Monday, September 21, 2009

Christian Signposts …from the Lighter Side!

Don’t let your worries get the best of you…remember Moses started out as a basket case.

Many people want to serve God….but only as advisors.

If God is your co-pilot …switch seats and give Him the controls.

When you come to the end of your rope, you’ll find God waiting with a life line.

People are funny… they want the front of the bus; middle of the road and the back pew of the church.

Quit griping about your church…if it was perfect, you and I couldn’t get in!

Some people are kind, sweet and gentle-spirited…until you try to sit in their pew.

If you want your church to have a better pastor….pray diligently for the one you’ve have.

A lot of church members continue to sing “Standing on the Promises” even though they’re just Sitting on the Premises.

Jesus instructed us to be fishers of men…You catch ‘em….He’ll clean ‘em!

I am always puzzled why some people change churches so often…what difference does it make which one you stay home from?

Coincidence is when God chooses to remain Anonymous.

I am a firm believer that you should never wait for 6 strong men to carry you to church.

We have all heard it said that forbidden fruits create terrific jams.

God doesn’t always call the qualified…but He ALWAYS qualifies the called.

God loves all His children….but He probably prefers the “fruits of the spirit” over the “religious nuts.”

Some people treat prayer as a time to give God instructions…no wonder their prayers keep bouncing off the ceiling!

Remember, we don’t change the message ….THE MESSAGE CHANGES US!!!!!

I hope this time of reflection into the lighter side of our faith will cause us to stop and think of who we are as believers in Christ and of the call that has been placed upon each of our lives….we were made to worship and praise the Father and to hold up His Son so that ALL men may come to know Him.

Remember, Satan is out to get you…if not today or tomorrow, then soon…as soon as your life and the way you live begin to affect those around you, the roaring lion will move in for the kill….so be prepared!

Arm your self with the word of God ….and think of these little sayings to solidify your position as a warrior, serving proudly in the armies of God. In each instance of attack, be reminded of Christ words to His disciples, “Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me, you may have peace. In this world, you will have tribulation…But take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!” John 16:32b-33

So take my advice, don’t wait for the storms of life to pass…rather learn to dance in the rain…then, you will be able to praise Him from whom all blessings flow…

Preparing for battle …confident in my King,

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