GLORIOUS.

Our lives and all the moving parts of it are a lot like the members of an orchestra...each one doing its own thing, trying to outdo, outperform, over indulge, outshine and take control of our life...doing what we want rather than what our maestro wants.

Our maestro is our Heavenly Father, the one that directed the Creation; who hung the stars and planets in their perfect place and set them spinning at just the right angle in just the right orbit so that all the planetary system would perform perfectly and be music to His ear. He made you and made with just the right amount of minerals, DNA and so many other things that our puny human minds cannot begin to understand....the perfect climax to His beautiful masterpiece we call LIFE...Yes, God Almighty knew how to bring perfection out of darkness and chaos.

And He is still in the business of directing today. In fact, my favorite scripture says it best....
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:4-5(my emphasis)

God is the MAESTRO ....YOU AND I ARE NOT! Maybe you are like me when you stop and take a look at your life...you have been the one, waving the baton, trying to make sweet music out of a life filled with selfish desires, bad choices, discarded friendships, wasted opportunities and most of all...A LIFE SPENT TRYING TO BE THE ONE IN CHARGE!!!

But God never intended for you to be the one directing your life...HE GAVE YOU THAT LIFE as well as the freedom to make choices; however, HIS HEART'S DESIRE... that you would choose HIM over everything else. WHY? Because He loves you; He died for YOU through His son, Jesus Christ; and He is preparing to receive you into your eternal HOME...But to do that,

YOU MUST CHOOSE HIM OVER EVERYTHING ELSE AND LET HIM DIRECT THE LIFE THAT HE HAS GIVEN YOU. It is only then that your life will be sweet music to all those who come close to you and it will allow you to be all that He wants you to be....both here and now and in the eternal world to come.

So do as I have done (and continue to do), lay down the baton and let the Maestro direct you life so that all may hear the sweet music of your life as you praise Him forever and ever.....

Surrendering the baton... Letting the Maestro direct,


Poem for the day...

Today can be just another day
If  you are living  just for you;
But God has prepared something better;
But many don't have a clue.

They think that they should be in charge;
That for them, they know what's best.
Each making decisions about how to live,
Hoping it will pass God's test?

Am I doing enough good things
That will get me past Heaven's door?
Is God counting the bad things, too
And is He really keeping score?

God has the perfect plan for you
Should your thinking He correct...
Jesus Christ has paid your debt;
Now it's time to let Him direct.

Let Him be the one in complete control
In all you do, let it show....
Your  life will produce sweet music
When you surrender to the MAESTRO!!!!

WPQ © August 2019

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

And the last is.....Blessed Are the Persecuted

There is not a person alive, or deceased for that matter, that has not known ridicule or persecution for their looks, their thoughts or their beliefs...it just comes with the territory of being human. But some of us deal with persecution better than others and some of us totally melt into oblivion when persecution comes knocking at our door.

You see, there is always a payout for persecution..either to our benefit or our demise. Often, we react to persecution based on our value system and what the end game might be. But as Christians, Christ forewarned us that as His followers, we would be PRIME TARGETS for persecution of all kinds. He implored us to "put up treasures in Heaven" and by so doing, ease the pain of persecution.

But what does that mean? Well, you can always tell the difference between a believer who has his feet planted in the world and the one that has firmly planted his feet in the Kingdom to come. Though we all may live in both worlds, we must choose daily where to plant our feet and where to build our treasure. Those who build for the here and now are noticeably shaken when their world is shaken; but the believer who is firmly grounded in Kingdom endeavors, he is able to persevere through any of life's pitfalls or persecutions.

And when does persecutions come? When we are most committed to following the leadership of the Holy Spirit; when we are truly pursuing the ways of righteousness as demonstrated by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...well, you can bank on persecution to come knocking! But God has promised us not only deliverance, but a place of deliverance...our eternal home! When we are persecuted, we need only lift our eyes toward Heaven and see that glorious promise...

Blessed are those who are persecuted, for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Persecution, probably more than anything else a believer may face, reveals how eternally focused he may be. It lets him know, in no uncertain terms, the true depth and width and breadth of his faith... and in the midst of that persecution, his faith is purified and built up...stronger and more resilient than he may have ever imagined. It is in the midst of this fiery oven that all the dross is burned away and we can see more clearly what our heart's treasure truly is...a treasure of unspeakable worth!!!

So, do as Paul urged the Corinthians to do in II Cor. 4:8-9, " We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed." 

Look to the author and finisher of your faith to accomplish His will and His way in the midst of any persecution, knowing that He is with you always...and He is ALWAYS victorious...and in that promise of the last beatitude is that one day, for we will all be persecuted for the Lord's sake, we will all be home...eternally present in the Kingdom of Heaven.

AMEN and Amen,


Poem for the day:
Life is hard; the storm clouds come...
And no one seems to care;
But lift your eyes toward heaven,
See the Savior waiting there.
For He knows the pain and suffering;
The persecution that is near;
And He will draw you close to Him
To relieve your pain and fear.

For He has walked this path before
That lead to His great loss;
So if we are to follow Him,
We, too, must bear our cross.
For persecution will surely come,
It may seem too much to bear;
But this burden is not ours alone
For Jesus will be there.....

He'll walk with us hand in hand
Where He has gone before;
He'll lead us to our home prepared
As we pass through Heaven's door....
Evermore to be with Him
In our heavenly resting place;
To spend our days in eternity
Gazing upon His face....

So take great comfort in this my friend;
When dark clouds of persecution come....
Jesus is with you every step of the way;
Ready to lead you HOME!

WPQ @August 2019

This is the last post in this series...remember to
    Be Blessed, Not Stressed
    Give God the Glory!!!!