Friday, August 24, 2018

Ready to Rock This World?

If you read my post from earlier this week, you may recall that I proposed that it was time for us as a country to take a good, hard look at the sad state of affairs that we find ourselves in and do and ABOUT FACE...BUT HOW DO WE DO THAT...and will it really make any difference.

When Christ began His ministry, He took his new band of followers on a little field trip and upon seeing the multitudes that were following, He went up on a mountainside and began to speak...we know those first twelve verses of Matthew, chapter 5 to be The Beatitudes. Here, he lay down the tenants for those who would call themselves His disciples to follow...and if they would do these things, they would truly,


You see, things were just as bad then as they are now...sin was rampart and the world needed a Savior...GOOD NEWS... that Savior had come and his name was Jesus. But Jesus began to challenge his newly formed band of men to be more than those who tried to be "good enough" with righteous works and pious words; He told them to be SALT and LIGHT and to let their light shine before those that did not know God so that they would turn to the Father and glorify their Creator in Heaven.

And that same call goes out to each of us today! Obviously, the Scriptures are resplendent with other "commands" of what we should be doing, saying, living; but the in this 5th chapter, Jesus tells those first disciples how to make a difference that will rock the world of those they encounter.

Verse 21...Murder begins in the heart, so guard your heart and make peace with your adversaries.

Verse 27...Adultery's root lies in the heart, so cut off that which offends and thus escape hell fires.

Verse 31...Marriage is a sacred, binding vow that should be honored before the Lord.

Verse 33...No need to swear an oath...let your word be the true measure of who you are in the Lord.

Verse 38...Go the second mile, turn the other cheek, and give more than the Law requires you to give.

And the one that probably means the most to Jesus and is the hardest for us to do is found in verse 43...

LOVE YOUR ENEMIES....if we truly want to rock this world and start a spiritual revelation and revival we need to love our enemies, bless those that would do us harm, do good to those that hate us and pray for those who misuse, abuse and persecute us...WHY? Because as sons of God, that is what Jesus did as He lived His life, but more over as He died for each of us on the cross.

Want to make a difference in this world today that will send an eternal "ripple" across the fabric of time? Then, do as Jesus did and taught His disciples to do...

LOVE GOD AND LOVE EACH OTHER AND THUS FULFILL THE LAW AND SHOW OTHERS YOUR OBEDIENCE TO YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER...Jesus did this ...and so did His disciples. Just look at the difference they made in our world today...And if you think things are bad now, wait until the Rapture when all of us who belong to Jesus are taken from this world...then things will REALLY get bad!!!!

Until that time, let's rock this world and tell ANYONE who will listen....JESUS SAVES!!!!


Poem for the day....

Jesus came to guide us,
So we could walk with Him each day;
Helping us to make a difference
By what we do and say...

He taught us to love each other;
Should be an easy thing to do
But when we let our anger out,
Our love will not come through.

So we must copy the life He lived
Our actions must ring true;
If we want others to follow Christ
Then the least that we can do....

Live as Jesus taught us to live
As His banner of love is unfurled...
Then those who are lost will be drawn to Him
As each of us will ROCK OUR WORLD!

WPQ © August 2018

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