Saturday, July 8, 2017

Part Two of The Pothole of Bitterness....

When it comes to the pothole of bitterness, you are faced with two choices of how you will react to having such a jarring experience. You can move forward in retaliation or you can release your anger and hurt in forgiveness...the choice is always YOURS!

Unfortunately for most people (Christians included), we see the course of retaliation as the correct course of action. After all, these people (our boss, parents, siblings, co-workers; the list goes on and on), they should be held accountable for their words, deeds and actions that harmed us in such a fact, if we don't punish them, how will they ever learn not to treat others the way they treated us? God has something to say about that ....simply,


So if God is in the business of setting things right and seeing that they learn their lesson, what should we do? Romans 12:20-21 says, "Therefore, if your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in so doing, you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome with evil, rather overcome evil with good."

And I call that let go and let God. You were never meant to punish those that harm you; that activity belongs to a holy and righteous God. You were made to trust God and His infinite are to leave the details of who, how, when and why someone receives their "crops" from the seeds of destruction they have sown. Trust me, God has a whole lot more in store for them than you or I could ever imagine!

So forgive, forget and get back on the road to the abundant life that God has in store for you. Please don't let the pothole of bitterness wreck your life as you struggle each day to carry the baggage of hurt, hate and heartache from the evil someone has inflicted on you. Yes, there will be wounds that may never heal; scars that are visible and deeply etched into your soul...but the good news is simple....GOD LOVES YOU AND WHEN ALL IS OVER ....YOU WIN!!!!

Living Triumphantly.....Tasting the Sweetness of His Goodness,


Poem for the Day:
Life can have its ups and downs
And people can be cruel;
But we who trust in the Father's love,
We follow the Golden Rule.

We don't allow the Evil one
To steal our joy away.
We gladly shun the bitterness
That life may bring our way.

We walk where God will lead us
And trust in His recompense
For someday in the future
His ways will all make sense!

WPQ 2017

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