Tuesday, February 20, 2018


In our fast-paced lifestyle of go-go-go so we can get-get-get, we often let the opportunities to do good deeds slip by us as we race from one place to another. We reason that what we have to do is of such  utmost importance that anything that would slow us down or distract us from our appointed meetings, functions and other time-consuming activities is really not our concern.

But what is concern for our fellow human brothers and sisters who walk beside us on this orb we call Earth?  It is our ability to show love and compassion coupled with our desire to meet the needs of others because that is what our God has called us to do....and that is truly what sets apart so often from the "wannabes" and the "woulda, shoulda, couldas" that do good works for others because of the reward or recognition that they might receive.

In the days that Christ spent in His ministry on Earth, the Romans enacted a law that was a real burden to the Jewish nation held in servitude to their oppressors. Simply stated, a Roman soldier could stop a man on the road, make him stop what he was doing or where he was going and compel him to carry his armor and other items for a mile. But Christ, in His Sermon on the Mount, instructed those that would follow Him to do more...TO GO A SECOND MILE WITH THAT SOLDIER AS THEY CONTINUED TO BEAR HIS LOAD FOR THE EXTRA MILE.

WHY...you may ask? Jesus knew that the battle to win back their freedom would not occur on a battlefield, but could be won...one Roman heart at a time! By this simple act of kindness, uncalled for by the soldier and totally given as an act of more than fulfilling the law of the land, Jesus wanted his followers to win the souls of these men by their good deeds, done out of grace and obedience... not obedience to the law...rather obedience to the Lord!

Now for most of us, going the second mile for someone we know, love or trust is probably not a big deal. But what about that person that crosses our path in life who is not part of our "circle of life"...What then?

Well, before we think too much on that... consider this! We first have to be willing to go the first mile before we can ever entertain the possibilities of going the "second mile." So where are you in your journey of reaching out to others that need your help?

 Like the associate at work who just lost her husband; the neighbor down the street who just suffered a devastating fire in their home; an acquaintance at church that everyone is now praying for as they deal with a terminal cancer...the list and the opportunities are endless...and if you are willing to go the first mile, there may be some things on your busy lifestyle list that go unanswered...but taking that first step allows you to consider what Christ has called each of us to do...LIVE IN THE SECOND MILE!!!!

Consider today how you can seek out and find those that may be won to Christ just because you took the time to leave your comfort zone and go that first mile...and then you may decide that one mile just won't get the job done...thus preparing to do as Christ instructed us to do...go the SECOND MILE!

Living for the opportunities to go the second mile,


Poem for the day:
Is your life filled to the brim?
Too many things you must get done;
So every day you work endlessly
From sunrise to setting sun.

But what about those lost soul you pass
As you rush from place to place.
Barely having time to speak...
With a scowl upon your face.

For Christ has commissioned each of us
To walk the first... then go the second mile;
And when you give to others unselfishly,
You make your Heavenly Father smile!


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