Saturday, December 24, 2022


I had a VERY illuminating experience early this morning. While lying in bed, I realized the bedroom was VERY cold, especially with the temperature hovering around 0 degrees; so, I grabbed the little remote to my portable heater, hit the "ON" switch and listened for the sound of upcoming warmth...NOTHING HAPPENED; SO, I rose from my bed to see what was the matter and what to my eyes should suddenly appear....TOTAL DARKNESS...THE POWER TO OUR ALL ELECTRIC HOME WAS OUT!!!! So as not to awaken my beautiful wife from her restful sleep, I grabbed my trusty flashlight (that is always next to my side of the bed), went into the family room and lit some candles. This allowed me to better determine that indeed the power was out and THE HEAT WAS NOT RUNNING.

So, I returned to the bedroom, pulled on some heavy sweats and turtleneck and climbed back in bed. While lying there in the darkness, with just the hint of light coming from the candles in the adjacent room, it was at that moment, when I asked the Lord to get the lights back on, I came to fully realize how much I have for which I should give thanks...SO THAT'S WHAT I DID!!!

As I gazed into the shroud of darkness that filled my bedroom, I began to thank God that there was a roof over my head; that I had warm clothes to put on; that I was in a warm bed, with quilts and blankets covering me from my bald head to my socked feet below. I had a heater (waiting on the power to come back on) that would begin to warm my room and a HVAC system that would once again bring warmth to our home....and most of all, there was a tireless, well-trained power company employee, just outside our house, that was at work to restore our power and all the things that fill our house with joy when the power is on!!!!

So what else did God teach this old man this morning in the darkness? He taught me that it was not that long ago, when this world was plunged into darkness; when there in the perfect garden that He had created for His most wonderful creations, Adam and Eve willingly chose to disobey the one simple thing God told them not to do...and that first bite of that apple plunged this world into the darkness of sin and evil....and it remained that way for thousands of years...but as time rolled on through the ages, God's plan to redeem His creations came into being "at just the right time."

The Holy Scriptures tell us in Luke 2:1, "At the right time in those days, Caesar Augustus sent out word that the name of every person in the Roman nation must be written in the books of the nation."  (New Life Version).... and thus began the story that we all know as "The Christmas Story." In this decree by Caesar Augustus, Joseph took Mary, who was "great with child" and they began their journey to Bethlehem. Upon arrival and finding no place in the inn in which to rest, they made their way to the barn where THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD...THE BABY JESUS....THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD WAS BORN!

And that light is still ALIVE AND WELL in the hearts, minds and souls of those who know this Christ-child as the KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS...who upon leaving His royal throne, laying down His crown and taking on the mortal being of man; came to earth in human form and debased himself, so that we might see GOD, face-to-face...

 EMMANUAEL...GOD WITH US!!! And that story is still true in every heart and mind of every believer that knows without a shadow of doubt that Christ came as a babe; died as a spotless lamb on a cruel cross to pay our sin debt; and then on the third day, through the miraculous power of our Almighty God, rose again and is now once again, at the right hand of the Father, just waiting for God's command to "go get my children and bring them HOME to me!"

So this Christmas season, please don't stumble around in the darkness, looking in all the wrong places for something or someone to fill that empty hole in your life....that hole belongs to Jesus! For only He can save the "sin-sick soul" and fill it with love, joy and peace everlasting....and that all will happen when you allow the baby Jesus to become the LIGHT OF YOUR LIFE....


Thankful for all....Living in the LIGHT...Shining for HIM,





I was tired, weary; it had been a long, long day

When came the knock at the door; I turned to walk away,

But peering out the window, there on the dusty street

A young man, his pregnant wife…stood shuffling their feet.


He knocked again upon my door and pleaded to let him in.

I opened the door just a crack and said, “There’s no room in this Inn.”

“Please, dear sir,” I heard him beg, “don’t turn us away,

We’ve been traveling for so long; my wife needs a place to lay.”


“Be gone,” was my curt reply, “there’s no room in this place;

You should have made better plans; your steps you should retrace.

Go back to your home, for this small town is filled to its brim.

There’s not a room to be found in this little village of Bethlehem.”


“I can’t go back” was his reply, “I must follow Caesar’s decree,

I’ve returned to my ancestral home…my wife and our child to be.”

I closed the door and turned to go for there was much that must be done;

 What with guests to feed and beds to make before the setting of the sun.


But walking down the hallway of my busy, bustling inn

I thought of that young family and how I spoken then;

Sorrow filled my heavy heart …Oh, how I wish that I was able

To give them shelter for the night. Wait! What about the stable?


So turning on my heel, I raced to open the closed door

To catch a fleeting glimpse of this young family once more.

“Come my son,” I said to him, “I think I might have some room;

Away from the dirty streets; away from the despair and gloom.”


“It isn’t what I would want for you; but, maybe it will meet your need.

It’s warm, dry and quiet…it’s where the cattle feed.”

So there Joseph and sweet Mary, safe from the city’s danger

Began to prepare their baby’s bed …a lowly cattle’s manger.


The time came late that night that she would deliver

In swaddling clothes she wrapped her son so he wouldn’t shiver.

The sky had such a wondrous glow…darkness gave way to light

I knew not why, but my heart was warmed on that special, glorious night.


For in my haste and weariness, I almost missed His birth

The night the Holy Son of God came down to live on earth

My life was full; my heart was cold…there was no room for Him then

I turned away God’s most precious gift for there was no room in the Inn.


Oh, don’t be too busy…too filled with life’s chores

To turn away the Savior from behind a closed door

Just let his love envelop you and know beyond all reason

To celebrate His birth each year is the greatest gift of this season.


W. Patrick Queen

December 14, 2007


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