Friday, April 29, 2016

Christian Signposts …from the Lighter Side!

Don’t let your worries get the best of you…remember Moses started out as a basket case.

Many people want to serve God….but only as advisors.

If God is your co-pilot …switch seats and give Him the controls.

When you come to the end of your rope, you’ll find God waiting with a life line.

People are funny… they want the front of the bus; middle of the road and the back pew of the church.

Quit griping about your church…if it was perfect, you and I couldn’t get in!

Some people are kind, sweet and gentle-spirited…until you try and seat in their pew.

If you want your church to have a better pastor….pray diligently for the one you’ve have.

A lot of church members continue to sing “Standing on the Promises” even though they’re just Sitting on the Premises.

Jesus instructed us to be fishers of men…You catch ‘em….He’ll clean ‘em!

I am always puzzled why some people change churches so often…what difference does it make which one you stay home from?

Coincidence is when God chooses to remain Anonymous.

I am a firm believer that you should never wait for 6 strong men to carry you to church.

We have all heard it said that forbidden fruits create terrific jams.

God doesn’t always call the qualified…but He ALWAYS qualifies the called.

God loves all His children….but He probably prefers the “fruits of the spirit” over the “religious nuts.”

Some people treat prayer as a time to give God instructions…no wonder their prayers keep bouncing off the ceiling!

Remember, we don’t change the message ….THE MESSAGE CHANGES US!!!!!

I hope this time of reflection into the lighter side of our faith will cause us to stop and think of who we are as believers in Christ and of the call that has been placed upon each of our lives….we were made to worship and praise the Father and to hold up His Son so that ALL men may come to know Him.

Remember, Satan is out to get you…if not today or tomorrow, then soon…as soon as your life and the way you live begin to affect those around you, the roaring lion will move in for the kill….so be prepared!

Arm your self with the word of God ….and think of these little sayings to solidify your position as a warrior, serving proudly in the armies of God. In each instance of attack, be reminded of Christ words to His disciples, “Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me, you may have peace. In this world, you will have tribulation…But take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!”  John 16:32b-33

Don’t wait for the storms of life to pass…rather learn to dance in the rain…and Praise Him from whom all blessings flow…

Preparing for battle …confident in my King,


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Christian Signposts....R U on the Right Road?

In yesterday’s blog, I examined a life without perils, problems and persecutions as a life that might be void of a true, loving and growing relationship with our Savior. In our daily walk with our Heavenly Father, we should encounter our adversary, the devil, whose main function is to draw us away from our walk with the Lord and to make our witness null and void, or at the very least, ineffective ….like salt that has lost its flavor.

It is in those times of peril and persecution that we should seek comfort, strength and reinforcements through God’s Holy Word, as well as through the example and encouragement of others; however, I know that sometimes in my life when I encounter the devil, I am easily flustered and my mind will not always bring with clarity the verse of scripture that I need at that particular moment.

So, over the years, I have written and acquired a library of special thoughts…one liners of Christian faith and encouragement, if you will….each of them targeted to help me resist and to cause the devil to flee….I have called them my “signposts” to a better and closer walk with my Lord…and I want to share them with you over the next several days.

Should you have any that have been helpful to you, please contact me with your “signposts” or with any thoughts or sayings that have encouraged you to have a closer and more meaningful relationship with Jesus. After all, until He returns, we are ALL in this together …..

Walking together in the Master’s footsteps,



Our strength rest in our ability to cast all our burdens on Him….for He cares for us.

The mountaintop of God is reserved for those who have been led through the wilderness of suffering and DID NOT GIVE UP!!!!!

Burdens too heavy; suffering too intense…welcome to the Christian life….Following in the Master’s footsteps.

God grants His peace in the midst of pain and suffering ….just follow the Master’s footsteps, walk where He leads…for His love is eternal and He cares for you.

Waiting on God takes faith…Trusting in God takes patience….Persevering in God takes Life…one step at a time!!!

A diamond is the end result of perseverance.

Keeping an open mind can be hazardous to one’s faith!!!
Even the smallest trickle of adversity will bring down a house built on a shoddy foundation.

What rules the heart…rules the tongue!

You are known by the company you keep, so keep God’s company and work with the integrity of the boss.

Love you enemies…. It makes them wonder what you’re up to.

If loving your enemies were easy, everybody would do it!

GOD grades on the CROSS….NOT ON THE CURVE!

When dark clouds approach, God should be my first thought…not my last resort.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Are you an Authentic Christian?

Let me ask you a rather poignant question…..How’s life treating you…..Things going well, running smoothly, no problems? Are you a Christian and not being hounded on all sides? Well, could it be time to take your spiritual pulse?

What do I mean by such a preposterous question? Aren’t we all supposed to be working to have a better, smoother running, more fulfilling life? Besides, who wants trouble?

We all should….Why? Simply put…because Scripture says that’s the way it is to be. When we read 2 Timothy 2: 12 we have a better understanding of this Biblical truth,
“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

Since the beginning of time, it has been the mission of Satan to blind sinners and to beguile and undermine Christians…to inflict pain, suffering and discouragement to those who belong to God. He will do anything to disturb our minds, disrupt our lives and discourage our witness for our Lord and Savior. He is the one who led Lot to Sodom, instilled the anger in Joseph’s brothers so they would sell him into slavery and lead Peter, the Rock, to deny Christ three times. He even called out the Son of God and attacked Him…challenging Him to deny His Father to gain worldly fame and fortune.

In 1 Peter5: 8, we are reminded by Peter to “be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”

If you are a Christian and seeking to live for the Lord in a godly and forthright way, you should be on the menu for our adversary, the devil. You will (a promise from God’s word) be pressed and stressed and messed with from all sides…that’s the way the devil likes to operate. He comes at you with all sorts of problems; some large, small, even life-changing …each designed to move your further from God’s perfect will for your life…each with the intent to separate you from the witness of God’s love in your life.

So if life has been treating you too good lately, you might want to ask yourself if you are truly living a godly life in Christ Jesus. If your life is truly making a difference in the lives of those you encounter, you can bet the devil is sniffing around to see if he smells “fresh meat”; however, if not; then, even a lion will not eat a dead, decaying corpse.

Is Jesus alive in you today…are you striving to live a life that is pleasing to Him….are you beset with trials, problems and persecutions of an earthly and heavenly nature? Then, PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!!!!!!

Remember….the way you handle the trials, tribulations, test and temptations in your life can be a great beacon that shines the light of God’s love, support and encouragement to others that are watching you. You are living in Him and He lives in you …and it should show!!!!!

Today, count your blessings …but also count your persecutions as blessings….for in each one is an opportunity to draw closer and closer to your Heavenly Father…and as you lean upon Him, you will feel your pulse race, your heart pound and your faith grow as you win the war against your adversary….and when all is said and done, the VICTORY IS IN THE LIFE WELL-LIVED IN JESUS!!!!!

Living in persecutions ….counting each a blessing,


Poem of the Day:

Father, in Heaven, please grant me
When faced by earthly foes;
A spirit that will not tremble
And be undone by earthly woes.

Let me place my trust in Jesus
And not shrink from the battle near;
May my battle cry be sweet music
In my Savior’s tender ear.

May the victory be ours, dear Lord
As I place my will in thine;
Then all who see will acknowledge
My Savior is indeed…. DIVINE.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Stand Firm in the Day...

I remember a day last summer when my family and I were enjoying a day at the beach here in South Carolina. On that particular day,  the sea was a little rough and the undertow was quite strong. As I was getting up from being knocked down by a rather large wave, I planted my feet firmly in the sand so that I might get my footing and be prepared for the next monstrous wave that was only seconds away. Unfortunately, we all know that saying about shifting sand….needless to say, I was once again deposited on my backside and immersed in a wall of salt water.

As I made my way to the shore, each step seemed to grow in its intensity as I sought to keep my feet from sinking in the sand. As the receding water returned to its former glory of the massive ocean, I struggled to make my way to the shoreline. Once in the shallows, I sank my toes and feet into the sand and gazed out to sea ….all the while feeling the sand being pulled from beneath my feet as the ocean tried to pull me back into the deeper waters.

Now, I had taken a firm stand there in the shallow pool at the point where water and sand collide, only to have my footing eroded with each ebb and flow of the outgoing tide. No matter how firmly I stood my ground (or sand in this case), it was always being swept away by the strong pull of the ocean’s current.

The same seems to happen to each of us as we try to stand firm in our faith these days. Circumstances and disappointments seem to erode the very foundation on which we stand and our faith often falters as we seek shelter from this cruel, unforgiving world. What should we do when everything around us seems to be crumbling beneath us?  

The apostle Paul tells us in I Thessalonians 2:15, “So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or our letter.”

In the midst of the trials and times of discouragement that we all face these days, we can find encouragement in Jesus and in our relationship with Him. As we seek His face and the words of His Holy Scripture, we can stand firm and focus on who He is and who He has called us to be in these last days.

Paul goes on to say, “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.” I Thess. 2:16-17

Now is not the time to be sitting on the sidelines, hoping that things will eventually get better…NOW IS THE TIME TO BE AT WORK FOR CHRIST….using the powers and energy that God has provided to keep us busy for His Kingdom. We are to be using our good words and our good works to attract others to the life-saving knowledge of our Savior….He is not one of the “things” in our life…HE IS THE ONE THING IN OUR LIFE….and it shows!!!!

We have all heard it said that when you leave this world, you can’t take anything with you….well that is ABSOLUTELY WRONG…. You can take your wife, your husband, your children and your grandchildren….even the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker…all can go with you to heaven.

So share the good news of the gospel; teach children to love their Heavenly Father; build up, strengthen and encourage one another; reach out and lift up the downtrodden; care for those that are heartbroken and forlorn and most of all, STAND FIRM IN JESUS.

Today is the day that the Lord has made…..go out and be counted for Him.

Standing firm….reaching out in Christian love,


Monday, April 25, 2016

If It's Time for War...It's Time for Worship!

As we all know, life is a war zone....and we, as Christians, are always at the front lines as we defend our faith each battle after another. If we are to be successful and victorious, then there are a few things we must do before we wage war against our enemy and his minions....we must follow the example of that greater leader of the Israelites, Joshua, and do as he did before he lead God's people into battle to conquer and to gain the Promised Land of their forefathers.

In Joshua 5: 10-15, we see Joshua and the people poised just outside Canaan, waiting to move out into battle to claim the promise of God. They had just finished observing the Passover; had eaten of the produce of the land and their last meal of manna...they were just waiting for the signal from their leader, Joshua, and they would move out. But scripture tells us that while Joshua was by Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing before him, sword drawn and ready for battle. Joshua asked, "Are you for us or for our adversaries? "And he replied; "No, I am the commander of the army of the Lord. Now I have come."

What happens next is really quite remarkable...So Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped and said to him, "What does my lord say to his servant?" And the commander of the Lord's army said to him, "Take off your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so. (my emphasis) Joshua 5:14-15

You see, this young, inexperienced leader knew what he was up against and he knew where his strength would come from; so before battle, HE WORSHIPED THE LORD OF HOSTS and listened to the commander of God's army. And that is the lesson for each of us.

Before we climb into our car each morning to the office; the front of a classroom; the bench in the courtroom; or on the way to drop the kids at day care...we need to prepare for the battle that will come our way today...the war that can only be won when God is at our side and his Holy Spirit is directing our counter moves against the wiles of the Devil.

God is ready to give us the battle plan that will lead to victory; bring honor and glory to his name; and just perhaps, save one of those caught in the throes of the war for the souls of man...someone you know and love. But without that time of worship...that time to remove our sandals (the cares of this world) and stand on Holy ground(the presence of God the Father) and hear the voice of instruction from the Commander, we will most likely suffer defeat, discouragement and despair...all because we went to battle unprepared.

So today, make this simple commitment...spend time in worship at the beginning of each new day ...bow before the Lord and hear his voice...give each battle and its outcome over to Him..and let the Holy Spirit go before you to clear the minefields of this world so that you might fight the good fight and live in victory.

Waging war...worshiping the Commander of our Faith,


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Where Are We Heading...and What Is Our Hope?
Somewhere, sometime ago we started making and checking lists. In fact, we here in America have turned it into a cultural art form. That comedian, what’s his name, for years offered his Top Ten list regarding some bogus and insignificant topic as part of his show. It seems to have caught on …

So, I have decided that since we are in the throes of the political run-up to what many will consider the  greatest political election in the history of our country to offer my TOP TEN predictions for the days that lie before us...before, during and after this election.

Please consider the great task that lies before America as you prepare to vote in the Presidential election, now, less than 200 days away…but regardless of who comes to power, we, as Christians, know who is really in charge and who really has THE POWER. We must NEVER GIVE UP and NEVER GIVE IN ….WE MUST CONTINUE TO FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT….our future to worship our God in a free and democratic society hangs in the balance. Don’t let someone else make this decision for you….remember, God is watching.


> 1. The Bible will still have all the answers….Our search of the scriptures needs to intensify.

> 2. Prayer will still work……Pray for God’s hand to move in the upcoming elections.

> 3. The Holy Spirit will still move….Be prepared to follow His directions.

> 4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people…..Rejoice always…REJOICE.

> 5. There will still be God-anointed preaching…..Listen for the voice of the Almighty.

> 6. There will still be singing of praise to God…..Our song is one of VICTORY.

> 7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people….His anointing will bring great POWER.

> 8. There will still be room at the Cross.. God‘s judgment demands payment, Christ paid it ALL.

> 9. Jesus will still love you….With an EVERLASTING LOVE that knows no bounds.

> 10. Jesus will still save the lost…He came to seek and to save and He’s NOT DONE YET.

Remember …… God said,” Be still, and know that I AM GOD”

God is still in the business of speaking to His people so that He may direct their path. God wants to lead each of us to do His will as we seek to place in the White House the person that He has prepared to lead this great nation, God whispers to your soul and speaks to your mind. Sometimes, when you don't take the time to listen or heed that still, small voice…He has to throw a brick at you.

It's your choice…. Listen for the whisper or wait for the brick!

Hearing and Doing...Trusting in God's Provisions,



God speaks to us in a whisper
To hear Him is no small trick;
But if we refuse to listen…
He may have to use a brick.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Worldly Wealth…How Much Is Enough?

We are indeed facing tough economic times; perhaps, the greatest for any generation of Americans, as well as for our neighbors around the world. What should be our course of action for these turbulent times? How should we consider worldly wealth and the question of how much is enough?

There is a story of an Arabian man who lived in a small cottage on a hill. Every week he would ride into the desert to a small stream so he could provide water for his camel….and every week, as the camel would drink, he would nose up pebbles to make a deeper place for the water to pool. Each week, the man would pick up some of the bright stones that his camel unearthed in the stream and take them home with him. One day, a visiting traveler told the man of the wonderful life and great riches that certain men in a nearby city enjoyed…the man’s heart filled with want and discontent; his eyes widen at the dream of worldly riches. So, he sold his small cottage and wandered the entire land looking for money and earthly riches; but finally, he died, alone and impoverished; buried in nothing but filthy rags. But for the man who bought the cottage, he found the collection of bright stones left behind by the previous owner and he preserved them.

One day a merchant, traveling through the region, stopped at the small cottage and was shone the bright stones. He informed the man that these stones were indeed diamonds and he became a millionaire immediately.

The first man had great wealth, but in his ignorance and foolishness sought the wealth of the world and died penniless. The second man held on to something that seemed insignificant, yet proved to be of great value.

How true is that today for so many of us? We strive and struggle and sweat to make ourselves rich by worldly standards; yet, we miss the greatest treasure of all…a full and exciting walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Where is your heart today…and where is your head regarding wealth? It has been said that the problem for many of us is not that we want more…just that we want more than somebody else. It is that mentality that has led us to our current economic crisis here in America…. and it is a mentality that can only change as we surrender our will and our desires to the one who gave it all…. so that He could acquire you and me.

Are you interested in determining your worldly wealth today? Then, make a list to answer this question….add up everything you have that money can’t buy and death can’t take away….and that will tell you the condition of your heart and the wealth that is yours.

Rich Beyond Worldly Measure,


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The following is a reprint from The Cast of the Resurrection....

The Road Home….

It had been three days since that horrible crucifixion. My brother, Cleopas and I had been in Jerusalem for the Passover Days; in fact, we had been part of the crowd that welcomed Jesus as we laid down our cloaks and spread palm branches before him. I still remember the shouts of “Hosanna to the King” as the welcoming throng of worshippers ushered Jesus into the Temple courts…and now, just a week later; he is dead and buried….killed as a common criminal…crucified upon a cruel cross.

We had stood along the twisting road that leads to Golgotha and watched as the soldiers beat him and spat upon him as he struggled to carry his cross. I wanted to help but my brother pulled me back into the crowd and in a moment, Jesus and the Roman guards disappeared into the angry mob that kept shouting “ Crucify him, Crucify him!”

It was now about midday as we began our trip back home. We left the East gate of the city and started the seven mile journey that would take us to Emmaus and the comforts of family and home. We had barely cleared the shadow of the city when our thoughts and speech turned to the events of the past days….Jesus, the beloved teacher, healer and prophet had been killed; his disciples seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth and only a handful of the women who followed him remained behind, brokenhearted and uncontrollable in their anguish.

As we were discussing these events, we were joined by a man who asked us what matters of such great importance could have us so preoccupied. My brother looked at him in amazement and asked him if he was a visitor to Jerusalem….surely he must have heard of the tragic death of the man from Galilee name Jesus. We told him how the chief priests and the Pharisees and other religious rulers had Jesus put to death and how our hopes that this man was the redeemer of Israel had died with him….we shared with him the amazing story, told to us just hours before, of the return of the grieving women who went to the tomb to anoint his body and found it empty. They spoke of angels, arrayed in dazzling white, who told them that Jesus had risen and was alive and was going on to Galilee to meet the disciples. In fact, we ran with some of them to the tomb and although we did not go in, we saw the look of utter amazement on the faces of Peter, James and John.

And then the stranger spoke…. “How foolish you are and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken of the Christ and how he must suffer all these things and then enter his glory.” And then, as we continued our journey, he explained to us all that was written in the scriptures regarding the Christ, starting with Moses and all the Prophets….our hearts seemed to be set afire as we listened to and hung on his every word as the Scriptures seemed to come alive on the road home.

Before we knew it, we had reached Emmaus and it was late in the day…the stranger was set to go on, but my brother and I insisted that he join us for a meal and spend the night. We gathered everyone at the table and as we passed the bread, the stranger took a piece and as he blessed it and gave thanks….a miracle happened….like scales falling from the eyes of a blind man….our eyes were OPENED WIDE AND WE SAW JESUS….and in a twinkling of an eye, He vanished from our sight….the Messiah had truly RISEN and we, two would be followers from Emmaus, had seen the risen Lord…the Savior of Israel.

We got up from the table immediately and although it was almost dark, we quickly returned to Jerusalem …it seemed that we ran all the way. When we got to the home of Simon, we rushed in and shared with the Eleven and all those present how we had seen the Lord and all the many things he had taught us that day…the day that our lives we changed on the road home.

Are you like these two men on the road to Emmaus …headed home and discussing the things that have occurred but not making an eternal connection to the events of the Resurrection? They pondered and were perplexed by the outcome of Jesus …a good man who was a healer and a prophet but somehow they missed his true identity….until on the road home he opened the word of God and introduced them to the Savior…word by word he told them about himself and how all things must be fulfilled as told by the prophets….and then, the veil was lifted from their eyes and they saw Jesus as he was and is and will always be…the Savior of mankind.

Jesus has done the work….paid the debt….given His all… for us all; but you must open your eyes and see him as the brothers from Emmaus did….as the RISEN LORD. Are you blinded by the charlatans of this world and fooled by cheap imitations or are you truly searching for the Savior? If so, OPEN GOD’S WORD….THE HOLY BIBLE….and there you will meet your Maker, Creator and Savior of mankind….JESUS.

You need to know him personally before it is time for you to take your road home …the road that leads to eternity with him or FOREVER separation from the God who loves you and gave his only Son to redeem you…

I trust I’ll see you in heaven because of your relationship with Jesus ….for He is the Way, the Truth and the Light…and HE IS RISEN!

On the road home… to meet my Savior,


Friday, April 1, 2016

This is a reprint from The Cast of the Resurrection....

Mary Magdalene… Behold, He is Risen!

My name is Mary Magdalene and I had never been this broken-hearted. Even in the midst of my demon-possessions, when all seemed lost, I somehow managed to go on. But now, since the death of my beloved Jesus, I can’t quit crying …and sleep; well, that’s certainly out of the question.

It’s been two whole days since that horrible crucifixion. I still see him hanging there, the thorn of crowns pressed deeply into his head; his beautiful hair, matted and blood-stained. He is missing parts of his beard that were ripped out by the Roman guards as they mocked him. His back is laid open and the muscles are torn to pieces from the scourging that he endured…Oh, Jesus, why did you not die before you were lead down the Via Dolorosa to Golgotha’s Hill?

And where are your disciples, those cowards? They have all fled and are hiding from the centurion’s guard….only a few of us, the women who loved you and cared for you deeply, remain. Even the darkness that fell across the land could not hide the great sorrow that was etched in every line upon your face….the sorrow; the shame; the humiliation and degradation that you endured before this barbaric crowd. And those religious hypocrites, those Pharisees, calling out for you to come down and prove that you are the Son of God.
Have they no shame….jeering at the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world?

May God deal ever so severely with them and heap coals of fire upon their foolish heads; yet, I know that you died for them, too. How often I listened as you taught your disciples to turn the other cheek and to forgive and to love those that persecute us. Even in your dying breathe I heard you plead with God to forgive them for they had no idea of what they were doing….Oh, how great a love you have shown for us.

It still makes me sick to my stomach as my mind replays the hammer’s blows as the soldiers nail you to the cross. I hear your anguished cry for mercy as it falls on deaf ears and the blows continue…CLANG…CLANG…CLANG…as the hammer drives the nail spikes through your feet and hands….please let it stop; I can’t bear to think of your precious body torn and mutilated for my sins….but you told us all this must happen if we were to belong to you.

And then, your body, now limp upon the cross, the last signs of life vanished. The guards approach to break your bones but instead, thrust their spear deep into your side as water and blood gush forth….I turn and leave with John and your mother and the other women…but we are lost and without hope.

I try and try to put these terrible images out of my mind and get some sleep…we will be going to the tomb in just a few hours to anoint your body….please Jesus, help me rest.

THE SABBATH MORN…..A Few Hours Later

It was not yet daylight when Joanna and Mary, the mother of James arrived. We gathered our herbs, expensive aloes and fresh linens and made our way through the Mount of Olives to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea…the tomb where Jesus had been laid. Along the way, we discussed how we might get the Roman guards to roll back the stone so that we could get into the tomb….otherwise. all would be for naught and we would be unable to provide Jesus with a proper burial.

When we arrived….WE COULD NOT BELIEVE OUR EYES ….THE GUARDS WERE GONE AND THE STONE WAS ROLLED AWAY….we ran full speed into the tomb, but there was no body. We were totally dismayed and wondered who could have taken our Savior’s remains when suddenly, like a bolt of lightning from the sky, the entire tomb was filled with this glorious light and two men, dressed all in dazzling white garments, stood before us.

 I will never forget what they said to us as we hid our faces and bowed before them.

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? HE IS NOT HERE; HE IS RISEN, JUST AS HE SAID. Come and see the place where he lay. Now, go and tell his disciples: HE IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him”……and then, they were gone….and my heart leapt into my throat…MY LORD IS ALIVE!!!!!

What about you today? Is your Lord alive or do you worship a God that is dead and powerless? Do you know the crucified Christ as the Redeemer of the Resurrection or are you still searching for a life of meaning and purpose? Have you gone to the tomb; found the stone rolled away and heard the words of the angels….HE IS NOT HERE FOR HE IS RISEN….JESUS IS ALIVE!

Why not become a Mary Magdalene today and hurry to the tomb and find it empty;
rejoice with her that your Jesus is alive …in fact, there’s more to Mary’s story in John20:10-18….take time to read this passage and you will see the personal encounter that Mary had with her Lord….the same kind of personal encounter He wants to have with you.

Then, do as Mary ….go and tell others that your Lord and Savior is alive…


Seeking the Empty Tomb…Praising the Living Lord,