Friday, August 9, 2019

Let the Maestro Direct...

Have you ever been to a classical musical presentation and arrived early enough to take your seat and hear the orchestra warm up? If so, you have heard what can only be described as NOISE.... loud, chaotic, undisciplined noise. It seems that each section of this gathering of musical mayhem is trying to outdo the others as to who can make the most noise.

This seems to go on for a quite some time until the first chair stands or taps rather loudly on her music stand and the orchestra members seem to fall into an almost catatonic state. A quiet, calming silence falls across the stage and then, there's  movement on stage left; the curtain is pulled back ever so slightly,  so that a tall, elegantly dressed gentleman may emerge with a small "stick" in his hand. He strides gracefully to a raised podium and takes his place, all the while surveying this clan of seemingly misfit musicians. The audience is silent; there is the tap of his baton, three times; he raises both arms and as his arms began to sway, the music that he truly is MAGNIFICENT!

You see, the Maestro, is the director of the orchestra, a musical master in his own right...and when he reads the music set upon his music stand, he, by the simple way of his baton tells each section, yes, even each individual what, when and how to play their instrument in conjunction with the other members. And if each orchestra members does and plays the part to perfection, THE MUSIC WILL BE GLORIOUS.

Our lives and all the moving parts of it are a lot like the members of an orchestra...each one doing its own thing, trying to outdo, outperform, over indulge, outshine and take control of our life...doing what we want rather than what our maestro wants.

Our maestro is our Heavenly Father, the one that directed the Creation; who hung the stars and planets in their perfect place and set them spinning at just the right angle in just the right orbit so that all the planetary system would perform perfectly and be music to His ear. He made you and made with just the right amount of minerals, DNA and so many other things that our puny human minds cannot begin to understand....the perfect climax to His beautiful masterpiece we call LIFE...Yes, God Almighty knew how to bring perfection out of darkness and chaos.

And He is still in the business of directing today. In fact, my favorite scripture says it best....
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:4-5(my emphasis)

God is the MAESTRO ....YOU AND I ARE NOT! Maybe you are like me when you stop and take a look at your have been the one, waving the baton, trying to make sweet music out of a life filled with selfish desires, bad choices, discarded friendships, wasted opportunities and most of all...A LIFE SPENT TRYING TO BE THE ONE IN CHARGE!!!

But God never intended for you to be the one directing your life...HE GAVE YOU THAT LIFE as well as the freedom to make choices; however, HIS HEART'S DESIRE... that you would choose HIM over everything else. WHY? Because He loves you; He died for YOU through His son, Jesus Christ; and He is preparing to receive you into your eternal HOME...But to do that,

YOU MUST CHOOSE HIM OVER EVERYTHING ELSE AND LET HIM DIRECT THE LIFE THAT HE HAS GIVEN YOU. It is only then that your life will be sweet music to all those who come close to you and it will allow you to be all that He wants you to be....both here and now and in the eternal world to come.

So do as I have done (and continue to do), lay down the baton and let the Maestro direct you life so that all may hear the sweet music of your life as you praise Him forever and ever.....

Surrendering the baton... Letting the Maestro direct,


Poem for the day...

Today can be just another day
If  you are living  just for you;
But God has prepared something better;
But many don't have a clue.

They think that they should be in charge;
That for them, they know what's best.
Each making decisions about how to live,
Hoping it will pass God's test?

Am I doing enough good things
That will get me past Heaven's door?
Is God counting the bad things, too
And is He really keeping score?

God has the perfect plan for you
Should your thinking He correct...
Jesus Christ has paid your debt;
Now it's time to let Him direct.

Let Him be the one in complete control
In all you do, let it show....
Your  life will produce sweet music
When you surrender to the MAESTRO!!!!

WPQ © August 2019

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