Friday, July 29, 2016

Take Dead Aim....

If you happen to be a golf fan such as I, then you love to see the "pros" working on their games on the driving range...and the one thing they ALL work on consistently is their aim, their direction ...their "towards" as I like to call it when working with my students.

As a former PGA club professional, I have given a multitude of golf lessons to all sizes, shapes and swings of men, women, boys and girls...and one thing evident in EVERYONE'S swing is that they are not lined up to their target like they think they simple terms, THEIR AIM IS OFF!!!

Often, that is what has lead them to take a lesson in the first place; they seem to be swinging the club well, but the ball is not going where they are aimed...and as I mentioned, their problem is usually their aim and not their swing.

The same can often be said for the way things are going in our Christian walk. We are doing all the right things...reading our Bible, praying when we can and making it a point to show up for church functions and Sunday services...but life just doesn't seem to be falling into place like we think it should. If that's the case for you, then your problem is probably the same as my golf students...YOUR AIM IS OFF!!!!

The apostle Paul addressed this problem for the Philippians who were struggling to find joy and harmony in their new Christian walk as they left behind the sin and shame of their former lives and began this new journey....their walk with Christ. So Paul pinned the following, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 3:13-14

Paul knew all too well the high cost of following Christ. He knew it was not an easy road that led to the Kingdom; and he knew that he had not yet attained the full measure of the life he sought in Christ he did what he needed to do to make sure he was on the right path to living for God as God willed for his life....HE TOOK DEAD AIM AT THE TARGET...THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD FOR HIS LIFE.

You see, if your life is not going the way you think it should, it may have to do with where your aim is focused. If you are trying to live a "good life" rather than a "godly" life...YOUR AIM IS OFF! If what matters to God doesn't matter to you, YOUR AIM IS OFF! If your more interested in your comfort over godly conviction, YOUR AIM IS OFF! If you're living to impress others rather than hear the words from the Father, "Well done, my good and faithful servant"...then you need an aiming lesson....You need to take to heart the words of Paul and aim for the mark...the true calling that God has placed on your life...and mine!

In this time in our culture, God has called each of us into the battlefield to stand up and be counted as faithful followers of the one true take dead aim at sin, evil and the folly of mankind and to call it what it is...and then to live a Godly life in front of our family, our friends and our neighbors so that they may see a difference in us and how we live in this corrupt and lost world. But that can only happen when we zero in on our target to be the man or woman God has called out for such a time as this.

Are you ready for such a challenge or are you content to just maintain the status quo and limp along in your Christian walk; always hoping for something better but not willing to make the sacrifices needed to be the person God has called you to be.

It is your decide to TAKE DEAD AIM at the mark...and be all that God wants you to be and then life will be have my guarantee; but more than that, you have God's promise of an abundant life far greater than you could possible imagine.

Taking aim...hitting the mark for Him,


Thought for the day...

You may attempt to persuade another
 to change their point of view...

But nothing speaks more plainly than
what Christ has done in you.

So if another’s lifestyle
you are hoping to rearrange,

Just testify how the Father’s love
can make an everlasting change.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Are you a BMG?

I remember our pastor in Greenville  preached a wonderful sermon a few years back that dealt with the “ministers of the devil” that exist within the body of Christ, His Church. The first one he brought to our attention was the BIG MOUTH GOSSIP.

It is so sad that the people of God have nothing better to do with their time than to talk about anything and everyone.  Of course, we often dress our gossip up in the pretense of “prayer requests” when we spout off titillating information regarding someone’s situation or precarious position in life. We tell others what someone else told us and pass it along “so that everyone will know how to pray intelligently for our dear brother or sister.”


Let’s be real….we talk and talk and talk about others with little regard for fact or fiction…and we often do it to make ourselves seem more righteous or better off than the person we denigrate. James, the brother of Christ, said it best in the third chapter of his book, “but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and our Father, and with it we curse people made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so!” James 3:6, 8-9

I believe James got it right….these things ought not to happen, especially within the church and the body of believers. We should speak the truth, the whole truth …but not all the time. Where is it written that we have to spill our guts every time we know something about someone else? (I need chapter and verse if you disagree.)

When you know or have heard that someone is struggling with a problem or an addiction, by all means pray for them. You may even want to solicit others to pray…but before you do, talk with the person with the problem and share your heartfelt concerns. Ask them if they would like to have others involved in prayer. Then do as they ask….share if they request; keep your mouth closed and your tongue bridled, if not.

We alone cannot tame our tongue; but as the Holy Spirit indwells within us, He will give us the desire and the ability to monitor what we say and to whom we say it.

I picked up a great philosophy regarding the spreading of gossip many years ago while watching the Disney animation of Bambi with my then 3 year-old daughter, Alyson. Thumper’s mom asked him to remember what his Dad said….” IF YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING NICE, DON’T SAY NOTHING AT ALL! Though the grammar might have been incorrect, the message was dead on the money.

So, today, make it a point to guard your heart, keep a clear head and when necessary, bite your tongue. Your heart will keep you from wrecking someone else’s reputation when you think of the irreparable harm gossip causes….a clear head will allow you to “see, hear and paint a visual picture” of what your words will do to that person…and if all else fails, BITE YOUR TONGUE….better you suffer harm than inflict another because you have little self-control.

Taming the tongue requires a constant vigil on our thoughts and emotions….and a heart that seeks to do the Father’s will. Why not be a Thumper today rather than a BMG….the world and those in it will thank you ….and your Heavenly Father will be well pleased.

Taming the tongue one thought at a time,

Poem for the day:
The planted seeds of gossip
Will soon begin to sprout
And flowery words of encouragement
Will wither and die out.

So plant your seeds so carefully
With God’s instruction from above;
Then your garden will be a canopy
Of praise for those you love.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Singing in the Midst of Trials...

We all know that life is fraught with trials, tribulations and "bad days"....days that make you want to pull your hair out or at least shed a tear or two.

Paul, that great apostle and follower of Jesus Christ, had more than his fair share of those kind of days. In fact in Scripture, he recounts all his "bad days" and the many misfortunes, beatings and near-death experiences that have beset him in the course of his relationship with His Lord and Savior. But the one that always brings a smile to my face in found in Acts 16: 24-28.

As life for Paul goes, he and his ministry partner, Silas, have been thrown into prison and the jailer has made sure that they are not going anywhere by placing them in the inner prison with their feet and hands securely fastened in the stocks. As the midnight hour approaches, Paul and Silas do what any intelligent men in a situation like this would do...they pray and they heard me correctly; THEY SING SO THAT ALL THE PRISONERS CAN HEAR THEM!

And then God shows up....there is a "great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed."  The jailer is awakened by all the clamor and realizing that all the doors of the prison are open and that the prisoners have probably escaped, prepares to take his own life. Paul calls out and tells him not to harm himself  for everyone is still the same miserable condition as before except for one thing...GOD STEPPED IN WHEN THEY SANG PRAISES TO HIM.

And that makes for a great lesson for you and me...whenever we find ourselves imprisoned by the trials and tribulations of life, know this... that is not the time to wallow in self-pity and self-reliance...that is the time to PRAISE the Lord and sing of His power and might. It is in those times that our OUTLOOK on our situation needs to change and become an UPLOOK to God's sustaining mercy and grace.

Maybe God has placed you in a terrible situation so that you might learn a new lesson regarding His ability to make "all things new" ...or to be a witness to others of His great love and power as He releases you from the "chains" of your fears and inadequacies (remember the other prisoners heard the singing of Paul and Silas)...or just maybe, God is preparing you for a greater ministry that will require you to be more dependent on Him than ever before.

Whatever the reason, one thing should be crystal clear regarding our "bad days"....God is SOVEREIGN, still on His throne and He alone knows the is you and I that need the earthquake to be reminded that He is at work.

So next time you find yourself beset with a particular trial that is getting the best of you...DON'T SWEAT IT ....SING ABOUT IT! Lift your voice in praise to the ONE true God who loves you and gave His Son for you....and as we say down South..."If that don't make you sing, your heart's been broke!"

Tested in the trials of Life....Singing to the Savior,


Monday, July 25, 2016

Do You Yearn for the Urn?

Does the question posed above strike at the heart of where you are in your life? For many people in our culture today, they find themselves “scraping the bottom of the barrel” or at “the end of their rope’……Hapless…Helpless…Hopeless. Many truly believe that life is not worth living…. they often feel they would be better off if Death escorted them from this planet.

But for those of us who follow Christ, we find ourselves caught in the conundrum of a different nature ….living joyfully in this world, yet longing for the world to come. The apostle Paul went to great lengths to help the Corinthians understand this new “feeling” that seemed to overwhelm them as they began to walk ever closer with their Savior, Jesus Christ.

He wrote in I Corinthians 5:1-6, “Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile, we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal is swallowed up in life. Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us his Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. Therefore, we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in this body, we are away from the Lord.”

Let that scripture sink in …let it permeate the core of your being and bubble up in your deepest soul….YOU WERE MADE TO BE WITH GOD….anything else will leave you feeling desperate, diminished, despondent; even downright depressed…..but God has made a Deposit in you to guarantee what is to come….His Holy Spirit indwells….living in you so that you can live in and through His power.

Yes, this world is NOT our home! Our very spirit groans to be with Jesus; to be at home in Heaven, resting peacefully in His loving arms. Paul tells us that our mind should be set on Him…that we should long to leave this world to be with Jesus….but what about our earthly feelings to love those God has given us; to enjoy the beauty of His creation; to rise above our circumstance to serve our Savior? The rest of this passage gives us the insight we need to live as God intended in these last days.

WE LIVE BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So we make it our goal to please Him whether we are at home in the body or away from it.”

What are you doing to please the Lord? How are you living in the light of the trials, tribulations and circumstances that confront and compound you on every side? What message of hope do you offer in the way that you live…do others truly see the light and hope of Jesus in your life? Each of these questions begs to be answered by a Christian witness…sold out to Jesus….living within the confines of this world, but confident in the world that awaits each and every believer in Christ.

Yes, we as His children want to, long for and anxiously await the day that we leave this body to be with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ….we yearn for the urn; but until that day comes, we are to be working, not just waiting; watching, not just wishing; pleasing Him, not pouting about our problems.

Our anthem should mirror the words of Christian songwriter, Steven Curtis Chapman, who wrote….

We are not home yet…we are not home yet;
Keep on looking ahead; let your heart not forget,

Until then, remember….A Tisket, A Tasket; you should long for your casket…..

For it is better to be absent from the body so that you might be at home with the Lord…..

Longing to leave….praying to please my Savior,


Friday, July 22, 2016


When I meet you in the morning, I begin the day anew
And morning’s light is filtered through the mist of morning dew.

When I meet you in the morning and take the time to stop and pray;
I know that you will walk with me…. every step throughout my day.

When I meet you in the morning, I take your word and there I read;
A message you’ve meant just for me…. or a lesson I should heed.

When I meet you in the morning and I listen to hear your voice;
My spirit is encouraged, Lord, and my soul seeks to rejoice….

My thoughts are set on you dear, Lord, at dawn’s first early light;
And heaven’s gates are flung open wide as my spirit soars in flight.

I’m gathered at the Throne Room’s door and there I’m ushered in
To a quiet time with the one I love…My Savior and My Friend.

Oh, how I love our quiet time when morning breaks anew;
For you are there to hold me close in this special time with you….

May I never take for granted, Lord, this blessed time you spend with me;
For the glimpse of heaven’s glory and all the wonders that I see.

As I meet you every morning, Lord, and open your Holy word;
I ask that you will help me hear the message you want heard…..

I ask that you will grant me, Lord; a willing heart, each day anew;
So others who may see my life will know I belong to you.

For when I meet you every morning, Lord, on this promise I shall depend;
One day you’ll call me home to glory… where the mornings never end.

W. Patrick Queen
November  2008

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Writer's Tools

Each artist has different mediums or venues in which they like to work. For some, it's the acrylics and oils that bring out their true talents; while others prefer watercolors or charcoal etchings to best display their eye for the visual side of life. Whatever their choice, they are most comfortable and complete when they are using their talents and expressing themselves with the medium that best allows them to share their vision with the world.

The same is true for the written word, although the different "mediums" may not be as numerous. As one who likes to paint his version of the world as he sees it ....using the written word.... I have always felt most comfortable and complete when writing poetry. It must be something in the rhythm and rhyme that moves me and releases my inner self in expression. Whatever it is, I have found little reason to question it, but prefer to get lost in the thoughts that have been laid on my heart and in letting those thoughts take flight.

I have probably written over 2,000 poems of all types, versions, kinds, subjects and sizes in my lifetime and I hope and pray that I still have something to say through this "medium". It is for that reason that I have penned this introduction to what will quite often be my thought for the day....A POEM TO DWELL UPON.

I trust that you will be Blessed and in believing, you will know Him better, you will seek His face and you will walk in His way.



He came to earth by a Virgin's birth,
Born in a cattle stall; but on that tree at Calvary,

He sacrificed it all.

His life was spent as he preached "repent";
He never had home nor wife.
For He sought the thrill to do the Father's will…

In a Solitary Life.

He walked around from town to town,
No property could He claim.
But when you believe, His grace receive…

When you call upon Jesus name.

So, don't regret the life you get;
Though it's filled with pain and strife.
For He died for you to give life anew

His Solitary Life.

W. Patrick Queen @2000

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Using My Gifts in Living for His Glory!

As a former PGA golf professional, I understand and have a deep appreciation (some might say passion) for the “SWEET SPOT” of the golf club. The sweet spot is that center-most position of the club’s face that when properly applied to the rear and lowest spot on the golf ball will produce the desired, even exquisite, results.

It is also common knowledge that when the sweet spot of the golf club is expertly applied time and time again, the face will soon exhibit a lasting impression of well-worn application ….much to the joy and gratitude of the golfer that has welded the instrument…in other words, one happy and complete golfer who takes great pride in playing the game of golf at its highest and best level.

The same can be applied to each of us and our own individual “sweet spot.” Take for instance, the master builder Bezalel and what the Holy Scripture has to say regarding his “sweet spot.”

“See I have chosen Bezalel, son of Uri of the tribe of Judah. I have filled Bezalel with the Spirit of God. I have given him great skill, ability and knowledge to do all kinds of work. He is highly capable as an artistic designer of pieces made from gold, silver and bronze. He is able to cut precious jewels and mount them in metal. And, he is a master carver of all kinds of wood.” Exodus 31:2-5 (TLB)

God created this man and gifted him with all the talents and abilities he would need to become a master artisan …a highly skilled craftsman that would use his God-given talents to design and create the meeting tent, the Ark of the Covenant and all the items there within. He gifted him with a “sweet spot” that made him unique…one of a kind in the eyes and favor of the Lord…and God has done the same for each of us.

You and I are unique in the eyes of our Creator; gifted with a “sweet spot” that we alone possess…for the glory and edification of our Lord.

What is your “Sweet Spot”….what talent or gift drives you, completes you and extols you to be all that God has created you to be….are you a gifted musician or talented singer that brings joy and encouragement to those that hear your music? Are you a teacher that thrives on sharing ideas and seeing growth in your students? Do you manage people well or are you the one that sits in the President’s chair and makes all the tough decisions? Does the summer sky inspire you to draw or paint in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and to share that vision with those around you….or do you drive a school bus and safely and patiently deliver your precious cargo to their appointed destination?

Whatever your “sweet spot”…..true fulfillment in life, even life itself, is about finding and doing what God has called you to do. Yes, the true joy in life is finding what you were meant to do…. and then doing it as often and as much as possible!!!!!

So go on…MAKE GOD HAPPY!!!!!!  Find your “sweet spot” and do that which makes you unique and brings God honor and glory over and over and over again….and just like the face of my golf club, you will make a lasting impression by the well-worn application of a life well-lived….

Living in the SWEET SPOT ….Giving God the Praise,


Thought for the Day....

Living in this world make bring you great acclaim;but
What really matters most is what's done in Jesus name.
So plant your tiny seed of faith in the Father's Holy sod
And your life will be revered for your service to our God.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Now, I am former military guy, having served our country during the Vietnam era as a storekeeper in the U.S. Navy…and I am proud to have served this great land; however, I must admit, I've never been one that likes to take orders. While in boot camp, I had one drill instructor that finished every sentence with, "Now, MOVE OUT!"…usually shouted at the top of his lungs.

When we read in Scriptures the last moments that Christ spent with his disciples before he ascended into to Heaven. we read these words, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Now, Christ could have shared a heart-felt message with his disciples telling them how much he would miss them; how hard times were sure to come there way; or that they should take heart because one day He would return for them and take them to be with him; however, His parting words really came down to this simple command given in love and direction…


Christ send out His beloved disciples with the command to go, make disciples, baptize them and teach them to observe all that they had been taught so that others would come to know the Father because they, too,  had come to know the Son.

And we, now as those that have come to know Jesus, are given that same command…not shouted at us but lovingly impressed upon our hearts and our minds to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

You see, Jesus never said that the whole world should go to church…but He did say that the church should go to the whole world…and YOU and I are His church.

So take heed to His great commission as your start this new week…and Move Out and move into a world that needs to see the Light of Jesus shining brightly in a dark and desolate world… a world that is lost in sin and headed for an eternity of separation from there loving Creator… and take heart, even when you meet the devil and all his forces.

He promised… He is ALWAYS WITH US…so, TAKE COURAGE and MOVE OUT!

Standing on the promises…moving forward for my Lord,


Thought for the day:
Don't sit on the sidelines,
It's time to get in the fight.
To share the love of Jesus…
To be Salt and Light!

Worldly Wealth…How Much Is Enough?

We are indeed facing tough economic times; perhaps, the greatest for any generation of Americans, as well as for our neighbors around the world. What should be our course of action for these turbulent times? How should we consider worldly wealth and the question of how much is enough?

There is a story of an Arabian man who lived in a small cottage on a hill. Every week he would ride into the desert to a small stream so he could provide water for his camel….and every week, as the camel would drink, he would nose up pebbles to make a deeper place for the water to pool. Each week, the man would pick up some of the bright stones that his camel unearthed in the stream and take them home with him. One day, a visiting traveler told the man of the wonderful life and great riches that certain men in a nearby city enjoyed…the man’s heart filled with want and discontent; his eyes widen at the dream of worldly riches. So, he sold his small cottage and wandered the entire land looking for money and earthly riches; but finally, he died, alone and impoverished; buried in nothing but filthy rags. But for the man who bought the cottage, he found the collection of bright stones left behind by the previous owner and he preserved them.

One day a merchant, traveling through the region, stopped at the small cottage and was shone the bright stones. He informed the man that these stones were indeed diamonds and he became a millionaire immediately.

The first man had great wealth, but in his ignorance and foolishness sought the wealth of the world and died penniless. The second man held on to something that seemed insignificant, yet proved to be of great value.

How true is that today for so many of us? We strive and struggle and sweat to make ourselves rich by worldly standards; yet, we miss the greatest treasure of all…a full and exciting walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Where is your heart today…and where is your head regarding wealth? It has been said that the problem for many of us is not that we want more…just that we want more than somebody else. It is that mentality that has led us to our current economic crisis here in America…. and it is a mentality that can only change as we surrender our will and our desires to the one who gave it all…. so that He could acquire you and me.

Are you interested in determining your worldly wealth today? Then, make a list to answer this question….add up everything you have that money can’t buy and death can’t take away….and that will tell you the condition of your heart and the wealth that is yours.

Rich Beyond Worldly Measure,


Monday, July 4, 2016

Celebrating America's Birthday ...Joy or Pain...You Decide!

It seems that each year, this day of celebration gets here just a little bit quicker and leaves me a little wearier and a little less hopeful for what lies ahead. We all run hither and yon, wishing all those we know a “Happy 4th”, singing patriotic songs, eating BBQ and watching fireworks. We collectively ask for God to Bless America and then, somehow seem perplexed when gas prices keep rising, crime escalates and our leaders debate in open forum the merits of partial birth abortions, gay marriages and legalized gambling known as state lotteries. How can a righteous and holy God bless this mess that we now call America?

In fact, after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Anne Graham Lotz was queried on the Early show, the host asking, “How could God let something like this happen? Her response was quite profound. She said, “I believe that God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And, being the gentlemen that He is, I believe He has quietly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that He leave us alone?”

And that my friend, unfortunately, is the sad state of affairs that we find ourselves facing in this year 2016. God has slowly and surely left us to our own demise and I am sure that it is breaking His heart to see how far we have fallen from our roots as a Christian nation. A country that He ordained, that began with such great and magnificent promise is sinking fast and unless, God Himself, orchestrates some cataclysmic jolt to all of us….this nation that still prints “In God We Trust” on our money, is doomed to a bitter end. There is one bright and shining star though ….His CHURCH that He ordained to be both salt and light for such a time as this. Let us not shrink from the battles that lie before us, but rather put on the whole armor of God and wage war. We serve the Great Commander-in-Chief who has never been defeated ….and HE NEVER WILL BE!!!!

Proclaim this July 4th as our day of Dependence on the Creator of the Universe….and fight the good fight…..we know the outcome, WE WIN!



                                    The Tale of the Talents

Long ago, in Biblical times, Christ taught lessons to the meek
The story plain for all to see, but, the meaning you had to seek.
So, listen to this story, with heart attentively;
The story of the servants and the talents of the three.

Now, the master was a busy man, a journey he had to make
So, he called together his servants; their instructions to take.
To the first he handed five talents; to the next he gave two;
To the last he gave one and then with the giving, he was through.

The first with five thought to himself, how he must spend his day
Taking part in opportunities that were sure to pass his way.
With hard work and diligence and a special thought in mind,
It wasn't long before this man had five more of like kind.

The man with two did likewise, too, as did his friend before;
And before the day had ended, his two had increased to four.
But, whoa be to the man with one...What do you think he did?
He took the talent given him and in the ground he hid.

By and by, as time did fly, through feast or small disaster,
It soon came time for judgment day, at the return of their master.
The master called his servant and said to each alone...
"Come and show your love for me by the seeds that you have sown."
The one with five said, "Look, my Lord, I now have earned you ten."
"Great job, my friend, rejoice with me...go and do again!"

The one with two said "Lord, I do, praise you forevermore."
Though given two, my faith in you, increased mine to four.
But the man with one his head now hung, with sorrow in his eyes.
He looked up at his master and this was his reply...

"I know you are a cautious man, reaping where you can;
So, I went and hid my talent in the moist and earthen sand.
And here it is, my master, just what belongs to you.
I kept it safe from earthly thieves; it was the least that I could do.”

The master was disheartened; a hush fell across the room.
A sad despair impaired those there like a thickening cloud of gloom.
"Depart from me, you lazy man. Cast him out into the night.
You had the chance to show your love; your chance to spread God's light.”

So, dear friends, don't be like him, don't waste the talents given.
Remember this poor servant and his transgressions not forgiven.
For God expects for everyone to use their talents for His glory.
And if you read between the lines,
Then you know the message of this story.

W. Patrick Queen
copyrighted  June 2008

Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Life God Rewards....
Today's title for our devotional time is the name of the book that my Sunday School class is studying. It  was written some time ago by Dr. Bruce Wilkerson and in my mind, it is a timeless study, rooted in God's word of how we are to work for the glory of God while we lay up for ourselves, Treasures in Heaven. In fact, it is often a course of study that may divide those of us of faith as to how we are to be rewarded for our good works and how to read and ingest what the Bible has to say about such things.

One Scripture that helps bring this matter to better clarity (at least for me) is found in the Gospel according to Matthew in Chapter 25, verses 14-30. Here Christ, in the Parable of the Talents, is sharing with his disciples just days before He will be arrested and tried before Pilate exactly what He will expect from them when He is gone. He lets them know that in no uncertain terms that He expects them to take the "talents" that He has left with each of them and, based on their God-given abilities and bent, to magnify and multiply them for the Kingdom of God...and He lets them know that He will one day return for a "full" accounting of what they did and how well they did it!

If you know this parable you know that it has both a happy and a bittersweet ending...the entrance into the "joy of the Lord" for two of the servants that used their talents wisely and for gain for the Master...and the sad "casting out into the outer darkness" of the lazy servant that just hid what he was given and brought no return to the Master.

Maybe, that third servant is you today. You find yourself in a tight situation and you look at who you are; your talents and resources.... and in your heart and mind you have already decided that you will  not be able to give much of anything back to the Father. You fight the shame and the hopelessness that you will be cast out; however, IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO PUT YOUR TALENTS TO WORK FOR THE LORD SO THAT YOU TOO MAY EARN THE PRAISE OF THE ONE YOU SERVE...."WELL DONE, MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT; ENTER NOW INTO THE JOY OF YOUR MASTER."

Why do I say that it is not too late...because you're still here....alive, breathing and waiting for God to point you in the right direction to do good works for Him and multiply Himself in and through you. 


Make today the day you step up and out in faith to do the Father's will and to put your time, talents and abilities to work for God....there's still time to earn that praise from the Master and to count your life a success for's just a matter of faith!

Here's the rest of the story in poetic form in the next post.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Here's a previous post that bears repeating...Be Blessed.


It wasn't that long ago that I was sitting in the waiting room, having my car serviced, when I struck up a conversation with an elderly lady that was quite concerned with the problems she was having with her car. She shared with me that she had just recently had to start dealing with these kinds of problems….her husband had just passed away after 50+ years of marriage and now, she was having to do all the things that he once took care of for her. I told her how much I empathized with her because I had seen my mother struggle with getting back on her feet when my father passed away suddenly. I assured her that God would see her through these difficult days and we began to share how dependent we must be on our Heavenly Father to take care of us, even when it seems to take longer than we would like for an answer to our prayers. You see, she was praying that God would provide her with another godly man with which to share the remaining years of her life….she was so lonely and she wanted God to answer her pray quickly; but, she knew that God’s timing is very often quite different from our own.

We later parted company with thanks for our time of sharing and I promised to be praying for the many needs in her life. As I began my drive home, I thought of the story of the prodigal son and the three things that we must glean from that parable in Luke….we must GIVE UP…GET UP …AND GO UP ….before God can have his way in our lives.

When I say GIVE UP, I am referring to the miserable situation in which the prodigal found himself once he had squandered all his worldly possessions. In verse 14 of Luke 15, it reads, “When he had spent everything, a severe famine arose in that country and he began to be in great need (dire straits). SO, he went and hired himself out”…in other words, he kept trying to make it under his own steam; to turn things around with his might and his strength; to make up for his mistakes and restore himself to his glory days.... ALL ON HIS OWN. The best he could do on his own….feeding the pigs of another farmer and eating the pods that he fed to the swine. It wasn’t until he was ready to give up control of his miserable life that he could GET UP from this horrible situation and realize that a better life was just waiting for him, at home with his father.
Scripture says, “But when he came to himself”….in other words, when he got up, dusted himself off and looked at his situation, it came to him. I don’t have to live like this; why even my father’s servants are far better off than I am. I’ll go home and beg my father to take me back …not as his son, but as one of his hired servants. And that’s when the GO UP took over, “I will arise and go to my father and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you and I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” (Luke 15:18) When he decided to include God and to leave the outcome in His hands, the decision became obvious …so, he headed for home.

Yes, when life seems to beat you down, you can keep trying to “make it on your own”…or you can GIVE UP the pride that keeps you from surrendering to the power of the Father … then GET UP from the despair and misery that engulfs your life ….and do what is required in all of life’s dilemmas …. GO UP in surrender to the will of the Father ….for He is standing on the road, peering down that dusty highway, waiting to catch a glimpse of His long, lost son….turning toward home ….and a Father’s eternal love.
Running into His open arms…Safe and secure for eternity,
Thought for the day:

Life's trouble may get the best of you
    As you are tossed both to and fro:
And you may question the Father's love, 
Unsure which way to go...

But never doubt how much He cares for you,
When life's volcanoes may erupt…
Just know that He is with you…
When you surrender…then, look up!


This year, I am approaching a milestone in my life…for in about 60 days, I will be celebrating my 67th year on earth….as I said, it seems like a milestone to me. But, for many others; older, younger, wiser, smarter or any where in between, they too, are approaching a milestone…often with fear and trepidation.

That mindset deserves closer scrutiny ….how are we to face and deal with the pleasant and not so pleasant milestones in our lives? We are to remember WHERE we have been, WHAT has happened to us in our life journey and WHO has been our ever faithful guide.

God tells us that He remembers and that He promised in His covenant to keep us safe …just look in the story of Noah. After the flood, after the waters receded and the ground dried up, Noah and his family stepped out of the ark with God’s command to be fruitful and multiply. God said, “I have established my covenant with you that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” And as He continues He says, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and for all future generations. I have set my bow in the clouds and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” Genesis 9:12-13

It is what God reveals next that helps us to see the true heart of our Creator…”When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I WILL REMEMBER MY COVENANT that is between me and you and every living creature. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When I see the bow in the clouds, I will remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature that is on the earth.” Genesis 9:14-16

Isn’t is good to know that God remembers and keeps His covenant with His creation?

Every time clouds gather and a storm appears on the horizon, God sees a tiny rainbow form and He is reminded of His promise to us…to hold back the torrential rains so the floods don’t come and once again, we are spared from His anger toward our sinful nature.

I think we should be more like God when it comes to the milestones in our lives…especially the ones that bring about fear, uncertainty and stress. We should remember to whom we belong….what He has done in the past and… what He is able to do in our uncertain future. We should remember His great love, his abiding favor in the presence of the Holy Spirit and His unwavering desire to make all things work out for our good.

How easily we often forget what God has done in our past….maybe, we need to find a sign that will always remind us of His abundant love and His ultimate sacrifice…maybe, all we need do is look to the hill of Calvary and see that old rugged cross….and remember the covenant that He has made through the shed blood of His only Son.

God has promised that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that He has raised Him from the dead, we are saved….just remember that the next time you approach a milestone and you are anxious in your spirit….remember that you belong to Him ….that no one nor nothing can snatch you from the Father’s hand…

Remember… just as your Heavenly Father remembers….and you will find a peace that triumphs whatever trial or milestone is set before you…

Remembering ….and rejoicing in His promises,