Tuesday, November 18, 2008


There is a story concerning David in I Samuel that we should all take to heart …it goes like this….

David was still on the run from his adversary, Saul, when he and his band of 400 misfits took shelter in the cave of Adullam. David went from there to Mizpeh, to the King of Moab and asked the king to let his mother and father reside with him …at least, as scripture says, “till I know what God will do for me.” He hurried back to the cave and there remained…hunkered down in his stronghold.

Now, the stronghold was indeed a refuge from his enemies and a place where he and his men could take rest, eat and keep out of the elements; however, after some time in this stronghold, I am quite confident this place became a bastion of disappointment and despair. After all, David had been anointed to be the next King of Israel; he had defeated Goliath and the Philistines and had won many other battles under the flag of the king. This was NO PLACE for a man of his reputation and promise…that’s why the prophet Gad arrived with this edict from the Lord, “Do not remain in the stronghold; depart and go into the land of Judah.” I Samuel 22: 5

So, David, ever the obedient man of God, departed to the forest of Hereth. Now, I’m not sure what was waiting for David in the forest…but this I do know…. Judah means “praise”…. and God was calling David to leave the safety and despair of his stronghold and step out in praise to the Lord of Hosts. He was called by the prophet to leave behind the old ways…to move out and…MOVE UP TO THE HIGH CALLING OF GOD!!!!

Maybe that’s where you find yourself today…..You’ve been, or are being, pursued by your enemies. You’ve found a stronghold that gives you a moment’s peace from the worried and hectic pace of life. You feel safe, but you know it is only temporary. You feel disheartened and you’re sure that no one understands …or even cares!

Well, think again my friend…GOD CARES and he is calling you to move out and make your way to your land of Judah (PRAISE)…to move up to the life that is waiting for you as you seek God’s will and walk in His ways. He is calling you out of the cave of constraint into the forest of fulfillment….He is calling you to cast aside the discouragement that keeps you shackled from living in fullness and to breathe deeply the clean air of praise that will fill your life to overflowing abundance.

Yes, our God is calling you to MOVE OUT AND MOVE UP….to see life from a mountaintop view of obedience and to know that HE THAT IS FOR US IS FAR GREATER THAN He that stands against us.

Live like a King…or at least follow in his footsteps and depart from you stronghold to the high calling that God has before you…enter today into your land of Praise…you’ll find God is waiting there to meet you …for He cares for you!!!!

Breaking down strongholds…living in obedience,

Discouraged, down-hearted,
Filled with despair and doubt;
Until I broke down the stronghold….
I’m Movin” up by Movin’ out!!!!

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