Tuesday, April 12, 2022

When I Look Into The Mirror: A Celebration of Easter 2022


As we prepare our hearts and minds for this special season of hope, joy and love...we mourn the death of our Savior, all the while preparing our hearts to celebrate His victory over death in His glorious resurrection.  This Friday, at our Good Friday service, I hope to bless the people of my church with the drama presentation of WATCH THE LAMB. I covet your prayers as I prepare to share this poignant message of the death of Jesus Christ for every man, woman, boy or girl that has ever lived....every sin wiped away by the shed blood of Jesus...the work has been done, all that is left for you to do is accept the FREE GIFT OF GOD. It is my prayer that someone comes to know the joy of Easter in a way they have never experienced....






When I look into the mirror, what is it there I see?

Is it the man I think I am that's looking back at me?

Or is it a mirage of days gone by;  my imagination running wild;

That makes me think I'm staring into the face of a happy child....


A child once filled with wonder and dreams beyond compare

That keeps me staring so intently at the face that's captured there.

Or is it a young teenager with pimples upon my face

That kept me locked in solitude as I struggled to find my place.


A place filled with many friendship and smiling faces everywhere;

Loving friends to lend a hand when life had filled me with despair?

A place of hope and encouragement from those who took the time,

To pick me up when I had fallen or was down to my last dime?


The face that stares back at me;  now etched with lines and creases;

Is this the face that I have come to love.... a face that never ceases?

To try and find the good in others when it seems that all is loss....
It is then that I remember what God accomplished upon that cross.


Oh, the cruel cross of Calvary where Jesus took my place

So that when I look into the mirror, should I not see His face?

A face so filled with love for me, His death would pay my debt;

And as I live each day for Him, I pray 'tis a debt I won't forget.


So may I always be a beacon of His love that lives inside;

May the peace that I've been given be a joy I cannot hide;

May I look into life's mirror and each day be blessed to see...

It is the Lord, My Savior....always looking back at me!!!!!




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