Thursday, June 14, 2018

Essence of My Dad

This Poem was written for my Dad for Father's Day in June 1977...He left this world to be with our Lord over 35 years ago, but he still walks with me every day in all that I do...


If you are fortunate to still have your Dad with you, please make sure to reach out to him this Father's day and share with him what his life has meant in it good or bad...your father has had a helping hand in shaping the person you are today. For me, my dad taught me to love those around me and to ALWAYS strive to have a servant's heart. What do I mean by that? A servant does and performs at the will of his Master, with little or no expectations to be praised or rewarded...he serves to please his Master and in that he can find comfort for a job well done. My dad taught me to serve others in such a do right and to give of myself with no thought to receiving praise or reward. He contended that if I did that, I would never be disappointed when I did not receive the acclaim that I believed I was due...and when I have been able to live up to that selfless standard, his words have ALWAYS proven to be true...and for that advice and for his life lived in such a manner, I am eternally grateful.

Let your dad know how grateful you are that he has been in your life and if you can't find the words to say, you have permission to borrow mine...


Often, I have stopped to think
of times both good and bad;
And in each fleeting memory,
I reverence my Dad.

He stood both tall and straight,
Colossal in my mind.
He spoke in tones both harsh and firm,
Yet so gentle and so kind.

An unquenchable desire for life;
A zest for Life and living;
He fought and scraped to provide for me
Through his unselfish giving.

A guiding hand he led my steps
Down paths I dared not tread,
A steady mind, a sturdy back were the
Essence of my Dad.

A willful man, his beliefs ran deep;
He taught me to be good;
Yet, when times got rough
Or I failed my Dad....
He always understood!

So surely on the day he passes,
I truly will be sad,
But never will I forget the man,
I loved and called...My Dad!

W. Patrick Queen  © June 1977

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