Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Shoes

I sat down in my easy chair this morning and slipped my feet, one by one, into a new pair of shoes. I was instantly caught up in the smell of the leather and the suppleness of its touch as each shoe wrapped my foot in warmth and exquisite comfort.

Now, I didn’t particularly need a new pair of shoes, but I have had my eye on these for quite sometime and since they were on sale, I reasoned that now was the logical time to make such a purchase. I mean, after all, a well-dressed man needs more than one pair of black shoes; but, as I examined my closet, my eyes began to swell with tears as I realized how many shoes I have.

Now, I didn’t become emotional because I have numerous pairs of shoes, but rather, I was concerned about my cavalier attitude. I realized in that fleeting moment that God has truly blessed me and to have a closet full of shoes is just one immeasurable marker of His bounty and goodness. The list of his blessings to me and my family is endless and the reams of paper that it would take to write them all down, well, I couldn’t afford the cost of the paper.

Then, I asked myself, “Does God know how thankful I am? Have I taken even a moment to show Him how grateful I am for His goodness and provision?”

The answer truly saddens me …and if you would examine your heart, I am quite certain your conclusion would be the same as mine…I NEED TO HAVE A THANKFUL HEART.

I know that there are a lot of people in our country, as well as around the world, that are truly hurting and reeling from the economic turmoil that we are facing; however, that does not relieve us from our worship obligation to be thankful to our Heavenly Father.

Colossians 3:15-16 says, “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which you were indeed called in one body. AND BE THANKFUL (my emphasis). Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts.”

So today, why not sing a happy song, hum a lyrical tune, rejoice in the love and provision of the one who died to give you life everlasting….be thankful for your family, your church, your job (or the talents you have that will help you find another one), for a refrigerator with food or the refrigerator itself….whatever God has given you….BE THANKFUL AND BLESS THE NAME OF JESUS.

I know every step I take in these new shoes, Christ will receive my praise and adoration for his goodness ….and I will be thankful that his peace rules in my heart today.

I admonish you to do the same,


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