Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Loving Tibute to God's Child

Today, I would like to dedicate this writing to one of God’s children that has just recently gone home to be with her Heavenly Father. She was a woman that fought the good fight, who loved all who God placed in her path and truly understood what it meant to live in the “sweet spot.” (See yesterday’s blog, Finding the Sweet Spot)

Her name is Susie Edwards and she was the epitome of one who loved her Lord and was always busy in His service. For the past twelve years, Susie, with the help and support of her husband, Dewitt, was the custodial engineer at our church, Clearview Baptist in Travelers Rest, S.C.

Though I knew Susie in passing and spoke to her and Dewitt every chance I got, we were not close friends. We were in different Sunday School classes, had different friends and interests that had us move in different circles of service within the church….but you could tell when you walked into ANY portion of our church….from Sanctuary to the Nursery or from the bathrooms to the Family Life Center…that Susie had been there.

It was evident in all that Susie did that she lived by the scripture found in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

Susie Edwards found her “sweet spot” and she reveled in serving her Lord …one clean room at a time. Each Sunday morning, when I walked into my classroom and began to prepare for the lesson, I could tell that Susie had been there. The chalk board was clean, the wastebasket empty and a new trash bag placed ever so perfectly in the container….the chairs were in perfect order rather than the disarray from the previous Sunday’s lesson …the étagère was dusted,even polished…bright and radiant in its wooden splendor. No detail or task too great or small was left undone ….Susie had been there …and God approved.

Susie fought the good fight against cancer and though her battle was not won on earthly terms, she is the victor…for she would not let this horrible disease keep her from loving her family and trusting in her Lord ….and now, she has found another “sweet spot”….seated at the feet of he Savior, looking into His loving eyes. She is at Home …at Peace….at Rest. Now, the angels are cleaning her mansion for she has heard her Lord say, “Well done, my child! Welcome home. Enter into the joy of your Lord …for your service has brought me much glory!”

To Dewitt and daughters… and to all of Susie’s extended family…God Bless You as you hold tight to the precious memories of your dear wife, mother and friend. The poem that follows is dedicated to Susie….we shall see her again.


There’s a day in the distance, one that I can’t see
When the angels bound from Heaven are comin’ to get me.

I’ll see that heavenly gleam of the host gathered ‘round the throne
And then I’ll know it’s time for me to be finally goin’ home.

Now, I look forward to that precious day when I enter those Pearly Gates…
For I’ll be arriving right on time…not too soon, but never late!

I’ll stand before my Lord and King in that grand and glorious place
And humbly bow before Him as I look upon His face.

I’ll look into His loving gaze as tears fill my Savior’s eyes…
He’ll take me by the hand and say, “Arise, my child, Arise.”

He’ll lead me down the streets of gold; we’ll walk by the crystal sea.
He’ll take me to my mansion …the wondrous place He’s prepared for me.

Though I’ve left behind the ones I love who mean so much to me,
At last, I’m home …where I belong …at rest…at peace and free!

Do not grieve for me, my loved ones, for my work on earth was done….
Now at last, I’m at home, rejoicing…. with my Father and His Son.

I thank our Lord for each of you …for the memories we’ll share;
Please know that I am with you ….. Just waiting over there.

For now I’m whole and free at last; at rest in our Savior’s arms,
And I will keep watch over you to keep you safe from harm….

For I know that day is coming…it’s one that you can’t see;
When angels will be sent to earth to bring you home to me….

So, I will wait with open arms…from Heaven’s gate I won’t roam…..
I’m looking forward to that day….when you’ll be comin’ home.

W Patrick Queen
July 2009

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