Sunday, November 10, 2019


Today, as I rebooted my computer to check my emails, I had this stark revelation that we are in the midst of a phenomenon that has never been seen in our world before;  a phenomenon that is asking everyone ....WHO DO YOU KNOW? Whether you are on Facebook friending/ unfriending your Facebook followers; Twittering with your host of "homies" or Instagraming the "interested", those with an insatiable appetite for often useless information and unending are part of those seeking to "KNOW" someone!

So let me ask you, when you lose your job and have NO prospects for finding employment quickly...WHO DO YOU KNOW? When the doctors tell you the cancer they found is not treatable...WHO DO YOU KNOW? When the love of your life says that after 15 years of marriage, it's not working out and they are leaving...WHO DO YOU KNOW?

Many of us might turn to those in our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts and seek to find someone that actually might care enough about us to reach out and make a difference in our life struggle; but when they don't or the difference they make just doesn't seem to be enough...then once again let me ask....WHO DO YOU KNOW?

Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and KNOW that I AM  GOD; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth."  This is a wonderful verse that points us in the right direction as to who and what we should know: however, I believe Scripture (which is filled with a plethora of commandments/directives/ strong suggestions about getting to know God) tells us best in one simple verse from Psalm 100 that says, " Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture."

So in answer to all the questions I posed above about dealing with your life struggles and who might be helpful in your seasons of distress...the answer is quite simple...GET TO KNOW GOD...WHO HE IS...WHAT HE DESIRES OF YOU...AND WHAT PURPOSE HE IS WAITING TO HELP YOU FULFILL.

If Scripture teaches us anything when we diligently read it and seek to understand, it is this....

GOD MADE YOU TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM...and all you need do is let go of your sinful nature; believe that Jesus has paid your sin debt...and in so believing, you are loved and a NEW relationship has begun.

Yes, it is great to have thousands of electronic friends on Facebook; be followed by Tweeters and Instagramers....but that relationship ends the moment you turn off your electronic device; however, your new relationship with your Creator NEVER ENDS....even if you take your last breath in this realm, your next breath is taken in the realm that awaits you with your Heavenly Father...and that relationship continues for ETERNITY. So don't waste another minute looking to see if someone is friending you or tweeting about what you had for breakfast...if you are going to share anything with others, why not share who you KNOW with others you know so that they too can know that the LORD, HE IS GOD!!!! Help others see Jesus and help them get to know Him in a real and personal way, so that they, too, will have someone who sticks closer that a brother...yes, life really is about who you, get to know JESUS, the Light of this world and the one to come.

Thankful for who I know..and that HE KNOWS ME,


Poem for the day....

In this life of ups and downs
We often wonder where to turn;
When faced with life's struggles,
What lessons can we learn?

We can learn that we are loved
Or that no one seems to care;
We can struggle all alone
When no one else will share...

In the pain of our desperation
Or the unbearable loss we bear;
When life is shattered upon the rocks
And we're left standing there....

Peering into the life's abyss,
Can we face another day?
Of hardships, tears and brokenness
For we've truly lost our way.

But then a light come shining through;
Changing winds begin to blow...
It' not because of what we've done,
But because of WHO we know.

For we know the Heavenly Father
And we trust in His Only Son;
And we can claim the victory
The battle has been won....

So let us live so all can see
And may these seeds we sow;
That victory awaits those who claim
It is Jesus I love and know!!!!

WPQ © November 2019

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