Thursday, April 26, 2018

Off the Beaten Path....

My devotional time this morning had me look at 2 Corinthians 11:24-33 which disposes in a nutshell the hardship journey of the Apostle Paul's life; however, I think Paul viewed this scripture as a travel log of all the times he had traveled off the beaten path.

Now, for most of us that truly sounds uncomfortable, being off the beaten path. I mean for me, roughing it means staying in a Motel 6. But for Paul, God took him places to do God's work that Paul could never have imagined....and what's even more illuminating about this warrior for the Gospel are the hardships of life  he had to endure along the way.

So my question for each of us today is when was the last time you took the road less traveled...or even more telling, when was the last time you went in pursuit of God's will and there was no road at all?  For most of us teaching a class of children in Vacation Bible School would be a road less traveled since it might take us far from our comfort zone; but teaching VBS in a foreign land, now that is going where there may not be a road at all.

The examples of doing for God and enduring for Him in our daily lives often takes us to places and problems that we might never encounter if we always try to play it safe. It is when we venture out in obedience to the Holy Spirit that God opens roads for service and allows His love to touch those we encounter along the way. The best news for us as we travel these unknown roads is that God has been there before us; He is with us as we go; and He is working out all the bumps and potholes that might interrupt our journey and make our pathway straight.

There is the story of Dr. David Livingstone, the great missionary to Africa, who once received a message from his missionary society requesting that he led them know when he would be working in an area with good roads...their plan was to send some of their associates to aid him in his work. Livingstone replied, "If you have men who will only come when the roads are good, I don't want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all."

Are you such a man or woman that stands ready to go and do God's work, even when there is no road at all? If not, YOU MAY BE MISSING THE BEST BLESSINGS OF YOUR LIFETIME! I know of which I speak for some of my greatest times in service to my Heavenly Father have been when I went where no one had gone before and in those times, God used me in a mighty way. I trust that you can look at the footsteps of your life and see that He has done the same with you. If not, then today just might be that in Him and let His Spirit guide you to places you have never been to do work that's never been done for a God who delights when His people do His work for their good and His Glory!!!!

Off the beaten path...working for My Good and God's GLORY,


Poem for the day....
If you are traveling down life's highway
Living each day with a safety net;
Never experiencing life as it was meant to be;
Limited  joys and some regrets.

Then take the road less traveled
Get off the beaten path
Succumb to the Father's leadings
Be spared from a life of wrath.

Of the anger and the pain that comes
When you're living life your way
Hanging on to the toils and pain
That pound us down each day.

Give up the weight of life's great cares
Unpack your heavy load
And spend your life in service to
Your Loving Father...for He knows the road.

WPQ© April 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Speaking the Language of the One You Love....

I was reading in the Scriptures today in Ephesians where Paul is schooling those followers on how they are to love their wives and how the wives are to love their husbands. We see in these verses that Jesus is the head of the Church and gave himself for it...and husbands are to love their wives and do likewise.

But what happens when you speak the words of "I LOVE YOU"  to your spouse...does he or she truly understand what your are saying and the impact that such a phrase should carry? Or are they underwhelmed by the words because as we all know, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.
So what is your wife or your husband's "love" language and how can you know and engage them in such a way that your words have meaning and are felt deeply.

For some it is presents, trinkets, or small gifts that says "I love you." For others quiet times with each other, removed from the cares of daily life best says that you hold a position of great love in your partner's life. For some it is a great gesture that moves your loved one to tears for it truly says it all...that your live would be meaningless if not for the love you share.

For me, it is the simple written word, expressed in some poetic form that best allows my bride to know my heart and the depth of my true love for her....and so yesterday, after hearing a song on the radio, I penned this poem for the love of my sweet wife, Terri.


I looked into the mirror just the other day
Saw a face looking back that I barely even knew.
It was one covered in lines and wrinkles
Each one there simply because of you...

Now not for reasons that you might think
Did these lines appear on my face.
Not for the troubles that we've seen
When caught between a rock and a hard place.

Each line was there around my mouth...
 Many etched into the corners of my eyes;
Each one telling those who would view
The what...the who's...the whys?

You see each line was their because
Of the many times you made me smile
And every time you've made me laugh
They lingered a longer while.

And now I hope that you understand
Though each line is now a part of me;
For when you laughed and made me smile,
Your opened my eyes to see...

That no matter what each day may bring
Be it Laughter...or Pain ...or Sighs.

This you should always know
No matter where we may go
In my life you will always grow


W. Patrick Queen
April 2018

Take the time NOT let it slip away without telling your spouse just how much, how deeply and for how long you will love them. Speak their love language and let them hear what is truly coming from your heart.

For 28 years, I have signed every note and every card with this simple phrase...

I LOVE YOU.....Forever and a day,


Tuesday, April 17, 2018


For most of us, we live our lives with great intention. We decide at a young age, "what we want to be when we grow up," and then follow through,  get the education or other necessary tools to accomplish our dreams and make it happen. If we decide we want to spend our lives in a loving marriage, we seek out our "soul mate', pop the question and begin our life of "happily ever after."

But when it comes to our walk with Christ, daily seeking to be more like him, our good intentions are often cast aside and we move along in the flowing currents of life doing little to be more like Jesus. We did to stumble into doing "good works" in the name of the Lord rather than pursuing what God has already prepared for us to Ephesians 2:8-10.

The story of the rich young ruler and his encounter with Jesus is a great example of on and see if you catch my drift.

And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’”  And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.” 

And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”  Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. (Bold is my emphasis)

Now Jesus was not telling him to do a good deed and he would find himself in Heaven...rather He was telling him to intentionally get rid of the God he was now serving; to sever those ties and then make the intentional choice to follow HIM. He could no longer just do things inadvertently on a checklist and thus deem himself fit for Heaven. In fact, the rich young ruler knew this instinctively and that's why he had run up to Jesus in the first place. He knew that the life he had been living, though quite good in the eyes of the world, would never stand up in the eyes of His Maker.

But unfortunately, he made the wrong choice and decided that his inadvertent lifestyle would have to suffice... for since he had great wealth, his money and possessions were more important to him than "treasures in heaven"...and he went away in great sorrow.

Maybe you've been living like the rich young ruler and want to know what you must do to inherit eternal life. Your God may be career, family, fame, the "newest toys" and the list could go on forever; but what would Jesus tell you to get rid of and which ties to your "God" do you need to sever?

INTENTIONALLY, do that today! Turn from what has been keeping you from following Jesus and make the necessary changes to put Christ first in your life. Don't just get pulled along in the rushing waters of life, doing a good deed or two when the timing is right or you're in the mood to help someone else.

Yes, for far too many of us, we are inadvertent Christians and we are living our lives without the intentions to take up our cross and follow Jesus. The path may be rocky; there will be times of trials, discouragements and heart-break, but it is what Jesus has called us to do.

The choice as always is can live in sorrow as the rich young ruler choose to do or you can live in abundance as Christ has promised to those who follow Him.

Living Intentionally for Jesus...Trusting Him for Each Day,

Poem for the day...

Starting each and every day
With the breaking of the sun;
Knowing Jesus could return
Before my day is done…

So I will spend each moment
Living in such a way…
That all will know I’m heaven bound
If this should be the day!

WPQ @ January 2011

Friday, April 13, 2018

Signposts for Successful Living...

Rules, guidelines, instruction, even commandments for living the abundant life are found throughout God’s Holy word….here are a few of mine that I have labeled,


Pray often and without ceasing …the repetitious child always has his father’s ear.

Go to bed at a reasonable time…with thanksgiving on your mind and praise on your lips.

Get up on time…ready to spend time with your Father and start your day unrushed.

Do all that you can ….don’t do all that can be done; delegate to others…that’s how they learn.

More is good, but less is better. Simplify and un-clutter your is in the simple things.

Don’t fret the small stuff, it will soon get bigger and then you can worry if you must.

DON’T WORRY, rather trust God in everything…He’s in control. Worry is the Devil’s tool.

Live within your means and always be ready to bless others with your material wealth…God loves a cheerful giver.

If you must criticize or find fault in others, use the K.I. S. S. theory…Keep It Short & SWEET.

Eat what makes you happy …when you look in the mirror, you’ll have no one to blame but YOU.

Every day, take time to be alone with yourself….and with your Heavenly Father.

Make friends… but always seek out those Godly friends that stick closer than a brother.

Laugh and laugh often ….God’s greatest release from the cares of this world is in our ability to laugh in the face of adversity.

Laugh some more…especially at yourself. Take your strengths at face value and your weaknesses will be diminished.

Develop a forgiving spirit ….most people you encounter in life are doing the best they can.

Be kind and loving to unkind people…they’re the ones that need loving the most.

And most of all, remember…..God did not appoint you general manager of the universe….if He needs your help in running the world, HE’LL ASK (But, I wouldn’t hold my breath!)

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life and have it more ABUNDANTLY.”  John 10:10

Living Abundantly,

Poem for the Day....

If you want to live successfully
In this world with cares and woes;
Then keep the godly friends you have
Nearby when facing foes.

Don't stand to fight without the Lord
Keep Him close, right next to you.
He has a plan for what is best
For all life throws at you.

So on that blessed day to come
When you enter Heaven's gate;
You will have lived a victorious life
With your God who was never late!

WPQ © APRIL 2018

My newest book...The Journey of Jesus

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Breaking the Chains of "I HAVE TO!"

If you are still breathing on this orb we call "Earth", then I am sure you have faced your share of trials, struggles and the ever-so bothersome, tribulations...times of hardship that seem to last an eternity. In fact, our first struggle began at birth as every baby born into this world had to "struggle" to release themselves from the womb to begin their new life.

For most of us, we understand the ebb and flow of good times and bad; however, the writer of Proverbs tells us in Proverbs 11:27 that "The one who searches for what is good seeks favor, but if someone looks for trouble, it will come to him." If we take a closer look at this verse, we will see that our vision and our hearing depends a lot on where we are standing.  Allow me to expand on this premise.

Most of us spend our lives living in the realm of "I have to"....I have to get up and go to work. I have to stay married for the kids' sakes....I have to go to church on Sunday and sing in the choir...I have to provide for my family and keep working in this job I hate....and the list goes on and often seems endless.

But what if we changed our thinking about what we see and hear to, "I GET TO"....I get to Get Up and Go to Work...I Get to Go to Church and Sing Praises to my Lord....I Get to Love My Wife and Kids and take pride in providing for them....and most importantly, I GET TO TELL OTHERS ABOUT JESUS AND HIS GREAT LOVE FOR ME AND OF HIS LOVE AND SACRIFICE FOR THEM!!!!

Yes, every day we have a choice as we rise for the new day dawning...we can chose to have to endure the day or we can get to enjoy the blessings of this new day and all the challenges that it may be filled with as we learn to walk with our Lord and trust His directions. As you go through your day, why not look;  no even better, why not diligently seek and search for the good that God will provide as He showers you with His favor and blessings? Why not spend your time praying for His wisdom to see the twists and turns that come before you as opportunities where you get to bring God glory and demonstrate His love and goodness in this world?

If you truly search for what is good, you will see God at work....and He is inviting you to join Him whenever and however you can. Remember this, if you are going to mine for gold, you've got to be willing to get down on your knees along the creek bed and pan through a multitude of pebbles in search of even one gold nugget....oh, but the search can be so worth the effort!!!!

I am SO glad I GET TO....Serve a Risen Lord,


Poem for the day...

When you wake up each morning
To start your brand new day...
Here's a better way to look ahead;
To find the good along the way.

Don't tell yourself you have to
Do the things that lie ahead;
But look for the good that's coming,
Don't fill the unknown with dread.

Just plan to seek the Lord today as you
Keep your ears and eyes open wide;
And then, my friend, you will get to
Walk with God in every stride!

WPQ © April 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

Ten Life Commandments For a Blessed Life!

1)  Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble; rather, it is a "steering wheel" that helps keep you on the right path throughout your journey.

2)  Ever wonder why a car's WINDSHIELD is so large, but the REAR VIEW MIRROW so small?  Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE... So, focus on the road ahead and don't look back! 

3)  Friendship is like a BOOK. It only takes a few minutes to be destroyed in a fire, but it often takes years to write the entire story.

4) All things in life are temporary.  If they're going well, enjoy them while you can for they will not last forever.  If things are not as they should be, don't worry... that won't last long either.

 5) Old Friends are Gold and new friends are Diamond!  If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold!  Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold!

 6) Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, friend; it's just a bend in the road, not the end of the road!"
7) When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities; when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities.

 8) A blind person asked St. Anthony:  "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?"  He replied, "Yes, losing your vision!"

 9) When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them. So, when you are safe and happy, remember, often someone has prayed for you.

10) WORRYING does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES... it takes away today's PEACE.

If you adhere to these and commit your ways to the Lord, He promises that He will pour out a blessing so great that you will not be able to take it all in...Trust in the Lord and remember this:
Too often when we become complacent in life, we just stop trying! It is then that we must remember...To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

Go today with God as He goes before you and makes the pathway straight!!!!

Poem for the day...
Traveling down life's highway
Toward the setting of your day;
If Christ has walked beside you
And if you're living life His way.

Then you need now fear the journey
As you walk together hand in hand;
And in life's fleeting last breath
You will enter His Promised Land.

There at last to meet your Savior
To see His glory, face to face.
You'll thank Him for each blessings
And His never-ending grace.

And though your life is over
In Heaven there will be no end...
As you hear the Master say to you.
"Well done, my good and faithful friend."

WPQ © APRIL 2018

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Empty Baskets or Filled to the Brim…

In our study of recent, we have been looking at abiding in the Savior and in our last writing; we took a quick peek at the scriptures that deal with bearing fruit. In our study today, let’s examine more closely what Jesus says about those that bear fruit and how much is enough.

In John 15, we read the following; “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that bears fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Verses 2,5,8

In Dr. Wilkerson’s book, Secrets of the Vine, he tells a very poignant story of a person visiting a vineyard at harvest time. As they travel throughout the different terraces of vines, they notice the baskets set at the end of each row of vines. Peering into each one as they pass, they notice four distinctive levels of productivity from the corresponding vines….

EMPTY….barren vines produce no harvest

SOME FRUIT…..some work and some care produces some fruit

MORE FRUIT …. At last, hard work and some careful pruning produce a reasonable harvest….and lastly,

ABUNDANTLY FILLED TO OVERFLOWING….This is the harvest the vineyard keeper expected when he planted his vineyard.

These are the levels of abundance that God sees in the lives of His children and He is either very proud or greatly disappointed in the harvest….God created us to bring about abundance and to produce a great harvest, so the question that faces us all….are you an empty basket or one brimming and overflowing with the fruit you have produced for your Heavenly Father?

If you have a desire to learn more about the abundance that God expects from you and how He is prepared to help you breakthrough as His disciple, I challenge you to get Dr. Bruce Wilkerson’s book and dive in….your empty basket is waiting to be filled!

Living in the abundance …tending the vines,


 Poem for the day...

If you are living for the Master
By working diligently each day.
And you're planting in His vineyard
So good crops will come your way.

Remember Christ is the Vine Dresser
And sometimes He will take the shears;
To trim away the dead wood
Of your failures and your fears.

For He knows that in so doing
He will see new growth and more.
And your baskets with a bumper crop
Will overflow like ne'er before!

WPQ © April 2018