Monday, July 14, 2008


It bothered me last night, after watching part of a telecast of Hannity’s America, that many of our service men and women are returning from the battle fields of Iraq and Afghanistan to be harassed, bullied and even killed by Americans here at home. The story of one brave, young Marine that was mugged, then shot in the neck and left for dead on the streets of Cleveland particularly got my ire up!!!!

It seems that two young men (thugs in training) accosted this Marine while he was waiting on a bus; tried to rob him and when they found that he had no money, told him he didn’t deserve to live and shot him. He was wearing his fatigues at the time …and after 5 months in the hospital, unable to move, he died. Shot because he fought to protect the liberties that will ensure that these worthless reprobates receive a fair trail (the prosecutor is seeking the death penalty in the case). I, like many of you, wonder what this world is coming to …and my only conclusion is THE END!!!

In the meantime, it is our jobs as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ to be diligent in our witness and to continue to salute the valiant effort of our military. Whether you agree with the war or not, these brave men and women deserve…no, they command your RESPECT AND ADMIRATION for a job well done in service to our country and to the defense of liberty that we all hold so dear.

It is for them and all those who will be returning to this great land that the following poem was written and is dedicated …..GOD BLESS THE ARMED FORCES OF THE USA AND THOSE WHO COMMAND AND SEEK THE WILL OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.


Welcome home, soldiers proud
Together, strong we stand
Defending freedom around the world
From this bright and promised land

Called to do your duty
To sacrifice for all
You proudly wear the uniform
For freedom, you stand tall.

You gave upon the battlefield
Your blood, your sweat and tears
And stood against the Evil ones
Who filled our lives with fear.

And now though spent, the battle won
Your respite is close at hand
As you return to freedom’s breast
To this great and glorious land;

We applaud you…we shout with joy
We immortalize this day
Welcome Home… Dear Patriots
To the good old U.S.A.

With Heartfelt Thanks We Salute Those Who Gave Their Best…
May God Bless You Every Day And Grant You His Sweet Rest!!!!!

W. Patrick Queen
February 14, 2005

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