Monday, September 29, 2008

Good news ...or Bad news?

So many of us today, even in perilous times, want to view the world through our rose-colored glasses. We refuse to listen to bad news and often close our ears to anything that might upset us. We only want to hear GOOD NEWS.

In fact, it seems to be a game for many folks. We have all had someone say to us, “I have some good news and some bad news…which do you want to hear first?” And usually, without fail, we always want to hear the good news first.

So here goes……

The GOOD NEWS is simply this…..John 3:16, “For God so loved the world (your name goes here) that He gave His only Son that whosoever (your name goes here) believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

And that, in its simplest form is the good news that God has delivered to His creation….if we believe that Christ died for our sins and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we have eternal life with the Father and His only Son.


Later in the same chapter, John 3: 36, spells out the bad news, “Whoever (your name goes here) believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever (your name goes here) does not obey the Son shall NOT see life, but the wrath of God remains on him (your name goes here).”

Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior and friend….then; you are welcome at the feast that is being prepared for those who have been adopted into the family of God. If you do not know him, the consequences are spelled out in no uncertain terms….the WRATH OF GOD IS UPON YOU.

Not sure what that means? Just take a walk through the Old Testament and see how God dealt with the enemies of His people…it’s not a pretty picture….that is why I’m so thankful that I will not have to endure God’s wrath.

But you say, “That’s the Old Testament God of hell, fire and brimstone. The God of the New Testament is all about LOVE.” And that is true, for in the New Testament, God demonstrates His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

However; the verse you read above comes from the NT and it is the promise from a God that is holy and just. You will reap what you have sown …unless the shed blood of Christ covers your sin and your faith in His Son becomes the substitution for your disobedience, rebellion and disdain for a holy God.

The Good News…..God is waiting for you; willing and able to apply the sacrifice of His Son’s shed blood to redeem you and to usher you into His Kingdom as a joint heir with Christ….

The Bad News…..if you have not made a decision for Christ, then you have made a decision against Christ…. and the wrath of God is hanging over you like a mighty ax about to fall.

Don’t delay and run the risk of passing into eternity without Christ….the stakes are too high….your eternal life, where and how you spend it, hangs in the balance.

If you want to make that decision today, just pray this simple prayer….

Heavenly Father,
I am a sinner and I am living apart from the plan you have for my life. I confess my sin and ask Jesus to come into my heart and live. Make me a new creature with a heart for you and instruct me so that I may follow Jesus in all I say and do. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior and I want to live for Him everyday. Thank you for saving me and making me part of your family.

If you just prayed this prayer, I’ve got GOOD NEWS for you….welcome to the Kingdom of God…you are a Child of the KING.



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