Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Two G's of God...

In today's fast-paced, over-indulged society in which we live, we have to have all of our information coming through to us faster than the speed of light. That's why there is the ever-growing obsession to have our computers, our laptops, tablets and most of all, our cell phones able to download photos, apps and other assorted data at the fastest speeds possible...thus everyone's desire to have the latest and greatest cell phone that is on the 5G network.

Now me, personally, I am okay with my somewhat outdated Samsung that is a 3G phone. It allows me to send and receive emails, phone calls and the occasional text (I am not good with my thumbs, so I don't text). All in all, I am totally satisfied with things moving at a slower pace. But here's something for you to ponder....God is only interested in the 2G network; and I'm not talking about the speed at which God works or accomplishes His will among the nations and people of the world.

I am speaking about the 2 G's that matter most to God...your GOOD and His GLORY ! Since the beginning of creation, in every encounter with mankind, GOD HAS BEEN INTERESTED IN THE OUTCOME OF MAN'S GOOD AND HIS GLORY.

Take the experience of the Garden of Eden...God created the world and all therein and when He created man and saw that he was all alone He said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." Genesis 2:18    God saw that it was not good for man to be alone and in his last act of creation, he created the woman. The man was created for the glory of God and the woman as the glory for man. The two became one flesh, so that all mankind would be forever made in the image of God...the Glory of the Eternal One.

Then there is the story of Noah, the only righteous one among "a world where all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth." God set upon His plan to destroy "all flesh," but He first made a way to save his faithful servant Noah and his family....Noah's good demonstrated God's Glory and he and his family rode out the storm to once again establish man's rule upon God's glorious creation.

Or who can question the story of Joseph...bitterly hated by his brothers; sold into slavery and taken to Egypt; imprisoned by the Egyptian captain Potiphar and then released to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh…all this to be placed in charge over all of Egypt and to be second only to Pharaoh….Joseph's journey to be placed at the right hand of Pharaoh ….HIS GOOD …ALL TO GOD'S GLORY!!!!

I could sit here and write page after page after page of examples from the Bible or the annals of history and one undeniable theme would continue to present itself….GOD WORKS TO PRODUCE GOOD FOR THOSE HE LOVES AND HAVE BEEN CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE (Your Good/Romans 8:28) and to see that HIS SON HAS BEEN LIFTED UP (His Glory/John 12:27-32).

God has set upon this great task for you as a follower of His Son, Jesus Christ…to see that each day you become more like Jesus as you cast off the world and abide in HIM….this is for your GOOD!  And, as those that come in contact with you will see the change that living in Jesus and not just for Him makes in your life, they will see your good works and GLORIFY YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN….and that will complete the 2G circuit…your Good will bring about His Glory.

So, if you are ever in a quandary of what to do in ANY SITUATION, you can ask yourself this simple question… IS THIS FOR  GOD'S GLORY OR MY GOOD...IF YOU DO IT FOR GOD'S GLORY, THEN, IN GOD'S EYES IT'S THE SAME QUESTION!

Happy to share,



Living for Jesus in this day and age can be quite hard to do;
Especially when the pressure's on and it all depends on you…
So take a moment to confess, no matter the end of your story;
God is at work to bring you good and in that receive His glory.

WPQ@August 2013

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