Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Singing in the Midst of Trials...

We all know that life is fraught with trials, tribulations and "bad days"....days that make you want to pull your hair out or at least shed a tear or two.

Paul, that great apostle and follower of Jesus Christ, had more than his fair share of those kind of days. In fact in Scripture, he recounts all his "bad days" and the many misfortunes, beatings and near-death experiences that have beset him in the course of his relationship with His Lord and Savior. But the one that always brings a smile to my face in found in Acts 16: 24-28.

As life for Paul goes, he and his ministry partner, Silas, have been thrown into prison and the jailer has made sure that they are not going anywhere by placing them in the inner prison with their feet and hands securely fastened in the stocks. As the midnight hour approaches, Paul and Silas do what any intelligent men in a situation like this would do...they pray and they heard me correctly; THEY SING SO THAT ALL THE PRISONERS CAN HEAR THEM!

And then God shows up....there is a "great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed."  The jailer is awakened by all the clamor and realizing that all the doors of the prison are open and that the prisoners have probably escaped, prepares to take his own life. Paul calls out and tells him not to harm himself  for everyone is still the same miserable condition as before except for one thing...GOD STEPPED IN WHEN THEY SANG PRAISES TO HIM.

And that makes for a great lesson for you and me...whenever we find ourselves imprisoned by the trials and tribulations of life, know this... that is not the time to wallow in self-pity and self-reliance...that is the time to PRAISE the Lord and sing of His power and might. It is in those times that our OUTLOOK on our situation needs to change and become an UPLOOK to God's sustaining mercy and grace.

Maybe God has placed you in a terrible situation so that you might learn a new lesson regarding His ability to make "all things new" ...or to be a witness to others of His great love and power as He releases you from the "chains" of your fears and inadequacies (remember the other prisoners heard the singing of Paul and Silas)...or just maybe, God is preparing you for a greater ministry that will require you to be more dependent on Him than ever before.

Whatever the reason, one thing should be crystal clear regarding our "bad days"....God is SOVEREIGN, still on His throne and He alone knows the is you and I that need the earthquake to be reminded that He is at work.

So next time you find yourself beset with a particular trial that is getting the best of you...DON'T SWEAT IT ....SING ABOUT IT! Lift your voice in praise to the ONE true God who loves you and gave His Son for you....and as we say down South..."If that don't make you sing, your heart's been broke!"

Tested in the trials of Life....Singing to the Savior,


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