Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Prepared to Flee

It was not that long ago while traveling through the back roads of South Carolina early one morning, I rounded a curve at approximately the posted speed limit to encounter a magnificent young buck standing only about twenty feet from the pavement. It appeared as if he was trying to decide if it was safe to cross to the other side. I guess the sound of my approaching vehicle had him stuck in that proverbial state, “a deer stuck in the headlights," as he seemed to be frozen in time. Then, in what could only be considered an unbelievable athletic feat, he jumped into the air, did a 180 degree turn and in one giant leap, bounded back into the safety and security of the adjacent forest. It all happened so suddenly that I, myself, was quite startled and felt my heart leap within me. In the few seconds that it took me to reach his former spot, he was gone….not a trace left behind, no view of where he had gone.

In the few moments that followed that brief encounter with God’s creation, I took pause to think of Holy Scripture that tells us that we are to be like that deer when we encounter evil or are in danger of slipping from grace. God tells us to FLEE….but too often we approach sin as if it’s NO BIG DEAL.!!!! We move in for just a closer look, a brief smell or lingering glance, a chance to “test our metal” against the wiles of the devil….and too, too often we fail and disappoint the One who told us to flee. If we would only heed His Word and obey, our lives would be so much easier and our testimony so much greater. Paul told Timothy, “But as for you, O man of God, flee (or run) from these evil things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith.” (I Timothy 6:11-12a).

So, the next time evil submits itself to you for your inspection, don’t even consider the possibility of giving it a chance to take a toe hold on your life …. Do what comes naturally to God’s creatures, great and small …TURN and FLEE as fast as you can…..don’t look back and don’t slow down until you are safely resting in the arms of your Heavenly Father.

In fact, God tells us if we submit to Him, we can resist the Devil and he will FLEE from us.

But that’s a lesson for another day…

Blessed and Believing,


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