Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Change...Is It A Good Thing?

I don’t know about you; but, if you’re anything like me….change does not come easy and it is hardly ever welcomed. Oh, I know there is that rare bird that lives for change, but, let’s face it, they’re probably a few feathers short when it comes to their wingspan.

No! Change is Hard! That’s why I am so proud of me. Yesterday, I instituted a change for me and I did it all on my own volition. Now, it’s not a big change, but it is still change. I now get up each morning at 5:50 to begin my day with the Lord.

My old routine had me rising at about 6:50 or so, helping my wife with any morning activities that would help her and our daughter make the departure for work and school on time, then a brisk walk around the neighborhood, followed by breakfast. Then, I would make the trek upstairs to my “writing chair” and settle in to have my Quiet Time with the Lord. I began by reading a devotional, spent time in the Word and then closed the time with prayer. Now, I always promised myself that I would stay and spend as much time as God wanted me to spend with him before plowing into the rest of my daily activities….but, in my mind, time was always constraining me to “get moving to make hay while the sun shine.” So, God got some of me….not the best of me!

That’s why my change is so significant….now I meet Him first thing in the morning. I begin my day drawing close to the Lord. I read His Word and listen for Him to speak. I pray and thank Him for the challenges that await me in the day that He has blessed and set before me…and I promise, by His grace, to meet Him again tomorrow at the same time. I must admit, change is good.

In fact, God’s word says so in Lamentations 3:22-25, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”

Is God good to you? Do you know and experience His new mercies each morning? Do you give God the best part of you or do you ration him a portion of the leftovers? Maybe, it’s time for some radical thinking….maybe; IT’S TIME FOR A CHANGE.

Why not give it a try? Give God the start of each new day. Covenant to meet Him first thing each morning, even if only for a week…just to see how it goes! I can speak from experience that I am already seeing a difference in me and in my walk with the Lord.

The poem that follows is my gift to God from our meeting yesterday….may you be blessed as you consider any change that brings you in closer communion with our Lord.

Rising early….Seeking His Face,



When I meet you in the morning, I begin the day anew
And morning’s light is filtered through the mist of morning dew.

When I meet you in the morning and take the time to stop and pray;
I know that you will walk with me…. every step throughout my day.

When I meet you in the morning, I take your word and there I read;
A message you’ve meant just for me…. or a lesson I should heed.

When I meet you in the morning and I listen to hear your voice;
My spirit is encouraged, Lord, and my soul seeks to rejoice….

My thoughts are set on you dear, Lord, at dawn’s first early light;
And heaven’s gates are flung open wide as my spirit soars in flight.

I’m gathered at the Throne Room’s door and there I’m ushered in
To a quiet time with the one I love…My Savior and My Friend.

Oh, how I love our quiet time when morning breaks anew;
For you are there to hold me close in this special time with you….

May I never take for granted, Lord, this blessed time you spend with me;
For the glimpse of heaven’s glory….for the wonders revealed to me.

As I meet you every morning, Lord, and open your Holy word;
I ask that you will help me hear the message you want heard…..

I ask that you will grant me, Lord, a willing heart, each day anew;
So others who may see my life will know I belong to you.

For when I meet you every morning, Lord, on this promise I shall depend;
One day you’ll call me home to glory…to where the mornings never end.

W. Patrick Queen
November 2008

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