Thursday, December 17, 2009


Have you ever played that game where you sit in a circle (or a straight line, sitting arrangements are optional) and one person whispers a statement to the next person in line? This continues until the secret is passed from one to another and has completed the entire circle …then the one who originated the secret tells what was last conveyed to them and it is compared to the original statement. The two are very seldom the same; in fact, they often have little in common.

Thank the Lord this didn’t happen on that glorious night over two thousand years ago. I can just see the multitude of the Heavenly Host getting ready for their trip to earth to proclaim the birth of the King. One by one, wings were checked, halos were straightened and the word was spread, “Glory to God in the highest. Peace on earth, good will to men.” Got it? Got it!

And then they were off to share the glorious news that God had come to earth…not as a great warrior or majestic ruler, but as a baby…and it all began in the surrounding hills of Bethlehem. For in the fields were shepherds, watching their flocks, when suddenly, out of nowhere, the sky was filled with a brilliant light as the messenger of God spoke, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for ALL PEOPLE (my emphasis). For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manager.” Luke 2:10-12

And now the plot thickens according to Scripture: “And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST; PEACE ON EARTH, GOOD WILL TO MEN!” Luke 2:14

A multitude of the heavenly host….how big is a multitude anyway?

Yet, here they were, in one accord, singing and praising the Lord with the same words. No distractions; no fumbling for just the right words to express their joy; no lack of unity but perfect harmony in praising the Lord Most High that first Christmas night. Yes, they sang out so that all would know to whom praise belonged…..they sang to inspire the shepherds, but more than that, they sang in praise and adoration to their Creator for His unspeakable gift of the Holy One come to earth as a babe….sent to die for you and me.

How about you this Christmas season….are you part of the maddening throng of Christmas pretenders or are you a member of the multitude of the heavenly host? Are you praising the Lord and giving glory to God in the highest or are you just going through the motions of wishing others a Happy Holiday?

This Christmas why not join the cast of the multitude of the heavenly host… or better yet, be the angel that first appeared to the shepherds. Let the glory of God fill your heart and mind as you share with others God’s most precious gift….His son, a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. It is a gift that keeps on giving…a gift of eternal life for all who believe on the name of Jesus Christ.

This Christmas, may we all be angels that have been heard on high, sweetly proclaiming He is born …He is born….Hallelujah…A SAVIOR IS BORN !!!!!

Joining the multitude….proclaiming His birth,

Poem for the Day:

Starry, starry night, the flock milled around;
We were keeping watch, seated on the ground...
When suddenly the darkness was replaced by Holy light
As angels filled the heavens and sang their praise that night;

Glory to God, May peace and joy now fill the earth,
For we bring glad tidings of a Savior’s lowly birth….
Hosannas, Hosannas, O’ join the multitude and sing
Praise forevermore to Jesus Christ the King!

WPQ December 2009

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