Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What Scares You? (II)

The following is an UPDATED reprint of the Series....

Living in the Throes of Fear...
Or Trusting in the God of the Universe!

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what's on TV, written in the newspapers or posted on the Internet to know that these are VERY TROUBLING days in which we live. The world has become so connected as a global theater of mankind that what effects someone in China on one day can begin to have a major effect in all parts of the world, only a day later. Just hop on a jet as a carrier of a lethal virus and you can begin to infect hundreds of thousands of people just by coughing on a countertop at a coffee shop in an airport...or any of a hundred other ways one might spread a pandemic.

Maybe you are like so many of our fellow countrymen, hunkered down in your homes, afraid to go outside; to stop and chat with a neighbor; or push a grocery cart around the market as you rush to grab a few items and return to the seclusion of your home. Or maybe, you are someone that is essential to the fight of the corona virus that has swept across our world, caused thousands of unforeseen deaths and left most people feeling hopelessly isolated and alone....and yet there you stand, mask and protective clothing in place, trying desperately to stem the tide of this horrible disease that has us all on edge; afraid of what is and what is yet to come? Maybe you are gripped with an overwhelming feeling of FEAR, DREAD or UNCERTAINTY?

Perhaps  you find yourself in some similar mindset and might admit to the same feelings that have been aroused in me. So, in the spirit of honesty, I am drawn to ask this simple question…..WHAT SCARES YOU?

Now, I don’t mean ghosts and goblins and ghouls…rather, with all that is happening in this world, what feelings and uncertainties have gripped you and left you feeling  paralyzed with what lies ahead in the days to come?

Is it unemployment….stock market crash…terrorists….war….famine….nuclear weapons that fall into the hands of Islamic extremists……divorce….broken family ties…..death and the life after…..I could go on and on; but, you get my point.

There is much that can upset us and frighten us …..Much that can make us want to lock ourselves behind strong doors and wait for the Lord’s return; but Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7:

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

This week, I want to update and republish a series of devotions based on the best-selling book of Dr. David Jeremiah entitled, “How to Live Confidently in a Chaotic World.” In this 5 part series, we will look at the things in life that might cause us consternation and then see what God’s Word has to say regarding our ability to move out and into this world as confident Christians….I hope you will join me as we begin to refute those things that would scare us and replace that fear with power that comes from knowing the God of the Universe….

Looking confidently forward …forgetting the forgiven past,


Poem for the day...

What is it in this life
That makes your stomach queasy;
Leaves you feeling timid and afraid,
Rattled and uneasy?

Maybe it's the sounds of war
And the strife between all men,
That has us all questioning
Is this world coming to an end?

But I am here to tell you
If your faith's on solid ground
And you're holding tight to Jesus...
Then nothing can take you down.

Just keep your focus on our Lord
In these dark and troubling days...
And know that we can confidently live
If we just follow in His Way!!!!

WPQ © May 2018

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