Monday, April 22, 2024


As I continue my daily walk with Jesus, I am still constantly amazed by His grace and His boundless provision. Even after more than 68 years, following where Jesus has lead me in this life, I still find reasons to question His directions. I mean, all in all, my life has been pretty amazing as I look back and see the "bread crumbs" I have scattered along life's journey. Some are there to remind me from whence I came and some may have been scattered to help me find my road back home to Jesus...but of this much I am assured...JESUS HAS NEVER LEFT ME TO FLOUNDER IN MY MISERY OR LONELINESS WITHOUT REACHING OUT HIS HAND OF MERCY TO PICK ME UP, DUST ME OFF, AND PUT ME BACK ON THE RIGHT PATH OF OBEDIENCE AND A LIFE, ABUNDANT IN HIM.

 So, the question is always this....When we look back on the abundant times that God has led us and the wonderful outcomes that He has provided, why in Heaven's name do we try to take over the position of GUIDE AND TRAIL BLAZER? I must admit I struggle to answer that question....but let me try.

 I believe that even though scripture says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come." 2 COR. 5:17 (CSB)....We still do battle with our old nature which ALWAYS wants to put us in charge of our lives....where we go, what we do and how we get there. Unfortunately, this flies in the face of this new relationship with Christ as He seeks to make us that NEW CREATION IN HIM...all the while trying to help us get rid of our old nature as we grow into the new creation of who God has ordained us to be...and that my friend is more like Jesus everyday.

 So how do we get that done? I think that answer can be very complex or equally very simple...and you get to be the one to decide that answer for yourself. If you trust that your relationship with Jesus is growing, then turning more and more of life's decisions over to Him for His input and consultation becomes second nature...YOU DO IT WITHOUT STOPPING TO THINK IF THIS IS RIGHT FOR ME OR WHAT THE OUTCOME MIGHT BE?  For God ALWAYS has your GOOD and His GLORY at the heart of any matter that life brings your way; however, God may not always be totally interested in your comfort.... but HE IS ALWAYS VERY CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER....WHY? Because you are supposed to look a little more like Jesus EVERY DAY!!! can decide to let God tackle the BIG problems while you handle everything else. R IGHT?  I think, personally, that's a very selfish way to live. I mean, God saved you by His Mercy and over whelming Grace and He now claims you as His child...and I don't know a single, good, loving parent that lets a child decide what's best for them and then only steps in to clean up their mess....or stands on the sidelines until a BIG problem arises?

 So, know this....God doesn't just want the "leftovers" in your life...He wants to be included in all of it; the little things as well as those "whales" that threaten to swamp your boat! When you think of what Christ did on the cross, you will come to this great understanding of the relationship that God wants with you...for He has gone to a home that you do not know; to prepare a place you cannot see; so on a day that cannot be known, He will emerge  through parting clouds to bring you a peace and a comfort that you cannot even imagine...for it is His plan to rescue you from a darkness that you will NEVER KNOW because He loves you with a love that cannot be measured.

His Child....Waiting on THAT day,



Poem for the day....

 I am a child of Heaven

And one day I know not when;

I'll stand before my Savior,

My comfort and my best friend.


All around me, love ones will gather;

To welcome me to this place.

At last to see my Savior and

To be held in His warm embrace.


 Then I shall know that on that day

As the angels are gathered there;

The Lord of Hosts will welcome those

Who prayed that special prayer.


The prayer that asked the Father,

Who sent His Son to ransom all

To thank Him for His gift of grace

That saved us from the Fall.


And so as His children enter in

Surely songs of praise will ring...

Hosannas to Him in the Highest;

Forever... our LORD and KING!!!


W. Patrick Queen  ©  April 2024


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