Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Working in His Garden

How many workdays in a work week seems like a trick question, but what about how many Sundays in a week? Well, according to Heaven’s calendar, they are SEVEN…that’s right, Seven! You see, God sanctifies each day as a holy day to conduct His holy business... at all hours and in all places.

Somewhere, many of us got the notion that we work 5 or 6 days each week and then give God the day that He originally reserved for himself…the Sabbath or Sunday; but God owns each day, especially your workdays. He ordained your work as something good.

You see, God is the Author and originator of work. After He created Adam, but before He gave him a wife, a family or even a loin cloth….God gave Adam a JOB! Genesis 2:15 tells us that “The Lord took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

All that was to come was important and highly prized by God, so He created man to work and placed him in the garden. Surely God knew that idle hands were the Serpent’s playground…so He wasted no time in putting Adam to work.

Where is your garden and what calling has God placed before you? Are you laboring at the kitchen sink or chasing your children around at the park? Are you the CEO of a corporate entity or the mechanic at the local car dealer? Is your job one that brings you pleasure and God glory…..or are you just going through the motions, showing up, doing the minimum and waiting on pay day?


So, don’t shrink from that sink…. turn it into a shrine for God’s glory as you become the best home engineer/child psychologist/resident botantist in your neighborhood.

Running a multi- million dollar company….commit your best to making it successful by fully honoring the God of the Universe in all your dealings and your will make each 9 to 5 day an adventure in serving the Lord.

Not sure how to “tend and keep” the garden that God has entrusted to you….then, let’s talk or else, seek the advice of godly counsel. Either way, God has or is in the process of putting you to work for Him.

Don’t be caught asleep at the wheel…God expects you to be at work for Him and His Kingdom…no matter what the job, God has fully equipped you to accomplish His tasks.We have all heard the saying,"God does not guide where He does not provide." So know this...God has already wired you for the occupation that He has ordained and He has fully prepared and equipped you for the work that lies ahead...your job is to rejoice and be glad in it!

Remember, He has called all of the physically, able-bodied to work in His garden until He comes…so work as working for the Lord…..because that is a true act of worship.


Working ‘til He comes…honoring Him daily,

Whatever task God has given you
Be filled with holy zest;
For when you’re working for the Lord,
He expects your very best.

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