Friday, July 6, 2018

The Hardships of Happenstance?

A lot of people in our world today like to complain about the "bad breaks" that have occurred in their lives. They fret and fume over the "bad luck" that has befallen them as they have tried to live their lives without the cumbersome burden of hardships. They think that the trials that they must face in life just happen rather randomly...through no fault of their own....POPPYCOCK!!!

If we are truly honest with ourselves, a lot of life's misfortunes are of our own doing and of our own choosing! Now, I am not saying that many people choose to have pain and misfortune dogging them at every step they take in life; however, most of the time it is our own fault that we find ourselves in dire straits due to poor choices. But, if we are truly children of the Most High, many times life deals us a "band hand" because God has ordained a better and brighter future for us, just the other side of our misery.

For example, take the life story of Joseph...sold into slavery by his brothers (not his choosing);  assigned to work in Potiphar's house and forced to work as a slave (not his choosing); seductively pursued by Potiphar's wife and when he refused her advances, she lies and he is cast into the dungeon (not his choosing); hopefully, you catch my drift.

Why such pain, hardship and degradation when all this young man was trying to do was to serve the great God, Jehovah? Was it a run of bad luck or just a hardship brought on by happenstance? I think that it was just our mighty, all-knowing God preparing Joseph for his next assignment as the second-in-command to the Pharaoh...and in this story, I hope we can all find some solace.

You see, God does indeed work in mysterious and unimaginable ways to accomplish His will in the lives of His beloved. I can honestly say that I believe that there is NO hardship, NO trial,
NO tribulation that may come upon us as believers that does not first pass through the hands of our loving and omnipotent Father...for what Father would subject his children to pain or suffering that did not in some way prepare them for a bigger and brighter future of service....and in our case as believers, when those hardships come (and believe me, they will), God has promised to never leave us or forsake us!

So we can take heart from the life of Joseph as we are reminded that the hardships that we may endure in this life help us to see that God's purpose is greater than our preference to avoid pain and conflict...rather we should rejoice, not in the pain, but in the fact that we have been found worthy to suffer in order to receive and move forward into a greater realm of service for our King!

Remember, our God is ALWAYS working for our good and His GLORY and that just maybe, our greatest misery might just become our greatest ministry.

Enduring the pain...rejoicing in service to Him,


Poem for the day....

Life can have its ups and downs
Some bad things may come your way;
But when you trust the Father
He will guide you through each day.

He'll lead you through the darkest night
The deepest valley, He will see you through.
For when life may seem unbearable,
His love and favor rest on YOU!

Don't try and run from hardships
Though daunting they may be....
Our Father has a plan in this
Though the outcome you can't see.

Just put you hope and faith in Him
His hardships are meant to bring....
Glory and Honor and unending Praise
To Jesus, our Lord and King!!!!

WPQ © July 2018

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