Monday, August 4, 2014


If you stop one hundred strangers on the street today and ask them to describe the state of our world in one word; the word probably uttered the majority of the time would be ….BROKEN!

Yes, when we look in every direction, we see that truly mankind has made a complete and utter mess of our world…it is broken and out of sorts with our Creator's original design and purpose; however, there is hope in the midst of our dysfunctional situation and that is to be BROKEN BEFORE OUR MAKER AND ALLOW HIM TO REBUILD US AS HE SEE FITS.

There is a current TV commercial that illustrates my thought. It deals with a little boy that is out with his Dad and sister and he is putting his remote controlled race car through it paces when the back wheels fall off. He is heart broken and ask his Dad if he can fix it? With a quick look at his Subaru, Dad says yes and climbs behind the steering wheel. With the broken car on the seat, he goes in whichever direction his son turns the controls and the son exclaims, "I going to have to break more toys!"

If we look closely at this situation, it is where many of us find ourselves in life…we have the controls and are steering our life in all directions, when something, someone or some circumstance breaks us and our spirit…and our first response is to ask if our Heavenly Father can fix us?

He takes the controls from our hands, puts us behind the wheel and then guides us to steer as He directs. We just have to stay focused on the path that He has put before us and remain committed to follow where ever He leads.

You see, brokenness in and of itself is not a bad thing. In fact, it is a vital part of the fabric of our lives. The ground must be broken to plant the seed in order to reap the harvest. The clouds must be broken so that the rain will fall and water the crops. The very seed itself must be broken and die to itself so that new life may be born and a harvest of good may be produced.

And you dear Christian brother or sister, you too must be broken if you are to serve your Heavenly Father and allow Jesus to live in and through you. God's greatest desire is that we follow Him in all that we do and He is prepared to do whatever is necessary to make us fit for service in His kingdom…even if that means we must be broken.

King David, a man that had to experience extreme brokenness to regain his relationship with God, said it best; "The sacrifices to God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart--these, O God, you will not despise." Psalm 51:17 

Where do you stand today in this broken world…in service to your King or still holding on to your wants and desires? Give Jesus your broken and contrite heart today and make this world a better place because you are here in His name, under His power and working by His authority….be broken today; it's the first step on the path to BLESSING.

Broken and Pour Out ….Seeking to Serve,


Poem of the day….

If for the Father you want to live
There are some things that you must do…
Give you heart, a broken gift
So Christ can live through you.

A contrite heart He will love.
A broken spirit He will mend.
He is your Loving Father and
Your everlasting Friend.

WPQ@August 2014

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