Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter to All!

This year, in the midst of the world crisis of the corona virus, we will be forced to observe our Easter celebration in a different manner. We will not be able to gather with family and friends at our church to worship and sing those glorious Easter hymnns; we will not gather later for an Easter dinner with those we love and hold dear to our hearts. Most of us will spend this Easter in some manner of let us reflect on how that must feel. 

Christ endured such isolation as all of those He so dearly loved abandoned Him and hid...but as we hide from this pandemic, sheletered in our homes, let us remember that  HE IS RISEN and may we be joyful, knowing that today, 

He is Risen.....
On that last evening,
Before sharing their last meal;
The Son of God girded his waist
And at their feet, He would kneel.

To demonstrate His unending love
So all the world could see;
How we can serve each other
When we love unselfishly.

So to the garden, they did go;
Met with torches and betrayal kiss...
The Son of Man was lead away;
Surely things had gone amiss.

Standing in the courtyard,
Could this truly be God's plan;
That Pilate would give in to them
And crucify this guiltless man?

They led Him down Golgotha's Road;
His blood stained that Roman Cross.
Crucified between two thieves...
There could be no greater loss.

The day dragged on, the sky grew dark;
The sun no longer shone.
The Son of God had come to die,
For this, He left His throne!

He whispered, "It is finished"
Rumblings shook the earth;
For this had been the Father's plan
Since that lowly, virgin birth.

To lead His Son down this wretched road
What heart can take this in...
That Christ must be the sacrifice
To pay the debt for all our sin.

Taken down from that deadly tree,
Then  placed in a borrowed grave;
Jesus had borne our every sin,
For the world of sinners, His life He gave.

But God would not leave Him there
There so much more to this story.
For three days later He would arise,
So the Father would receive the glory.

For on that bright and fateful morn
The stone was rolled away;
The Son of God came triumphantly
Into the light of a brand new day.

For death could not seal Him in;
Death's sting had lost its power.
For Jesus arose to live again 
At the Resurrection hour....

And so we serve a LIVING king
The grave could not contain;
And one day we shall rise like Him...

WPQ © Easter April 2020

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