Friday, November 28, 2008

Open the Door..Just Do It Today!

There is one sound or phrase that you will NEVER hear coming out of our Lord’s mouth….


That is a sound that is made by man not by our God on High…for nothing has EVER caught our God by surprise. He has never had to “go with Plan B”, search for a “better alternative” or even questioned “if this was good for all concerned.”

HE IS GOD… and His ways are higher and better than ours. We can not begin to fathom the depths of His ways nor understand the “whys” of His heart; but, we can trust who he is and we can find great comfort and hope in the desires of His heart.

His word says in Hebrews that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and tomorrow.” In other words, GOD NEVER CHANGES … and in a world that is in constant flux and seemingly unending change, this knowledge should give us hope and peace in spite of our circumstances.

You may be dealing with a job change or loss…aging parents and how to care for them…teenagers that are hell bent on self destruction….facing retirement with limited funds…or a myriad of who knows what….but that’s okay, GOD KNOWS WHAT… AND HE STANDS READY WITH HIS HEAVENLY HOST TO COME TO YOUR RESCUE.

None of the calamities that may be fall us ever catch God off guard…He is prepared to deal with each one. He just needs your permission…for God will not force himself or His will on you. He said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me.” Revelation 3:20
He is waiting just outside your door. Do you hear him knocking …are you listening for his voice…are you willing to ask Him to come in and break bread with you?

Help is just on the other side of the door. If you open it and invite God in, He will make your path straight; he will guide you beside the still waters; he will restore your soul…..and he will give you the abundant life for which you were created.

God can deal with any problem, forgive any sin, cleanse the blackest heart and make new that which is dead…the choice is yours!

Why not invite the Master to be the Lord and Savior of your life…why not do it today? He will not stand at the door and knock forever…he will not continue to call your name and be ignored, shouted down by the cares of this material world. One day, you will draw your last breath and this life will be over; but, your eternity will have just begun!

Where will you spend eternity…. Forever with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit…or in the lake of fire?


Changed forever by the One that never changes,


If life is filled with strife and stress
No peace for the troubled heart
Just listen for the Savior’s voice
Then your fears will soon depart.

He’s standing at your heart’s door
If you open the door you’ll find
The Father will come in to you
And bring sweet peace of mind.

W. Patrick Queen

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