Monday, December 5, 2022


The poem that follows is new and was written today in honor of one of my childhood friends that was my back-door neighbor, JOEL DRIVER. Joel is battling a rare disease, Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma and the doctors have not given him a good prognosis. He refused any treatment since they could not offer any hope, even with surgery, chemo or the chance at a better quality of life; so he has courageously battled this disease, facing each new battle head on. I ask you to join me in prayer for Joel in the days that lie ahead that he might find comfort in the love of family and grace and mercy in at the hands of Jesus. This could well be his last Christmas with his family, so I pray that the love and support of his family and friends will be ever present as a constant reminder of how much he is LOVED AND CHERISHED!!!

The story of the Christ child
And the way that it unfolds;
Is a story that bears repeating
No matter how many times it's told.
It is a story of God's great love for us;
The night that Heaven came to earth;
As the angels welcomed the tiny babe
Who was born of a virgin birth.
The angels in one great chorus
Declared to the shepherd throng;
"Peace on Earth, goodwill to men...
'Twas the message of the angels song.
The shepherds hurried off to see
This wonder to them proclaimed;
Not knowing that the Son of God
Had come to earth to claim....
The soul of every Child of God
Would nail Him to that tree...
As He would shed His precious blood
On that hill called Calvary.
So that everyone who would believe
The message the angels did sing;
Would seek His will in obedience
As they worshiped the Christ-child KING!!!
So let us not forget this tiny child
Who should be the center of this season;
For in every heart that He indwells
Knows that JESUS IS THE REASON!!!!
So to everyone who believes in Him
Let the message ring loud and clear...
Share the Good News of Christmas JOY
With all those that you hold dear!!!!
WPQ © December 2022

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