Thursday, June 18, 2020

Happy Graduation ....Opening the Next Chapter

To all who have someone you know or love
graduating from high school or college,
the following is to share with them.

A Graduate's Prayer....

Where have the years gone
Since those first days of school...
Studying readin', writin' and 'rithmetic
And learning the Golden Rule?

From weeks to months; from months to years,
My, how the time has flown.
Now it's time to reap the harvest
For all the seeds you've sown.

Seeds of joy; seeds of pain;
Seeds of carelessness.
Seeds of warmth and kindness,
Of mercy and tenderness.
May life's road rise to meet you;
May your years be free from care.
May the Father always grant you...
Answers to .....A Graduate's Prayer!!!!

W. Patrick Queen April © 2000

Also,check out the following and share with anyone who
needs to be encouraged....this will do it !!!!!

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