Tuesday, January 29, 2019

R U Calling God a Liar?

As believers, we have put our faith in a righteous and holy God who is above reproach...and that means, HE CANNOT LIE. However, the way some people live their lives, you would thing that they believe God IS A LIAR!

Christ told us in no uncertain terms that He was the Good Shepherd and that He gave His sheep eternal life and that none of His sheep would EVER perish. In John 10,verses 29 and 30, He says; "My Father who has given them to me is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of the Father's hand. I and the Father are ONE!" (my emphasis)

In Christ's first sermons on the Mount, He said; " For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:32-34

In simple terms, Jesus was saying, " Don't worry. You can trust my Heavenly Father for He is God..He is Sovereign...He doesn't change His mind and He cannot lie. He doesn't alter His promises or renege on His Word by changing the conditions of His words. No; when we come to Him by faith and accept what Jesus did on the cross, our salvation and our lives are  forever secure in His hands...and NO ONE nor NOTHING can snatch us from our Father's mighty hands. Our salvation rests on the immutability of God and the impossibility for God to change.

Which leads me to my question...R U CALLING GOD A LIAR? You see, whenever we as believers allow WORRY to take control in our lives, by our actions and our shaken beliefs, we are failing to trust in the Word of our God and in essence, calling Him a liar. And the worst part of living in a state of constant worry;  it eats away at our faith like a crippling cancer and tells those that know us as believers that God can't really be trusted to do for us and take care of us as He has promised in His Word.

Yes, worry can rear its ugly head in the simplest of circumstances...a loss of a job can put us on the road to Worry; a unexpected emergency room visit can cause us to worry about the ailment and how we will pay for the treatment;  a late notice from the bank about a missed car payment...and the list can become endless. But God has promised that He is able to take care of us from His limitless storeroom of bounty and blessings...if we just chose to trust His Word by faith rather than trusting our eyes and what we see.

When we worry, we allow FEAR to take a foothold in our life...and once it begins to build a foundation, it is very hard to tear down and return to a life of trusting the Good Shepherd to care for us as a member of His Flock.  Yes, FEAR can be described as Faulty Evidence Appearing Rational and it can become a tyrant as it pushes out our faith and takes the throne of our life. But that throne is reserved for the one true ruler and that is our Heavenly Father who holds us SECURELY in the palm of His hands.

So, the next time you begin to worry and the monster, FEAR, begins to raise its ugly head...stomp it out with your feet, shod in the Word of God and put your FAITH to work as you believe in the Words of Jesus who said; "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and they know me- just as the Father knows me and I know Him- and I lay down my life for my sheep..."

Surely, a God that was willing to give His only Son so that He could save you can for an eternity with Him is a God who can be trusted to help you in the trenches of life...so don't worry about tomorrow; just seek to serve your risen Lord today and all that you need will be added to your abundant life in Him.

Blessed and Worry Free...Thanks be to the Good Shepherd,

Poem for the day....

We are called by the Shepherd
To live a life that shows
That we trust in His directions
As we follow where He goes.

For we are not to worry
Or give into fear at all;
If we believe in the Shepherd
And heed Him when He calls.

For our everlasting Father
Is a righteous, holy fire
And when we choose to worry
We are calling God a liar.

So put your faith and trust in Him
He will expel your every fear.
For our God is our source of power
And He is ALWAYS near!!!!

WPQ © January 2019

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