Sunday, August 30, 2009

Heavenly Directions

I don’t know about you, but even after all these years as a Christian; even after seeing the hand of God work in ways that defy human understanding; even after my faith has seemed to disappear as the morning dew….I am still blown away by the awesomeness and the grace that is imparted to me in God’s heavenly direction.

What do I mean?

Well, I have been jobless (and virtually hopeless) for the past five months as I have diligently and methodically scoured the internet job sites and career boards looking for my next great job (not that my last ones were anything to brag about). I have prayed ferociously for God to direct my steps…to lead me to the place or person or position that He would have me fill ….and I have not so much as sniffed a possibility. I really was getting quite despondent yet trying to remain faithful and patient for God’s direction.

It came last week….in the form of an email and then a phone call from an old friend with whom I once again became re-acquainted. I had forwarded an inspiring email to many of my friends and this dear brother-in- Christ, read that forward. He then went to my blog and began to read some of the daily inspirations posted there….he called and left me a voice mail that gushed with praise and thanksgiving for God’s hand upon my life.. He closed by saying to give him a call; he had an opportunity that he wanted to discuss with me.

I did …and now, starting today, my wife and I are embarking on a new adventure that we believe without a shadow of doubt, God has prepared.

However, there’s a little more to the story that I need to share. Three years ago, when God led me to go to work with a Christian company named SEED AMERICA; He laid upon the heart of one of the directors the scripture from Isaiah 43:18-19 that reads, “Remember not the former things nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Now, I was laid off from SEED AMERICA in July of 2008. In fact, I had not heard or thought of that scripture in the last three years until last Sunday when one of my good friends and his wife shared this scripture with our Sunday school class and remarked that God had begun a new work in their family. I came home and read it several times and knew that God was speaking regarding the new opportunity that He had laid before me.

Yes, the answer to all my prayers and concerns was to trust that God was about to begin a new thing in my life….that if I would follow his leading that He would make a new way for me out of the wilderness of unemployment and despair…. into the light of His mercy and grace. My responsibility was to forget the past, filled with failures and pitiful shortcomings…TO LET GO AND LET GOD…. To make it my chief concern to perceive that He wants to bless me and to make rivers of abundance spring forth where once there was only the desolation of broken dreams and unfulfilled promises.

GOD HAS BEGUN A NEW THING IN MY LIFE….He has set my feet upon a new path that will lead to fulfillment, prosperity, joy and above all else, a closer and more dedicated walk with Him….How do I know? Because God never breaks a promise…He never goes back on His word….He never gives bad directions.

How’s your heavenly GPS working these days? Are your plugged into the one true power source? Is God waiting to begin a new thing in your life but being held up because you are still clinging to your old ways and your former life?

Why not claim these two verses and the heavenly promise they hold and let God begin a new thing in you TODAY?

I promise you will never miss the things of old when you take hold of and claim the NEW THING God is waiting to do in you….

Forgetting the old ways….living in His new thing,


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