Thursday, June 20, 2019

Survive or Thrive...You Choose!

In my many years of bachelorhood, before I married my beautiful wife of almost 30 years, I did what most guys of my generation did to make the "bachelor pad" look "cool"....I had lots and lots of plants. Unfortunately at that time, I was a traveling salesman that usually left home on Monday mornings, and if all went well was back home by late Friday afternoon. So, in order to take care of my many plants,  I more than sufficiently watered them and placed them in or near the windows so they could get their required sun. In most cases, this was a recipe for disaster and dead plants. If a plant stayed alive at my place for more than 2 weeks, it was a real survivor!

When I look back at my survival rate with my plants, there was only one that did well to live. In fact, you might say it was even able to thrive under the extreme conditions I placed on my chlorophyll colored roommates. It was my schefflera tree. It did not need that much water, so usually watering it once a week was sufficient and as for sunlight, medium light that was bright but indirect was the perfect truly lived in spite of my care.

As I think of that plant, it reminds me of the way some of us go about our Christian walk sometimes.  We don't want to be in the bright spotlight with a lot of attention coming our way because if others are looking at us and our actions, we may wilt and lose our witness. We are much more comfortable being near the bright light and getting the benefits of the indirect light of others who have chosen to serve as a deacon or a Sunday school teacher; or give their time and talents and sing in the choir; or volunteer a few Sundays a year to take care of those little children in the nursery. Yes, the bright light of service scares us, so we seek the dimmer light further from the real battles that are being waged in the name of the Lord.

And as for the watering, ONCE A WEEK IS GOOD FOR US! Yes, we will be there just about every Sunday morning for the church service. We will sit where we always sit; shake hands with the same people each week; give the same $10 or $20 tip to the collection plate and most of all, stay awake through the entire sermon. If we do all this, we will survive and be good to go until the same time next week when we repeat the process.

But God has called us NOT to SURVIVE...BUT TO THRIVE. In Psalm 92:12-13, it reads,
"The righteous thrive like a palm tree and grow like a cedar tree in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they thrive in the courts of our God."

And that should be each of our life, walking with our Lord in committed service so that we are not just survivors...but we are OVERCOMERS WHO THRIVE in this world as we prepare for the one to come. We need to spend time DAILY in His word, seeking His truth and pursuing His righteousness so that when the spotlight is aimed in our direction, WE WILL NOT WILT BUT STAND AS A GLORIOUS TESTIMONY OF GOD AND HIS FAITHFULNESS.

So the choice is simple, my friend...are you only surviving in your journey through this life or are you one of God's chosen elect who has decided that you will THRIVE?


Choosing to Live a Life that Thrives in Him,


Poem for the day:

If you decided to follow Jesus
And to live a life that thrives;
You must do the work each day
That tells others you're alive.

So keep your heart from evil
In all you say and do.
For the bright light of this world
Will be shining down on you.

To see if your measure up
And really walk the Walk.
Or are you just giving lip service
When you try to talk the Talk.

For the Father's love will see you thru
Those dark nights and days to come;
Until He comes to take you to

WPQ©February 2018