Friday, June 29, 2018

Happy Birthday America!

Hooray for the Fourth

It seems that each year, this day of celebration gets here just a little bit quicker and leaves me a little wearier and a little less hopeful for what lies ahead. We all run hither and yon, wishing all those we know a “Happy 4th”, singing patriotic songs, eating BBQ and watching fireworks. We collectively ask for God to Bless America and then, somehow seem perplexed when gas prices keep rising, crime escalates and our leaders debate in open forum the merits of partial birth abortions, gay marriages and legalized gambling known as state lotteries. How can a righteous and holy God bless this mess that we now call America?

In fact, after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Anne Graham Lotz was queried on the Early show, the host asking, “How could God let something like this happen?  Her response was quite profound. She said, “I believe that God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we’ve been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And, being the gentlemen that He is, I believe He has quietly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that He leave us alone?”

And that my friend, unfortunately, is the sad state of affairs that we find ourselves facing in this year, 2018. God has slowly and surely left us to our own demise and I am sure that it is breaking His heart to see how far we have fallen from our roots as a Christian nation. A country that He ordained, that began with such great and magnificent promise is sinking fast and unless, God Himself, orchestrates some cataclysmic jolt to all of us….this nation that still prints “In God We Trust” on our money, is doomed to a bitter end.

There is one bright and shining star though and that is His CHURCH, ordained to be both salt and light for such a time as this. Let us not shrink from the battles that lie before us, but rather put on the whole armor of God and wage war. We serve the Great Commander-in-Chief who has never been defeated ….and HE NEVER WILL BE!!!!

Proclaim this July 4th as our day of Dependence on the Creator of the Universe….and fight the good fight…..we know the outcome, WE WIN!         



Wednesday, June 27, 2018


A few years back (or was it a decade ago), I was sitting in a conference room in Atlanta, listening to a story from our executive director of a Christian non-profit in which I was employed. He was recounting a particular time when he was in route to a special sales call during the early years of his sales career.

He was a relatively new Christian at that time and he was working hard at “walking with the Lord” through all the ups and downs of life. As we all know, it is often at times like this that the Devil finds fertile ground in which to plant a stronghold. As he recounted his story, he told of how he was traveling down the highway, in the middle of absolutely nowhere, when his car broke down. He was already running on a tight schedule to get to his next business appointment and this was the last thing he needed in what had already been a very hectic and challenging day. He told of how he got out of the car and began to walk around and around and around and around the car while he prayed. He shared that he must have walked around that car more than a hundred times….and at that moment this little thought popped into my head that I shared with the group…“Just imagine how far you could have gone if you’d have walked in a straight line.” We all came apart at the seams in laughter…including the story teller.

But that thought caused me to reflect on just that question…How far could we go if we didn’t let the circumstances of life get the best of us?
So, don’t let the speed bumps of life deter you from following the path that the Lord has set before you….He has established each step and He is just waiting for you to “step out” in faith and walk the walk that He has ordained for your life.

Often, all it takes is some small catastrophe, setback or minor inconvenience to set us off and that causes us to pitch some type of “tizzy fit."  We begin to wring our hands and walk in circles, questioning what to do and forsaking the path that the Lord has laid before us. We have made plans to do what is required to walk with our Lord; yet, when we encounter obstacles to that walk, we too often forsake it. The writer of Proverbs tells us in chapter 16, verse 9 “that the heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

And be assured that you will never have to walk by yourself… for God has promised to always walk beside you (Psalm 23). When you’ve made the commitment and have given yourself to Him, there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that can befall you that can remove you from the protection of your Heavenly Father ….. And there’s no circles to walk….unless there’s a Jericho in you future…but, that’s a story for another day.

So, trust the Lord and walk in His way and you can know that He will see that everything turns out for your good and His Glory…

Walking the walk of Faith …Counting on the Promises,


Poem for the day...

Walking life's path each day for God
Can be trying with each step we take;
But we can rest assured in this....
Our Father will never forsake.

We can know that with each step
He will take us by the hand;
And leads us past the minefields
That are scattered across our land.

Until at last, on Heaven's shore
We shall see him face to face...
We'll know that we have made it home
Because of His love and abundant grace.

WPQ © June 2018

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Life can be hard is a statement with which I have never had anyone disagree. We all know that some days are better than others ...and some days, it just doesn't pay to get out of bed. But for most of us, we teeter between the good days, the bad days and the ones we'd like to forget.

Sometimes, all that is needed to make a ho-hum kinda day just a wee bit better is a little levity. In fact, the writer of Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time to weep and a time to laugh; so today, I hope to pass on a few funny stories that may make this a time to LOL.

So may God bless and keep you smiling no matter what kind of day it is the day that He has made, so rejoice and be glad you're still in it!

Ever heard the story that goes....A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark ?""No," replied Johnny. "How could he... he only had the two worms."

Or the one that goes....A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible - Psalm 23. She gave the youngsters a month to learn the chapter. Little Tommy was excited about the task, but the more he practiced and tried to memorize the passage, the harder it seem to be and he struggled to barely get past the first line.

On the day that the kids were scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the congregation, Tommy was so nervous. When it was his turn, he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly,

"The Lord is my Shepherd, and that's all I need to know."

And let's not overlook the story of a little boy named Johnny. 

Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Johnny received his plate, he started eating right away. His mother quickly interrupted his eating when she said, "Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer." To which Johnny replied, "I don't need to!" 

"Of course, you do" his mother insisted. "We always say a prayer before eating at our house."

"That's at our house."Johnny explained." This is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook."

Laughter is indeed a gift from God that allows us to breathe deeply and let the troubles that might beset us slip away as we chuckle, smile or even guffaw. It is in these times that life or its circumstances remind us that as bad as things might seem, laughter makes us feel better, lifts our spirits and ushers us into a deeper appreciation for our friendships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. After all, we know the outcome: no one leaves this earth alive; but those that know Jesus as their Savior, we leave for a better, happy, heavenly place where the tears are wiped away and sorrow and sin and death are no more....just thinking about that should put a big grin on your does so on mine!!!!

Remember this belong to the family of are a child of the King....and one day not too far from now, HE IS COMING BACK TO CLAIM US AS HIS OWN....


Looking toward the Eastern Sky....Longing for the Sweet By and By,


Poem for the day...
When life seems to get the best of you
And your smile has left your face;
Just remember who you belong to
And His abundant and amazing grace.

Don't sit and contemplate your fate
Be it filled with joy or with pain...
For when your days are over,
Then life is measured by what you gain.

For if your earthly gain is Heaven
You should rejoice; smile and be glad;
For a life that's lived with laughter
Is the BEST life that can be had.

So don't wait until it's too late, my friend
To tell others of the joy you know!
For you have a FRIEND in Jesus...
And in your life, that's gotta show!!!!!


WPQ © June 2018

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

R U a Fair Weather Follower ???

We have all heard the term regarding a "fair-weather friend" and if I dare say so, many of us have, at one time or another in our lives, been just that ...A FAIR WEATHER FRIEND!

Which got me to thinking that all too often we treat Jesus in much the same way when it comes to our faith. Consider the many times He turned to His disciples and ask of them, "O ye of little faith?"  How many times could He have asked the same question of you and me as we falter in our daily walk with Him?

From the onset of His earthly ministry, Jesus was always questioning His followers regarding their faith. In Matthew 6 during His Sermon on the Mount, He tells his disciples not to worry regarding their daily needs since their Heavenly Father takes care of even the smallest sparrow and not one of the smallest of His creation can fall from the sky without His knowledge; however, we fret and worry about our next meal and wonder if God really cares and will feed and clothe Christ asks, "Will He not much more clothe you, o you of little faith?"

And let us not forget that evening in the boat as the disciples began to make their way across the Sea of Galilee and the storm blew up, and the waves rocked and tossed the boat and all seemed lost...but at just the right moment, Christ arose from a peaceful slumber, rebuked the winds and the sea and all was calm...then He said to his followers, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no FAITH?" (my emphasis) Mark 4:40 NKJV

Unfortunately, many of us are just like those first disciples who had left their families, their homes, their livelihood to follow this miracle worker named Jesus.. all was well for a season!  But as opposition to the teachings of this man from Galilee arose and the hardships and threats against their lives increased, the disciples began to pull back into the shadows of their society so as not to upset the ruling sects of the Pharisees and Sadducees...they fell into the trap of being FAIR WEATHER FOLLOWERS!!!!

The same mentality can invade our thinking in our society today. We might hear that some folks don't like to spend time with those "religious nuts" and so we distance ourselves from our church friends or any reference to how we spend our Sundays in worship. We have a bad argument with our spouse and think that maybe this thing called marriage is just a farce and we would be better off on our own...or a job that we expected to retire from has been pulled out from under us and we are too old to learn anything our faith falters and we begin to look for someone or something to blame. Yes, when life is going good and all the pieces seem to fit just right, we can proclaim that we do indeed love Jesus; but when life hands us a big bowl of lemons, we decide that we are no longer thirsty for life or for the work that requires us to make lemonade.

We are perfectly content to be a FAIR WEATHER FOLLOWER ...but a FWF is just a lukewarm follower and Christ said in no uncertain terms in Revelation 3:16, "So then, since you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spit (vomit) you out of my mouth."

THE BAD NEWS...There is a day of reckoning coming for us all...and for those who are just a Fair Weather Follower, it is NOT going to be a good day! 

THE GOOD NEWS...if you are still breathing, there is time to make a change and become a FAITHFUL FOLLOWER as you commit to lean on Jesus in all the challenges and triumphs of  life. 

Don't be apathetic about your relationship with Jesus. After all, He gave His all so that you could be reunited with your Creator and all He ask in return....LIVE FOR HIM LIKE YOU MEAN IT....




Poem for the day...

When troubles in your life
Are knocking you down;
It's then you need a faith
That's built on solid ground.

A faith that will sustain you
Though the stormy winds may blow.
A faith that keeps you in His grasp
And will never let you go!

Your faith must be your anchor
That keeps you tied and tethered.
So you will have a faith that last
Through more than just fair weather...

So no matter what you come against
Whether in calm or stormy seas;
A life that's a life of faithfulness
Is a life that's sure to please!

WPQ © JUNE 2018

Friday, June 15, 2018

Who Me...WORRY?

We live in turbulent and troubled times to say the least! All anyone has to do is turn on the TV or read the headlines in a newspaper or check out a news source on your computer to see that bad things are happening all over the world. It is enough on most days to make even the strongest of us question what's going on and who is really in charge of this spinning orb we call Earth.

So, for many of us, it is very common to be ANXIOUS regarding the turmoil that seems to be all around us. Our fast-paced lifestyles keep us constantly in motion and our thoughts continually swirl around in our brains wondering what the next calamity will be; where will it happen; and will it affect me and my family.

When those thoughts go unchecked, we become anxious(there's that word again), uneasy, unsettled and often, downright paranoid that someone or something is out to get us. What has really happened in this situation is we have replaced our FAITH with WORRY...the oldest of Satan's weapons in his arsenal of deceit. Satan will try to deceive us in to believing that our Heavenly Father is just too busy with planet-altering activities to be involved in our lives, so whatever has or might come upon us, it is up to us to fix it or deal with the consequences...and so, WE WORRY AND FRET!

Jesus warned his disciples about this enemy of faith known as WORRY when he told them in Matthew 6:34, "Therefore DON'T WORRY about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (my emphasis)

The great apostle Paul expanded the words of Jesus when he told the Philippians, "Don't worry about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests (or concerns, my translation) to GOD." Philippians 4:6  And in these words, we find the solution to worry....PRAYER. You see where there is prayer there is no room for worry, for how can one truly pray to an all powerful God that holds in the world in His hands and worry at the same time...the two are diametrically opposed to each other. You cannot pray and worry at the same time since prayer exists with faith and worry says faith is impotent.

The best news is the next verse in Philippians 4:7, when Paul says," And the peace of God, which surpasses ALL understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

This is the truth that breaks the back of worry so it can no longer stand on its own or stand in our way of being all God wants us to be....WE HAVE PEACE BECAUSE WE BELONG TO JESUS and NOTHING can come against us that HE CANNOT HANDLE...So why WORRY?

So the next time the Devil pulls out his weapon of WORRY,  just smile a wry smile, look him dead in the eye and say, 
Who me...worry? 
Not gonna happen  'cause I belong to you can just take your worry and move on...I've got God's peace, so I'm not about to worry!!!!!

Praying hard....staying worry free,


Poem for the day...

Living in this hectic world
Bad news at every turn;
Many of us are prone to worry
It's not a trait we had to learn.

The Devil seeks to do us woe
To make us worry as well as fret;
Bu we must hold tightly to
Our faith and not forget...

We serve a loving, caring God
Who meets our every need;
And the times that He can hear us best
Is when we go down on our knees.

To lift a very heartfelt prayer
As worldly cares will drift away...
Then His joy and peace will enter in
To help and guide us through today!

W. Patrick Queen © June 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Essence of My Dad

This Poem was written for my Dad for Father's Day in June 1977...He left this world to be with our Lord over 35 years ago, but he still walks with me every day in all that I do...


If you are fortunate to still have your Dad with you, please make sure to reach out to him this Father's day and share with him what his life has meant in it good or bad...your father has had a helping hand in shaping the person you are today. For me, my dad taught me to love those around me and to ALWAYS strive to have a servant's heart. What do I mean by that? A servant does and performs at the will of his Master, with little or no expectations to be praised or rewarded...he serves to please his Master and in that he can find comfort for a job well done. My dad taught me to serve others in such a do right and to give of myself with no thought to receiving praise or reward. He contended that if I did that, I would never be disappointed when I did not receive the acclaim that I believed I was due...and when I have been able to live up to that selfless standard, his words have ALWAYS proven to be true...and for that advice and for his life lived in such a manner, I am eternally grateful.

Let your dad know how grateful you are that he has been in your life and if you can't find the words to say, you have permission to borrow mine...


Often, I have stopped to think
of times both good and bad;
And in each fleeting memory,
I reverence my Dad.

He stood both tall and straight,
Colossal in my mind.
He spoke in tones both harsh and firm,
Yet so gentle and so kind.

An unquenchable desire for life;
A zest for Life and living;
He fought and scraped to provide for me
Through his unselfish giving.

A guiding hand he led my steps
Down paths I dared not tread,
A steady mind, a sturdy back were the
Essence of my Dad.

A willful man, his beliefs ran deep;
He taught me to be good;
Yet, when times got rough
Or I failed my Dad....
He always understood!

So surely on the day he passes,
I truly will be sad,
But never will I forget the man,
I loved and called...My Dad!

W. Patrick Queen  © June 1977

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I Miss the Man I Called Dad....

This is a reprint of a previous post....

I spent last weekend in Charlotte, reliving the "good old days" with my classmates of the Garinger High School class of 1967...and if the math is too hard for you...that is 50 years since I graduated from high school to make my mark in this world. There were many of my classmates that also attended and grew up with me in our small church on Mecklenburg Ave, MIDWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH...and many of my friends had my dad as their Sunday School teacher. As we reminisced and I listened to my friends share their memories of my dad, it brought back to me so many wonderful memories of the man and the life he lived before me.

 It has been 33 years since my father passed away. It was a bright and beautiful day in February when my dad went out to play a round of golf with one of my uncles. On a long par 5 on the course I grew up on, my father was having some pains in his arms and decided to sit down on the wheel of his pull cart; but before he could reach a safe place to rest, he was gone from this world and resting in the arms of Jesus. In fact, I was only 35 when my dad passed and now he has been gone longer than I knew him...but his memory and the character traits that my Dad instilled in me from watching a man of faith , love and shower blessings of compassion on his family is those moments of being with my Dad that have made me the man I am today...a man that I believe my Dad would be proud of.

Yes, not a day goes by that I don't remember my Dad or lean into the things that he taught me as we shared hours and years together delivering papers every morning for more than three years. I was 16 when I got a BIG morning paper route and my dad and I spent that time together getting to really know each other and to forge that bond of love and admiration that we had for each other.

In a world where we all are searching for heroes or someone to model our life after, there is no one better to model than Jesus Christ. It is fact that Jesus became like us so that He could come to earth, live a perfect life, void of sin, so that through our belief in Him...WE COULD BECOME MORE LIKE HIM. Jesus told his disciples that He had come to give them life ...a life more abundant and free, but that life could only become a reality as they learned to surrender their will to the will of their Heavenly Father.

Do you have someone that you have loved and admired; someone who like my dad may have been taken away far too soon? My biggest regret for my dad was that he was not here to meet the wonderful woman who has been my wife for 28 years and the adorable daughter of ours that he never got to hold...but he lived before me the life that lead me to Jesus and for that I am eternally grateful...and I know that in my future, I will see him again.

Who do you miss that is gone on before you; but more importantly, who do you need to tell how much they mean to you NOW and how they have impacted your life; maybe even been your hero but have no clue that you feel that way.

The one thing I learned in the passing of my father at such a young age(he was only 63) was time and LIFE are short and there are no "do over's" don't waste a moment of each new day to reach out to someone you love and let them know how important they are to you...and how much you admire, love and respect will feel better for doing that and so will they!!!!

Missing My Dad....Waiting for the Call to go Home,


Poem for the day:

Losing one you love so much
Now memories must do...
To remind you of the love they gave
As they showered it on you.

So take every opportunity
To share with those you love;
The grace you've found that gives you life
Comes from the Throne above.

So let them know by love and deed
How much they mean to you;
And by following in their footsteps
You've lived a life that is good and true!


Come back tomorrow to share a special poem
written for my Dad, Father's Day 1977

Monday, June 11, 2018

What Measuring Stick Are You Using?

There is one thing that seems to be universal in the culture of today's societies. It is the never-ending questioning of us all....Am I Good Enough?

Good Enough for what, you ask? Well, for many of us we ask, am I good enough to be loved, unconditionally, warts and all? For others, we want to be measured as successful and at the "top of our game" in our chosen profession. Some want to know if they are good enough to receive praise and adoration for being who they are...and they want the fame and fortune that might accompany someone who is "adored by the maddening throng."

But, for many of us, if we are truly honest with ourselves, we want to know if we are good enough to be loved and accepted by God? After all, we are both physical and spiritual beings and there is this deep longing to believe and to know our Creator. So the questions is...


If you are using the world's measuring device, you are probably trying to "work" you way into the good graces of a holy and righteous God...Good Luck with that because God says " there is no one Holy, for ALL have sinned and missed the mark!" (My translation of Romans 3:23)  It is sad to see how many people are trying to do more good than bad so they will be accepted by God. They simply believe that they hold in their hands the answer to how to please God...JUST BE GOOD ENOUGH!

So the most important question in this world to someone trying to be good enough is...What measuring stick is God using? The answer is simple...He is using the sinless life of His Son, Jesus Christ. And there you have it!!!!

If you want to be good enough to get into God's PERFECT Heaven, then you need to live a sinless, blameless life just as Jesus did...and anyone in their right mind knows that such a task is impossible. To be sinless, you can never get mad, have an evil thought, cheat on a test, call someone an ugly name...and the list of all our sins goes on infinitum.  No, living a sinless life is simply not an option!

So, what are we to do in this situation? We are to trust in the GRACE that is offered to us by a God who loves us even though He knows we will NEVER be good enough...and the GOOD NEWS is we don't have to be good enough...Jesus was good enough for us ALL!!!

He came and gave His live, shed His blood and died in our place so that His Father would look at us and see His perfection in the place of our sinful nature... and because we accept what He has done for us...WE ARE DECLARED GOOD ENOUGH FOR GOD!

So lay down your measuring device that will always tell you that you don't make the grade with God and pick up the mantle of God's GRACE and measure yourself as God sees


Make today the day that you become "good enough" to call God, ABBA FATHER...GIVE YOUR HEART TO JESUS and then keep doing good, not because your are trying to measure up to an impossible standard, but as a way to say "THANK YOU JESUS" for saving a sinner like me.

Good Enough in Jesus....Doing Good in His Name,


Poem for the day...

If you measure your life by the good that you do
And others think you're wonderful and try to copy you.
The question you must ask when all is said and done
Did I live a sinless life like Jesus Christ, God's Son?

Did all the good I've done when times were really tough
Measure up in God's eyes...Was I truly good enough?
Did the good that I did for others make a difference within
And will a Holy God overlook my life of sin?

There's only one measuring stick that says God will be pleased
It's when a broken-hearted sinner goes down on bended knees...
And  prays a simple prayer..."God  I truly do believe!

Let your grace that makes me good enough....

WPQ © June 2018

Sunday, June 10, 2018

R U a Counterfeit Christian?

A few days ago, I was standing in line with my wife at the Dollar General store as we watched the cashier examine the $20 bill my wife had given her. She held it up to the light and looked through the paper searching diligently for the watermark and the embedded thread that is reported to be there.

Then she placed the bill on the checkout counter and ran her marking pen across the bill…nothing happened ….which is a good thing! She went on to explain how one of the stores in the vicinity had taken over two hundred dollars in counterfeit twenties on Friday…and she was bound and determined not to let that happen in her store.

I admired her resolve which got me to thinking….how do you spot a counterfeit Christian? On the outside, they say the right things, profess the right theology and attend the required functions and formalities of their religious affiliation; but are those traits enough for one to be considered the “genuine article”…..a True Christian.


In fact, in the first epistle written by the apostle John, he writes: “We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know him,” but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” I John 2:4-6 New International Version

So there you have it……if you a true and bona fide Christian the “proof will be in the pudding”….your inner life (where the Holy Spirit dwells) will manifest itself in your life. Your thoughts, deeds, actions and more importantly, re-actions will let others see you living as Jesus lived….not in lip service but in a wholly committed relationship to walk as Jesus did; to serve others without complaint, concession or compromise; to speak boldly in actions and words that you belong to the King of Kings and that your are striving, in the strength and grace of the Holy Spirit, to love unselfishly all those that God places in your sphere of influence.

These are the days for real men (and women) that love Jesus to boast about what Jesus has done in their lives …to show genuine love and compassion for those around us who are lost and without the hope of Jesus… live as REAL Christians and put away any thing that would tarnish our witness or have others suspect us of being a counterfeit.

When Jesus uses the marking pen of life on you, what will he uncover? Will he find the REAL DEAL or just another COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIAN….you are what you profess to be WHEN YOU WALK THE WALK AS WELL AS TALK THE TALK….

So start walking each day with Jesus as your guide…..He’s the only way to go!!!!

Blessed to be His….Walking His Way,

Poem of the day:

The entire world is watching
Each day, hoping to find;
A person who loves Jesus
Who is true and genuine.

Whose actions will speak volumes;
Whose empty works are few;
Because their love for Jesus
Is evident in all they do…

So be the one they’re searching for
In Christ, you’re the perfect fit.
Let His love show through…in all you do;
WPQ © AUG 2011

Friday, June 8, 2018

Blessings In Store...Just Waiting on YOU!

The following story is a reprint from an Internet post ...origin unknown!

A young man was getting  ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealers showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study, told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and how much he loved him. He handed him a beautifully wrapped gift box.

Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a handsome leather-bound Bible, with his name embossed in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, "With all your money, the best you can do is give me a Bible?" He stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible behind.

Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized that by now, his father was very old. He thought perhaps he should go to him and try to mend their broken relationship since he had not seen him since that fateful graduation day; however, before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away. The telegram also told him that his father had willed all of his possessions to him and that he was needed at home immediately to take care of things.

When he arrived at his father's house, sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important documents and saw the Bible, still new, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. His father had carefully underlined a verse, Matt 7:11, "And if ye, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father which is in Heaven, give to those who ask Him?" As he read those words, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealers name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words,

PAID IN FULL....How many times do we miss God's blessings because they are not packaged as we expected?

Could this be you today? Waiting to receive the blessing of a loving Heavenly Father, but so close-minded in your response to the outpouring of His love that you fail to see the gift and the blessing that He wants to give you. Are you angry and estranged from the one who created you because your life is not nor has it ever been what you thought it should be? Do you still blame God for the hard times, skinned knees and bruised egos that have left you bitter and not better in this race called LIFE?

In His word, Jesus said, " I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly!" John 10:10  Jesus has done His part; He has kept his promises and He gives us new life. But if we are not looking for his blessing with spiritual eyes, but rather our worldly eyes, we may miss the blessings that He intended for our lives because they did not come wrapped as we expected or in the timely manner that we thought best for our life.

So, if you are bitter because you believe that God has not kept up His end of the bargain, then realize this...

God is not in the bartering business...He is in the BLESSING business. He does that on His terms and on His timetable, so if you are not ready to trust God in his infinite wisdom to bless you AS HE SEES FIT, then don't be surprised if those blessings to live an abundant life never come...the choice is yours...BE BLESSED BY THE FATHER or STRESSED BY THE EVIL ONE!

Counting my blessings ...sharing His goodness in my world,


Poem for the day...

We were called to live our lives
Abundantly each day,
Waiting patiently for God's goodness
And His blessings sent our way.

To keep our eyes on Jesus
The one who draws us near
And gives us each the courage
To rise above life's fears.

So don't let life get the best of you
As your world goes spinning by...
Just look for the blessing of the Lord
Seen through His Heavenly eyes!
WPQ©June 2018

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Throwing in the Towel....

For most of us, every day there is something or someone who comes against us; makes life harder than we believe it should be; keeps us from knowing the joy that life is supposed to bring as followers of Christ. It seems that at every turn life is thwarted our ambitions, killing our dreams and annihilating our passions for living life to its fullest.  Sometimes, you just want to throw in the towel and call it quits! Am I right!?!

But the good book, that is our spiritual "play book" in this game of life, tells us something different. The writer of Hebrews begins Chapter 12, by writing, "And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Verses 1b-3.

So as always in this life, the choice is yours! You can sit around and feel sorry for yourself and begin to wad up that towel to throw into the ring....or you can cinch up you belt, re-tie those shoe laces and get back to doing what God has called you to do...RUN THE RACE, PERSERVE AND WIN!!!! But here's the kicker to this scenario...YOU CANNOT DO THIS ON YOUR OWN! You need to keep your eyes on Jesus so that you may run with perseverance the course as God has laid out for your life.

Too often, when life lets us have it with both barrels, we just want to lick our wounds and call it quits....THROW IN THE TOWEL...But God has a better way...HIS WAY! There are no "bad breaks" in the life of a believer, for once we placed our faith and hope in our eternal God and trusted in the shed blood of His Son, our lives became irrevocably tied to the will of our Heavenly Father. God has set for us the race that is our life. He has ordained a marked course that we are to follow and anything...yes, ANYTHING...that happens along the way, good or bad, has his handprint upon it! God is preparing us for the win and for the great JOY that will be ours at the conclusion of our race. But getting to the finish line requires two things....Trust and Perseverance.

We must first trust God that He loves us and that there is nothing that can come against us that He does not seeing coming and that He is not prepared for....after all, HE IS THE CREATOR AND LORD OF THE UNIVERSE!!!! And secondly, when doubts arise that He is in control, and believe me, those doubts will come....WE MUST PERSEVERE and keep our eyes on Jesus.
He is our role model when it comes to not throwing in the towel and when we do as He did, we will be victorious and sit beside Him at our Father's throne.

I have often heard it say that life is a matter of storms. You are either heading into a are in the midst of a storm...or you're coming out of a storm. If that is so, then let the storms come because I have my eyes on Jesus...and I know that when He speaks and says "SILENCE, BE STILL!" that the storm is my life will cease and I can continue to run my race for HE IS WITH ME EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!!!

Holding on to the towel...running the race,


Poem for the day...

Life may have its ups and down
The good times, they may be few.
But running in this race called life,
There's some things we each must do.

We must trust the Father
For when bad things come our way;
We must run the race that's marked before us
And live to fight another day.

We must persevere at any cost,
Our eyes fixed upon the prize;
So we might dwell in heavenly places
And gaze into our Savior's eyes.

So no matter what may lie ahead;
No matter the storms that come...
We'll run the race we were meant to run,

WPQ © JUNE 2018