Tuesday, January 21, 2020


If you have turned on your TV set anytime in the last week or so, you have surely seen the incredible photos of the fires that are still raging across the continent of Australia. To date, they have burned over 14 million acres; killed over half-a-billion animals and displaced and left homeless thousands upon thousands of people with literally nowhere to go. It truly seems to be a disaster of end-of-the-world proportions....which got me to thinking;


The Bible clearly tells when Jesus said, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Matthew 24:36)...that means NO ONE; not the angels nor Jesus know the time when Christ will return to earth in His Second Coming...that piece of information is held solidly in the heart and mind of our Heavenly Father, GOD ALMIGHTY. But, that does not stop mankind, in our puny attempt to know God's plans, from taking a look at such catastrophes as these fires, or terrific storms or hurricanes, or earth-shattering earthquakes to get the prognosticators fired up with their predictions. If you hear any such nonsense regarding a date and time of Christ's return, do the simple and prudent thing; IGNORE IT!!!

HOWEVER, what the Bible does tell us in no uncertain terms is that we are to live, to be vigilant and prepared for the return of Christ and the end of this age...all other so-called signs are just that...signs of the coming and nothing more. In Matthew, Jesus says, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Matthew 24:42-44

You see, for each of us, there is an appointed time that we will stand before our Maker...it might be at the end of the age or perhaps, at the end of today?  In fact, everyone across the world stands just one heartbeat away from standing before the one and only TRUE God; so it matters not so much as when you stand before Him as HOW YOU STAND BEFORE HIM!

You can stand as a sinner, redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus who paid your sin debt and now waits for the command of the Father to come and receive His Children...of which you are;

Or as a SINNER, condemned to eternal separation from a Loving Father that paid the price for your redemption which you failed to receive because you did not accept this FREE GIFT...but you WILL stand, either forever a Child of the King or forever as one cast into darkness and the weeping and gnashing of teeth....THIS IS THE CHOICE THAT DETERMINES YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY...SO CHOOSE WISELY...THERE ARE NO "DO-OVERS"!

So for our friends of humanity that are dealing with these atrocious fires, pray diligently for the expeditious expulsion of this calamity. Pray that our great and mighty God will raise up a world to help in this tragedy and if so led, give money and resources to aid in this healing; but more than that; be sure, even today, that you are not banking on someone or something to predict when Christ will come again so that you can get ready to meet Him face-to-face...settle that decision and that meeting today, before it is too late...Meet Jesus and ask Him to come into your life as your Savior and then make Him, Lord over all!

After all, it has HEAVENLY CONSEQUENCES that will last, FOREVER as you celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords...Come Lord Jesus, COME!

Ready for His coming should it be TODAY,

Poem for the day...

Christ is coming back real soon
Or so the signs would say?
And if I am to meet my Lord
Could this be that day?

The day of His return to earth
When He comes in strength and power;
The day He comes to claim His own;
Could this be the hour?

So I will be ready
If today should be the day...
As I stand before my Creator
May I hear Him say,

"Well done My good and faithful One
Through hardships you have past;
And now at home, you will find rest...
And forever it will last!"

WPQ © Jan 2020

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