Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blessed and Believing….It Should Show!

Throughout scripture, we read time and time again about the blessings of God;of being blessed by Him and of being a blessing to others. From the first chapter of Genesis, we see God bless Adam and Eve as He tells them to be “fruitful and multiply.” David, throughout his writings of the Psalms, tells us that “blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly” or “blessed is he who transgression is forgiven.” Being blessed….just what does that mean?

Well, the old Webster would define “blessed” to mean happy, blissful, joyous or ecstatic….terms that have different meanings to many in our world today. As Christians, we should be joyous and ecstatic for what Christ has done for us since He has taken away our sin and given us the hope and promise of eternal life….and that joy should be a reflection of the peace that dwells within each of us that claim to know Him as our Lord and Savior. Unfortunately, too many Christians have forgotten to tell their face what’s taking place in their heart. They may be joyous on the inside, but you would never know that at first glance.

Shortly after Christ began his ministry with the choosing of his disciples, He sought to teach them what it would mean to be his follower. He started on a hillside beyond the Jordan with what many call the “Happiness Manifesto” or the Beatitudes. He said in Matthew 5:3-11 ( and I’m paraphrasing in my own words)

Happy are the poor in spirit for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.”

“Joyous will be those who mourn for they will be comforted.”

“Ecstatic are the gentle for they will inherit the earth and all its bounty.”

“Blissful are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled to overflowing with God’s abundance.”

“Happy are the merciful for they will know the great mercy and grace of their Heavenly Father.”

“Joyous are the pure in heart for they will receive their hearts desire…to see their Savior face to face.”

“Ecstatic are the peacemakers for they are the true sons of the Most High.”

“Blissful are those that endure persecution for the sake of righteousness for they shall be rulers in my Kingdom.”

“Happy is each of you when you are persecuted, lied about or ridiculed and yet honor me ….for your reward in heaven will be great and you joy will be eternal.”

Are you BLESSED today? Can others tell when they look at your face that even in the midst of adversity, your joy in the Lord is secure and it is reflected in your smile and by the spring in your step. If you are living and believing the words of the Master, then your joy and happiness is complete in the Lord. If you have Him...you have ALL YOU NEED TO BE HAPPY!

So, make your joy contagious by being a blessing to someone else today. Why not make someone else happy, joyous, blissful or ecstatic by coming into a room…NOT BY LEAVING IT!

If you are blessed….and you are….show others that Jesus cares and He loves them and wants them to share in His blessings….you can do it if you are…..



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